Fukushima Disaster

Fukushima Disaster AstrologyIn this post we look at the horoscope of the explosion at the Fukushima nuclear plant as a result of the Japan earthquake. As was mentioned in the discussion on the Japan Horoscope posts, the trans-Neptunian planet Sedna was included in the chart because it may well be linked to the earth changes we are experiencing. I don’t care anymore about the statistics and what the increasingly marginalized skeptics might say, we are definitely seeing and increase in the number and severity of natural disasters in the beginning of the 21st century.

The explosion which blew the lid off the Fukushima I nuclear plant occurred on March 11, 2011 at 3.36 pm [1]. You can see in the chart below that Sedna is conjunct the Midheaven. Conjunct the Descendant is Ceres, associated with environmental concerns.

There are a couple of stars rising which describe the event very well. The Alphard star in Hydra the Water Snake. Astrologers have always associated this star with poison, so these days nuclear radiation would fit the interpretation. The other rising star is Adhafera in constellation Leo. The Adhafera star is associated with “suicide poison, corrosive acids, liquid explosives, liquid fire” [2].

Update: I’ve been chatting with fellow Australian astrologer Ed Tamplin. He made a prediction at the beginning of this year:

“The January Eclipse has an explosive effect as it falls on the Mars degree of Ivy Mike – the first hydrogen bomb, Chernobyl, and the US invasion of Afghanistan. It also activates the Sun position of the 1608 Jamestown fire, the Jupiter of the Bhopal gas explosion and Saturn of the Great Fire of London. This fiery eclipse may accompany an increase in explosions and fires, either planned or accidental, in the early part of the year.” Ed Tamplin – Astrology Predictions 2011

Fukushima Disaster AstrologyI’ve added some pages with charts: Three Mile Island Disaster – Chernobyl Disaster

10 degrees Aries looks to be one link between these three nuclear disasters:
10°22′ Aries – Fukushima Jupiter
10°58′ Aries – Chernobyl Mercury
10°29′ Aries – Three Mile Moon

Ceres, associate with environmental concerns look to be important:

Fukushima accident: Ceres conjunct DC.

Transits from Fukushima accident to Japan Horoscope:  Ceres conjunct MC

Transits from Fukushima accident to Three Mile Island accident:
Solar Eclipse sextile Ceres
New Moon conjunct Ceres
Mars conjunct Ceres
Vertex square Ceres

Transits from Fukushima accident to Chernobyl accident: Chiron opposite Ceres

Chiron also look to be important:

Transits from Fukushima accident to Japan horoscope:
Pluto opposite Chiron
Chiron conjunct Mercury

Transits from Fukushima accident to Three Mile Island accident: Pluto trine Chiron

Transits from Fukushima accident to Chernobyl accident:
Chiron opposite Ceres
Moon conjunct Chiron

1. theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2011/03/12/crisis-explosion-rattles-fukushima-nuclear-plant-in-japan/
2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.117.

717 thoughts on “Fukushima Disaster

  1. This is close up learning of the importance of the 2d amendment to the US Constitution. the right to bear arms.. as it was intended to preserve the right to defend oneself against aggression FROM THE GOVERNMENT. As all the National Guard Units were intended for use against workers rebellions during the 19th century. Welcome to reality of the nature of government. Look at Syria.. checks and balances weren’t enough.. this time around will be working out just how to set up something that truly protects the people. But first is educating the youth to respect life- all life. Without a solid morality based on understanding the true human nature – the Divine that exist within- nothing will or can work. As is taught in yoga- “See God in Each other”. From a Cancer born in the USA when the USA was still a free country.

    • jim: “… born in the USA when the USA was still a free country.”
      Touching my heart, jim …. touching my heart.

  2. Radiation Readings in Fukushima Reactor Rise to Highest Since Crisis Began
    By Tsuyoshi Inajima and Michio Nakayama – Apr 27, 2011

    Gundersen Postulates Unit 3 Explosion May Have Been Prompt Criticality in Fuel Pool


  3. Chris – I’m happy you are feeling better and getting your cosmic perspective! I’m glad you also found Natural News to be good.

    AET: This idea that “we are, collectively repeating something that has happened before” always intrigues me. The Cycles of Time as described in the Sanskrit texts support this. There is even the very strange, to my mind, reference which has always baffled me. In the Vayu Purana it states that the “differences that occur in the various creations are confined to twenty-five, neither more nor less.”

    The Vayu Purana: Kalpas, Manvantaras & Yugas 
    Chapter 58?
    Verse 116. In a single set of four Yugas everything happens in the manner you have heard now. In the other sets of four Yugas also the same thing happens in the same order. ?
    117. The differences that occur in the various creations are confined to TWENTY-FIVE, neither more nor less.?
    118. So also Kalpas and the Yugas are similar in characteristics. ?This alone is the characteristic sign of all the Manvantaras.
    119. So also the transitions of the Yugas occur naturally. They are eternal as well. But the living beings that undergo modifications in the form of dissolution and re-creation cannot be permanent.?121-122. In respect to future Manvantaras the traits shall be inferred from the previous one. In the Manvantaras whether of the past or of the future, know that the Manvantaras shall be explained by the present one; ONE KALPA IS EXPLAINED BY EXPLAINING ANOTHER.

    Does this really mean that we have all been here in precisely this moment over and over? Or is this use of the word “differences” more like some fractal process where the 25 differences can become many?

    I once calculated that in this Kalpa – I had already lived through over 450 Kali Yugas. Is this the real basis for deja vu? Or – You’ve seen one Kalpa, you’ve seen ’em all!

    I do feel that this is why everyone is so fascinated, mesmerized, obsessed with the end times. We have all experienced these events many times.


    • I’ve always been against these “end of times” ideas, I think I’ve had enough with it, because its like someone’s frail attempt to reap a harvest of fear almost every generation. I’m quite ill at ease with the end of time types.. even if they are seemingly well meaning.

      With the repeat of these events, like you brought up the idea of 25, isn’t this now 25 years after Chernobyl, the situation which was supposed to be a wake up call only to have been modified by a “snooze” because it was only the so called inaptness of the Communist system of secrecy, and yet, we look upon these accidents, these situations and they had so much critique over how they “handled Chernobyl” and yet, they evacuated SOONER than they have now in the Fukushima area, and it took several days to evacuate with Harrisburg/Three Mile Island.

      In the court case for Three Mile Island, there were testimonies and a recording of the plant manager on the telephone with his boss freaked out in the early morning hours, and this guy, this man had at least tried his best to say, we need to evacuate, but they didn’t do that. The boss of the plant manager in another city told him, “its ok, calm down, we can deal with this ourselves, we don’t need to get the government involved.”

      Also an Epidemiologist (Dr. Steven Wing) reports that many of the medical practitioners had totally discounted any of the symptoms of radiation sickness as “psychosomatic illness”.

      I just said that when the TEPCO company said, in the 3rd week that people in the areas around the plant would have access to medical services, I thought before finding out about that “psychosomatic illness claim”- thought to myself, “isn’t this an opportunity for a cover-up? I mean if they own the doctors, aren’t the doctors going to say whatever the symptoms are, its just something in their head?”

      And yet another, repeat of history. Possibly a little different there. At least with Chernobyl, there seemed to be an honest attempt to be human and not continue to cover it up, of course, its getting to be serious these days.

      I’m quite worried about the state of mind of people who would run down a dog and leave it in on the side of the road without helping, while the owner looks upon the condition with horror… or a hit and run involving children.. what goes on in the minds of people who cover up these things, or simply can’t bare to take responsibility?

      And yet this is a bigger scale, the horror of the “accident” delayed… perhaps like a slow poisoning and no one need to be the wiser.. but it still effects everyone of us on earth, like a hit and run, multiplied by billions.


      How do we convince the drivers of those plants, that it simply isn’t worth it to let many people die to hide their crime? Or are they on such a different level of experience we are invisible, like some bugs– if so, do we want people who think the human population of the world is nothing more than “useless bugs” to have their hands on any kind of power?

      And yet, there are people who actually defend these types.

      I’m wondering out loud again. I’ve really got a sense I’ve been someplace like this before, not HERE maybe, but someplace that feels very much like this.

      • AET- you point to very real and true things. Not only can we expect TEPCO of covering up they in fact have been revealed to do that in the past. So this is where change needs to be brought about.
        How do you think pressure can be brought upon TEPCO and the nuclear industry to mend their ways?
        We hear a lot about “end of times” usually Biblical based. But it says in the Bible that nobody will know when the end comes- before hand.
        The other end time talked about here is the end of the American Empire. Hard for me to think of it this way being brain-washed that America is not an Imperial country however with some kind of military representation in about 152 locations around the globe I think imperial is a suitable word. This is coming to an end. The money is devaluing- for me it’s all planned. Now its just getting out of the carcass all you can. Witness the millionaire congress-people and the ones like Bill Clinton who went into office of very humble status and now is reportedly worth about $100 million. “In the end what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and in the end loose his soul?” Similar to the end of Rome.
        Being aware of these things may help to protect one from “the fall out” but every thing that has a beginning has an end. Comfort I hope will be gained by faith in the larger process; of knowing and understanding what life is about and why we are here. As we for fill this the rest is mostly for witnessing. Those we can touch and perhaps help we do; everything else is out of our hands.
        Sue and I have said a lot of true things that we have learned. She has pointed out a lot of truth in the scripiture she has quoted.. In the mystical traditions of Christianity, Judaism is as stated in yoga. The essence of all religion is the same- so I have been taught and as I continue to read and pray it is understood to be true.
        So don’t be hard on yourself for the faults of others. But being aware help those close to you to understand. And then again have faith in the larger process.

  4. Sue amazing you get into this here.
    I put it in more simple terms we reincarnate to learn lessons maybe in our North and South Nodes and some in our natal squares. And we bring with us as our personality is the summed-up totality of where we are as relates to the pursuance of finding out our TRUE natures.
    If there is a feeling that we are reating actions from before it could very well be that we are! Remember the world as we know it i.e. history is not quite the way it was. There were places, civilizations like Atlantis and Lemuria. The “ring of fire” by the way outlines Lemuria, more or less.
    But Atlantis whoo! Ho! That self-destructed– by the mis=use of “crystals”. Check out the writings of Edgar Cayce for the basis of some great Sci-Fi “stories”.
    Meanwhile the best I can tell from the stars is that we will survive but as there are many currents of non-democratic behaviors manifesting around the globe including the the former “beacon” of freedom it’s a real question of just in what shape will humanity be in. and just where will all of our understandings take us. Indeed will we be able to “respectively disagree”, put forward an alternative view.. as like who can tell the truth about what is happening at Fukushima. And where is the mobilization to stop the poisoning? Not comfortable stuff..not at all.
    Have to cut here..later.. Keep the faith.

  5. Hi jim… Thank you for your comments.
    Sorry for all the ??? marks. Must have been too many cut-and-paste thingys.
    Yes, those ancient civilizations.
    However, what this Vayu Purana text points to is the idea that there have been many Atlantis-es and Lemurias over and over. And with only 25 variations, maybe not that different. Gives a new dimension to racial memory. Perhaps the entire KALPA is all encoded in our DNA.
    And then there is the probability that it is all going on simultaneously in the Oneness.
    There is only BINDU.
    Time and Space don’t in fact exist – except as a temporal hologram.

    My understanding is that our natal chart is the precise result of every act, word, and thought in all of our past and perhaps multidimensional lives. These acts and thoughts build our spirit body – and our spirit body is the vehicle in which the portion of the Oneness that we are moves through Space-Time.

    I don’t see it so much as lesson learning. I have come to feel that many of the Sanskrit based ideas brought to the west were heavily influenced by Christianity. My feeling is that this whole enchilada is simply the grand Adventure of the Oneness. The only lesson to be learned is that we are THAT.
    Self-Recognition. We are never anything else.
    We Become what we eternally are.
    Namaste, my friend.

  6. Coming back..
    My typo above: if there is a feeling of repeating actions from before it could very well be that we are!
    Many, many things here to talk about. But key is reincarnation.
    So where to go with all these questions? I found India and the Vedas, Upanishads but mostly In Kashmir with the Trika system of Kashmir Shavism. A key aspect of the yoga I practice.
    And it can be noted they also developed Astrology- as all the ancient peoples looked to the stars for signs.
    Sue has said in dramatic tones the loosing of the American democratic society now taking place. I use democratic instead of democracy because democracy was understood to deteriorate into mob rule. “Mob” in sociology is related to as “the Crowd” (in the French Revolution).
    But to the present moment- the poisoning from Fukushima and the lack of response to it leads me to look at some very diabolical possibilities.
    But the positive aspect is that average people are being forced to go beyond the limits of our understandings and forge out new dimensions of thought. As the way to reorganize society with a more humane basis.
    The problem is that astrology as well as “science” is also being used by not so friendly social groups. While people are focused on the Royal Wedding governments use this diversion to implement changes not in the best interests of a majority of its people.
    In personal astrology we may talk about Mercury opposition Saturn or Saturn square Pluto; but the truth is as I am learning astrology; at the same time the Sun is trine Pluto and Mars maybe sextile the Moon. Not so easy to understand the energies involved and which are primary. Each of us is unique and while some can adjust one day or for a certain period others have more difficulties.
    But in the larger picture as relates to events I find it a warning that yesterday there was a decisive drop in earthquake activity around the world and I am fearful of energies within the earth building up for a bigger “shake”. Because there have been very recently “big shakes” (Hopi words) in New Zealand. Japan and even in Iran (2010) I look at the space in between which is mostly the USA. Because in South America there has been activity in Chile and Argentina- and in the Caribbean.
    Sometimes when I read astrological relations I hear a kind of deterministic appraisal as if people have no choice and are subject to their “whims”- feelings and emotions. So Uranus square Pluto until 2016 but is in 1 degree of square in June, 2011 (Jamie) but also until beginning of June Jupiter is conjunct Mars which is an “exuberant time”. Some also have Jupiter square Jupiter which requires disciplined spending and impending shortages. And then in July Jupiter is square Pluto which is stated to mean “ambitions run into opposition”.
    Is this a prediction that people will want changes in government actions but the governments will want to continue with their policies?
    Does Pluto represent reaction or does it represent behavior patterns that need to change and that we have to overcome our habits, deeply entrenched, in order to change? People are use to things a certain way and then that way is not working so well so people begin to adjust. But governments as a person cannot change so quickly because of commitments (corruption?) and agreements (contracts) and in this comes a real antagonism. Especially when the government is so large and its business is so intertwined with every facet of society.
    On a personal level astrology can help us very much to understand our behavior patterns and improve ourselves but on the larger level all the influences of all the planets depend on what action people take.
    Example: Uranus square Pluto is a major generational change (Jamie), So we look for and expect upheavals etc. But in a more humane world that upheaval could simply mean introducing a second day in a week devoted to prayer and meditation. Or it could signify changing the calendar of society to a 360 day moon calendar.
    I run on a bit here but I am expecting some big “shakes” but not just from natural forces. Things, events seem to like they are being pushed in an extreme, contradictory, and confusing way so that there outcome can seem to be “predetermined” or a natural flow but in fact will be anything but that. It will have been choices but who will have made them? And is this “choice” what we talk about in the abstract when we discuss the Pluto v. Uranus energies, not to forget my very helpful friendly disciplinarian Saturn. or is it possible that something else is taking shape that astrology shows but was missed or past over some 100 or 200 years ago?

  7. Sue just one word.. realization.

    The truth is very simple but getting to see it? be it?.. like pealing away the layers of an onion.. layers of the ego…

    There is such a raised level of understanding these days by a great many people about overcoming the ego.. part of the hope..

    Still amazes me we met on this site!..

  8. jim – Yes. Realization is all. Thank you.
    “The truth is very simple but getting to see it? be it?.. like pealing away the layers of an onion.. layers of the ego…” … there’s the rub!
    Amazing and wonderful that we met here at Darkstar.

    Chris: You know, I’ve just remembered a saying,”the meek shall inherit the Earth”.
    (New Testament / Matthew 5:5)
    Chris – you are so right here and this link is a really good understanding of what you said.
    Capricorn is also the sign of Initiation. Those with little negative karma to work out receive a big push of energy guiding them toward enlightenment, but those who were and are the cause of pain and suffering to others find themselves on the receiving end for a change. It is something that in the end cannot be escaped, though it might have been postponed for lifetimes.

    The master-manipulators will find the tables have been turned. No matter how secure the walls of their castles appear to be, cracks appear in the most unexpected places; enemies appear out of the woodwork. Remember that all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not put Humpty together again. The first will be last, and the ‘losers’ who have previously seen through the charade of the world-ruling paradigm, will inherit the Earth.

    full insightful article

  9. APRIL 29, 2011, 5:58 P.M. ET
    Japanese Nuclear Adviser Quits

    A special advisor to the Japanese government on radiation safety resigned Friday, saying that he was dissatisfied with the handling of the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

    Toshiso Kosako, a professor at the prestigious University of Tokyo, said at a news conference that the prime minister’s office and agencies within the government “have ignored the laws and have only dealt with the problem at the moment.” Holding back tears, he said this approach would only prolong the crisis.

    …in the weeks since his appointment, it was difficult to know who was actually in charge of dealing with the situation.



    Child’s risk of cancer from radiation is 10-100 times higher than an adult who had same exposure (VIDEO)
    April 29th, 2011 at 09:30 AM


  10. Weather chief draws flak over plea not to release radiation forecasts
    TOKYO, April 29, Kyodo

    The chief of the Meteorological Society of Japan has drawn flak from within the academic society over a request for member specialists to refrain from releasing forecasts on the spread of radioactive substances from the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.


    May 2, 2011 world radiation dispersion map


    • sound like there must be resistance building within the population. Spontaneous action hopefully will begin to erupt. Lies and distortions.. only going to get to heavy resistance.. as there is no other choice.. and the police can be neutralized because they are also victims…
      watch out also for nature to be very harsh as She must be really aggravated at all the poisoning… think there’s a connection with the weather in States and the actions of the corporatracy with nuclear energy and continuing warlike policies? think there isn’t?

      • Hi Jim – Moon square and Sun trine Pluto – the dark underbelly is being exposed and the people are demanding the truth be known – deep feelings, disquiet – Venus opp Saturn today – feeling the pressure to get real, and get to the heart of the matter, deceptions in strategies (also septile Venus/Neptune) – Uranus tightening in build up to Pluto square, coiled spring, Chiron too adding energy to retro Pluto sextile building – Earth movements potential building – watch for Mars conjunct Jupiter over this time, potential escalation of aggression, but, also opportunity to sya NO, this is not what we want, especially with Mars trine North Node at new moon – HAARP being demonstrated to be directly involved with extreme weather with this from dutchsinse : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLMLT9-NJPc – increase in proton count on strengthening solar wind right now – good for auroras, very far south, especially in the States, also possible comms disruption – all ingedients in the chaos soup – time to sack the chefs – stay strong and love up Earth!

        • sorry, meant Mars septile Neptune – heavy low vibe depth charges from the archetyal realms, psychic interference of an agressive kind – stay calm!

  11. Rob- thanks for all the info. Have been aware of Jup conj Mars. This is the 30th and have been aware of this day for weeks. Many squares with Pluto- Saturn, Venus and Uranus also Lilith. Also have seen Venus and Moon opposition Saturn. Maybe this is a nice day for a picnic after all. I mean with the local rains and storms and falling radiation and having long sleeves a hat and a mask the key thing is to forget listening to the radio and play your own music for a while.
    Fox is all over itself with the Royal Wedding but must be the Saturn in my soul that sees this as an aversion from very important issues; however Kate got more beautiful as the day went on.. and it is nice that the Royal Family allowed love to bloom-finally. Seems very clear that they like each other. Maybe they can influence the workings of the government in a positive way? Anyway it’s the start of another chapter but still the beat goes on..July could be something to look forward to with Uranus and Jupiter square Pluto. How does this suit the money situation because money is the bottom line in our physical universe?
    Just one other comment- noticed the Tornado alley of the last days in the US ran along the New Madrid fault line area as some of the flooding also. Raises the curiosity as to fault lines within a tectonic plate as to what would get it to open up? I mean there’s no friction with another plate but there is something that sets this off every few hundred years. By the way there was a 200 year “shake-up celebration” a short time ago.
    Funny how Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto can get me all revved up to reach for the moon but Saturn always reminds that I ain’t that tall!

  12. jim hoagland: Just one other comment- noticed the Tornado alley of the last days in the US ran along the New Madrid fault line area as some of the flooding also. Raises the curiosity as to fault lines within a tectonic plate as to what would get it to open up? I mean there’s no friction with another plate but there is something that sets this off every few hundred years. By the way there was a 200 year “shake-up celebration” a short time ago.P>

    as if by magic : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDTcoUoeMmw

    heres your confirmation…..
    hang cool

  13. Rob- thanks bro for this.. but this is not magic as much as it is “man” thinking he knows what he is doing and being in control- “Lord spare from those who think they know; for they know not”
    What I was hopeful of was reference to a study recently submitted of a theory saying that the trigger for the New Madrid seismic zone could very well be flooding- water.
    It would be to get the known data for the timing of the earthquakes of 1811-12 and see how the stars were positioned and compare. Because I do this basically through intuition.
    But this an example why it is said that intuition is the first step in Logic. In science they call it a hypothesis.
    I am a little off with myself that I was pulled into other things and didn’t write down chapter and verse of the study when it was reported.
    So hopefully all of this will blow by because if this seismic zones blows it’ll be more people lost than in Japan. This can touch as far north as St. Louis and Memphis, Tennessee is on one end of this.
    But FEMA has begun preparations for a disaster in this area.. I stop here…

  14. Hi guys,
    Just found this the other day…
    here is an excerpt:

    “Terrifying scientific discovery: Strange emissions by sun are suddenly mutating matter

    Originally posted on October 5, 2010 by rockingjude


    by Terrence Aym

    The Angry Sun

    For months mounting fear has driven researchers to wring their hands over the approaching solar storms. Some have predicted devastating solar tsunamis that could wipe away our advanced technology, others voiced dire warnings that violent explosions on the surface of the sun could reach out to Earth, breach our magnetic field, and expose billions to high intensity X-rays and other deadly forms of cancer-causing radiation.

    Now evidence has surfaced that something potentially more dangerous is happening deep within the hidden core of our life-giving star: never-before-seen particles—or some mysterious force—is being shot out from the sun and it’s hitting Earth.

    Whatever it is, the evidence suggests it’s affecting all matter.

    Strange and unknown

    Alarmed physicists first became aware of this threat over the past several years. Initially dismissed as an anomaly, now frantic scientists are shooting e-mails back and forth to colleagues across the world attempting to grasp exactly what is happening to the sun.

    Something impossible has happened. Yet the “impossible” has been proven to be true. Laboratories around the globe have confirmed that the rate of radioactive decay—once thought to be a constant and a bedrock of science—is no longer a constant. Something being emitted from the sun is interacting with matter in strange and unknown ways with the startling potential to dramatically change the nature of the very Earth itself.

    Exactly what has scientists so on edge is the fact that the natural rate of decay of atomic particles has always been predictable. Indeed, using the decay rate of Carbon-14 has been a method to date archeological artifacts. The process, known as carbon dating, measures the quantity of Carbon-14 within organic objects. According to the numbers, Carbon-14 has a specific half-life of 5,730 years. Physicists have proven through exhaustive observation and experimentation over the course of a century that it takes 5,730 years for Carbon-14 atoms to decay into a stable Nitrogen-14.

    The values don’t change—or at least they never have in the past. With certain evidence that radioactive decay can be significantly affected by an unknown effect from the sun, much of science is turned on its head.

    Rate of decay speeding up

    Worst of all, if the decay rates of matter are being mutated then all matter on Earth is being affected including the matter that makes up life.

    The mutation may go so far as to change the underlying reality of the quantum universe—and by extrapolation-the nature of life, the principles of physics, perhaps even the uniform flow of time.

    In fact, some evidence of time dilation has been gleaned from close observation of the decay rate. If particles interacting with the matter are not the cause—and matter is being affected by a new force of nature-then time itself may be speeding up and there’s no way to stop it.”

    It does go on a bit more, but does make my mind boggle…
    Personally I feel that there is intent behind all of this and that perhaps this energy is spiritual and awakening in nature.

    Love and light fellow groovers!

  15. Baba Vanga 1911-1996
    One of her prophecies…

    2011: As a result of the war, radioactive showers will destroy almost all life in the Northern Hemisphere.

    more of her prophecies here:

    Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, also known as Baba Vanga, also know as Vangelia Gushterova – her married name, is one of the lesser-known prophets in Western Culture. Prematurely born October 3, 1911 and dying August 11, 1996. She grew to be one of the great prophets of the European countries. She was born in Bulgaria … she spent most of her life living in a small village in the Kozhuh Mountains.

  16. 4/30/2011 — PLASMA STORM & LIGHTNING OVERLOAD at Sakurajima volcano in Japan
    From: dutchsinse | Apr 30, 2011
    I haver never personally seen a “lightning” storm off a volcano that was THIS intense. Its a first for me.. and I’ve seen a LOT of volcano eruptions.
    This makes the earlier video look like nothing! Something strange is going on with this particular eruption at sakurajima.. its been active for a while, but not like this…


    4/30/2011 — WOW! Massive eruption with plasma discharge – lightning — Sakurajima Japan
    From: dutchsinse | Apr 30, 2011
    A day ago on april 28-29 .. sakurajima Japan eruption..
    Large explosion of lava, and at the same time plasma discharge, and then static discharge lightning..


    • I just think that Nature is pissed. New balances will be initiated and all the oppositions and squares especially with Pluto will tell the story from the cosmic view. The people running things are in touch with something else and it isn’t Divine in nature. All the more for us to be. Keep the faith.

      • Hi Jim, this from an unlikely source, given the power driven fear mongering upon which so much of our ‘religion and politic is based, but, it gives hope…….

        “It is possible to transform so long as we do not harbour ambitions to reform our partner. There must be no coercion if the Spirit is to flow; each must give the other space and freedom. Chaucer, the London poet, sums it up in a pithy phrase:
        “Whan maistrie [mastery] comth, the God of Love anon, Beteth his wynges, and farewell, he is gon.”

        ….this is from the homily by Richard Chartres, Bishop of London, given at the wedding of William and Kate
        ….not belonging to any church as such myself, the whole speech was one of the most meaningful and powerfully aposite I have heard by the representative of an organised religion, the more so for being witnessed by 3billion people

        here is more from the same : “We stand looking forward to a century which is full of promise and full of peril. Human beings are confronting the question of how to use wisely the power that has been given to us through the discoveries of the last century. We shall not be converted to the promise of the future by more knowledge, but rather by an increase of loving wisdom and reverence, for life, for the earth and for one another.”

        I feel sure that this comes from a true heart, as perfect in imperfection as each of us is, and hold out for the hope that it conveys…..

  17. Rob- my wife and I practice the same.. transformation is internal, each at his/her own pace. As it is for us it is practiced for all. The guide: “See God in Each other”.
    The wedding completely caught me up… what made it was that they have a real connection between them and so every one wishes for them happiness and a good life.
    It was a great display of Christianity. And followed by a “beatification” ceremony.
    Let’s see who practices harmony and tolerance- in accordance with true religious script. These ones have the force of the universe with them. And it begins with respect for life.
    Keep the faith.

  18. 77-year-old Michio Ishikawa of the Japan Nuclear Technology Institute on the situation at Fukushima I Nuke Plant, as he appeared on Asahi TV on April 29. […]

    “I believe the fuel rods are completely melted. They may already have escaped the pressure vessel. Yes, they say 55% or 30%, but I believe they are all melted down. When the fuel rods melt, they melt from the middle part on down.

    “I think the temperature inside the melted core is 2000 degrees to 2000 and several hundred degrees Celsius. A crust has formed on the surface where the water hits. Decay heat is 2000 to 3000 kilowatts, and through the cracks on the crust the radioactive materials (mostly noble gas and iodine) are escaping into the air. […]

    [Later on] The show’s host says “But wait a minute, Mr. Ishikawa, you are a proponent of nuclear power and we expected to hear from you that everything is going well at Fukushima…”

    Mr. Ishikawa answers, “Well, if I’m allowed to tell a lie…”


  19. Clif High has his new ‘The Shape of Things to Come’ (2011/2012) – Issue Ten (X/10)


    If you are not accustomed to Clif’s webbot linguistics, it may take you a moment to get the hang of it – but it is well worth the $10 USD. This issue talks about what is coming – the earth changes and even the prospect of many heading for the Southern Hemisphere because of the Fukushima radiation.

    He also focuses on the July 2011 time as pivotal which corresponds to the 2011 July 10th – Uranus goes Retrograde, 4 Aries 33, square Pluto 5 Cap. 53; they move together in a close orb until Pluto goes stationary Direct on Sept. 16, 2011, 4 Cap. 53.

  20. Clif High says something important at the end of this recent issue, in his Tao of Humanity section – something very beautiful, profound, and cosmic which I needed to hear. I will not to quote him as he does earn his living from his webbot linguistic work. I will try to say what he forced me to remember in my own words and encourage you to read him for yourself.

    We are all here to live through this breakdown of the civilization we are accustomed to, in whatever capacity of consciousness each one of us possesses. Those of us who are painfully aware of the levels of mendacity circulating the planet are having one kind of experience. And those who believe the corporate media, who have bought into the delusion of divisiveness, and remain unaware of our UNITY beneath our differences, are having another kind of experience.

    Each and every consciousness is experiencing precisely what they have created, exactly what the Soul within wants – and even requires to evolve. So, many of us, me, must learn to keep a bit still at times and allow that to happen. Even if and when it is happening to people we/I love.

    The temporal illusory hologram is undergoing catastrophic, heart-rending, soul-bending change – and I must learn patience, to allow everyone their own experience. There is an Indian master I am very fond of and he once said that the truth is you cannot help anyone. The God-within each human being is doing exactly what IT/they want to do.

    After all, we have Eternity to play in. We are now in the 7th Manvantara (of 14) of this KALPA (4.32 billion human years). Each Manvantara is divided into 71 Maha-Yugas (of 4 Yugas); and we are in the 28th Maha-Yuga of this Manvantara.

    Each of us has time to experience everything we desire and when we are weary – come Home. It helps to see these events, which I believe are in their initial phases, from the Universal perspective.

  21. http://enenews.com/nuclear-expert-i-really-am-horrified-that-feds-abandoned-fukushima-radiation-monitoring

    The U.S. government has abandoned efforts to monitor elevated levels of radiation that infiltrated the nation’s water and milk in the wake of a nuclear catastrophe in Japan. […]

    “I really am horrified,” said Daniel Hirsch, a nuclear policy lecturer at the University of California, Santa Cruz. “It’s quite staggering and it seems to be part of the pattern of the EPA trying to make sure that there are no measurements that could cause people to be concerned.”

  22. There MAY Be A Two Year Window IF No More Big Quakes Hit
    By Tom Burnett / 5-6-11
    The reactors can NEVER be placed in ‘cold shutdown’ because the cores are partially melted together. We are talking about hundreds of tons of fissile material inside reinforced concrete containment vessels. The containment vessels are cracked. They are releasing radiation. Fission excursions are still occurring and no one can go inside those containments for hundreds of years – even if they could crack one open.

    They can continue to pour water on them and drain it off into the ocean because there is nothing else they can do. If they stop pumping water, the genie comes out. If they keep pumping water, it has to go somewhere and that somewhere is the ocean. It is still stop gap. Those reactor cores cannot be put into ‘cold shutdown’ or dismantled or entombed. Never.

    That cannot treat as much radioactive water as they have to keep pumping in. No one can. So the radiation is going to come across the Pacific and impact the US and, certainly, Hawaii. Yes, I read that they are going to start treating it, but it is impossible. The inside of reactor cores have to be maintained in a ‘clean room’ environment or the water picks up particles – which then become radioactive – which then irradiate the reactor plumbing – and, eventually, become fuel. That’s why they have to keep pumping fresh water in and dumping it out. They cannot recirculate it, even if they manage to get new plumbing installed. The next major earthquake there will begin an extinction event.

    … Growing food in enclosed greenhouses protects from fallout and the organic uptake of radionuclides.
    … We are now at the crossroads. The economic collapse IS coming. The radiation IS coming.
    … I have friends – maybe a lot of friends – who are investing in silver and gold. You can’t eat it.


  23. Fukushima Groundwater Contamination Worst in Nuclear History
    A report from the Japanese Nuclear Safety Commission Ex-Secretariat, Dr. Saji, credits the current status of the accident to “luck”. Gundersen discusses what could have happened if the wind had been blowing in-land.

    (so… it went into the ocean… wider ocean contamination… and spread the cancer into a world wide population)


    latest rad map

  24. I thought you might all be interested but I have been invited to do a radio show on my experience of going through the huge earthquake ect….

    Here is the link. The time is 10pm Japan time. I am not sure what the time will be for other countries.

    I am doing a radio interview about my experience of being here for the big earthquake. Here is the link. I will be on at 10pm our time here in Japan tomorrow night May the 8th.

    Here is the link.



    • Cool, that’s the day of the Mercury Venus Jupiter conjunction at 24 Aries. Good stars, good for listening to music too 🙂

  25. Chris’ comment vanished?
    Along with the Dutchsinse post… so again.
    The radiation reports are being hidden – and Dutchsinse found them.
    The stuff is beginning to reach the Southern Hemisphere and no one is saying anything.

    I noticed over the last few days that all reports of radiation dispersion had stopped.
    Have a look at this please and tell others.



    Email from Japanese gov’t officials says high density radiation will be released May 8 if situation continues
    May 6th, 2011 at 05:55 AM
    The Phantom Draft Energy Agency, Taro Kono, member of Japan’s House of Representatives, May 5, 2011:
    Google Translation
    The three went through the mail came from the bureaucracy of young attachment energy agency.
    Sono Hazime
    Integrating the entire TEPCO Group meeting minutes of May 1 the government.
    Release is made with a high concentration of 8 days will be like this.
    From assistant Hosono, this case is very important on the go to the next step, such as installation of heat exchangers, and (the future in terms that can be discharged out of the radioactive material) during discharge of contaminated water avoid repeating mistakes, officials close to the sharing of information we want working with high sensitivity, which was said.
    An ENENEWS reader adds:
    My partner who is Japanese brought this blog post to my attention. It is from Taro Kono, who is in the house of representatives (LDP, opposition to current government):
    In particular this section:
    Translation (non-literal and our understanding):
    I received 3 emails with attachments from junior government officials in the energy department.
    The first email:
    Minutes of meeting between TEPCO and the government on the 1st May. “If the current situation continues, high density radiation will be released on the 8th May.” “Mr Hosono said: It is very important to go to the next step regarding the installation of the heat exchanger machine. For the concerned parties, be careful of the sharing of information with high sensitivity so that the same mistakes aren’t made again like the release of the radiated water previously.
    The second and third emails aren’t related so we didn’t translate it. It isn’t clear from the text the way the radiation will be released. ie airborne or via water.
    The aforementioned energy department English homepage is this:
    Perhaps those who are following the work and/or parameters of the reactors could hypothesise what they are thinking about doing.

  26. And…
    Secret Map Shows Massive Radiation Cloud Heading Toward U.S And Canada
    13 May 2011 1:15
    New forecasts show a very predominate cloud of radiation that seems to blanket most of the United states in the next few days. Looking at the map you can see that the brunt of this cloud will hit the Western United States as well as Canada very hard. With steady winds flowing from japan and heading east ,we will continue to see this happen. As mentioned in other articles, food supplies have already seen reports of low levels of Radiation being tested, and with these new massive fallout clouds heading east I’m sure these levels will increase.

    As you will read below, this map was never intended for everyday citizens to find.


  27. From this:

    TEPCO: Unit No. 1 is now “in a state of meltdown” — Suspects there are holes in bottom of reactor (VIDEO)
    May 12th, 2011 at 07:50 PM
    No.1 reactor is in a “meltdown” state, NHK, May 13, 2011:
    Tokyo Electric Power Company says the No.1 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is believed to be in a state of “meltdown”.
    The utility company said on Thursday that most of the fuel rods are likely to have melted and fallen to the bottom of the reactor. Earlier in the day, it found that the coolant water in the reactor is at a level which would completely expose nuclear fuel rods if they were in their normal position. […]
    But it suspects the meltdown created a hole or holes in the bottom of the reactor causing water to leak into the containment vessel.

    “It’s Official: Fukushima Was Hit With a Full-Blown Nuclear Meltdown” — Pool of radioactive lava could be melting its way out
    May 12th, 2011 at 06:22 PM

    It’s Official: Fukushima Was Hit With a Nuclear Meltdown, Sam Biddle for Gizmodo, May 12, 2011:
    The flow of bad news (and radiation) out of Fukushima’s reactors has diminished to a trickle over the past several weeks, as rescue work has proceeded. Not today. TEPCO’s admitted for the first time that Fukushima experienced a grave meltdown. […]
    TEPCO workers and the Japanese government have desperately struggled to keep the nuclear fuel rods inside the reactors cool—if they don’t, the scorching material will melt into a pool of radioactive lava, further damaging the facility. That’s the scenario everyone’s been aiming to avoid—and that’s the scenario we now know had actually occurred all along. Underneath all that dumped seawater has been lying a blob of melted fuel. And it could be melting its way out.
    This admittance goes against every assurance TEPCO has handed the world in the midst of Japan’s nuclear crisis […]

    TEPCO: Water level data from Reactors No. 2 and 3 “may not be credible” after what happened at No. 1
    May 12th, 2011 at 03:58 PM

    Most likely ‘solution’ to fuel melting through reactor is a concrete wall around Unit No. 1 — “Could now take years” to encapsulate because of high radiation
    May 13th, 2011 at 06:29 AM

    U.S. nuclear experts said that the company may have to build a concrete wall around the unit because of the breach, and that this could now take years.
    “If it is assumed the fuel did melt through the reactor, then the most likely solution is to encapsulate the entire unit. This may include constructing a concrete wall around the unit and building a protective cover over it,” W. Gene Corley, senior vice president of CTL Group in Skokie, Illinois, said on Thursday.
    “Because of the high radiation that would be present if this has happened, the construction will take many months and may stretch into years,” Corley said.

  28. Chris … Some days I wish I was more in the back rows…
    Be safe.
    People deserve to know the truth.

    • Thanks love,

      Oh those purple like a bruise clouds…

      I am wondering if the real reason TPTB/W are not telling us is not because we would panic but that we would group together as “the People” and refuse to have these “leaders” have anything to do with running our world any more.

      GRRRR! This full moon coming is bang on my asc and opp my mars!

  29. Gundersen says Fukushima’s gaseous and liquid releases continue unabated. With a meltdown at Unit 1, Unit 4 leaning and facing possible collapse, several units contaminating ground water, and area school children outside the exclusion zone receiving adult occupational radiation doses, the situation continues to worsen. TEPCO needs a cohesive plan and international support to protect against world-wide contamination.


  30. Plan to flood Fukushima reactor could cause new blast, experts warn
    Plant operator Tepco reveals meltdown and breach of pressure vessel, with Greenpeace warning against pumping water in
    … create a “high risk of atmospheric release running for days, if not weeks.”

    Greenpeace has urged Tepco to abandon plans to flood the container with water, given the likelihood that melted fuel has damaged it. Shaun Burnie, nuclear adviser to Greenpeace Germany, said: “Flooding a reactor that has fuel [that has fallen] through the pressure vessel is not a good idea.”

    Outlining a worst-case scenario, Burnie said very large amounts of cold water hitting the melted fuel could cause an explosion, trigger substantial damage to the reactor and create a “high risk of atmospheric release running for days, if not weeks.”


  31. http://enenews.com/
    Fears that Reactor No. 3 “which contains MOX plutonium fuel, may have also suffered a meltdown”
    May 13th, 2011 at 02:15 PM

    Partial meltdown hits Fukushima nuclear plant, The Independent, May 13, 2011:
    Observers fear that Reactor 3, which contains MOX plutonium fuel, may have also suffered a meltdown, and the situation inside Reactor 2 is still shrouded in mystery.

    ‘Situation’ at No. 1 reactor “could escalate rapidly if the lava melts through the reactor vessel”
    May 13th, 2011 at 02:57 PM
    Partial meltdown hits Fukushima nuclear plant, The Independent, May 13, 2011:

    “The situation is clearly far more serious than previously reported, and could escalate rapidly if the lava melts through the reactor vessel,” warned Jan Beránek of Greenpeace.

    Nuclear fuel at Fukushima No. 1 unit melted after full exposure

    In this May 10, 2011 photo released by Tokyo Electric Power Co., a worker checks the status of the water level indicator at the Unit 1 reactor building at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okuma town, Fukushima prefecture, northern Japan. (AP Photo/Tokyo Electric Power Co.)
    TOKYO (Kyodo) — Tokyo Electric Power Co., the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, revealed Thursday that holes had been created by melted nuclear fuel at the bottom of the No. 1 reactor’s pressure vessel.

    The company said it has found multiple holes adding up to several centimeters in welded piping. Earlier in the day, it said the amount of water inside the troubled reactor was unexpectedly low — not enough to cover the nuclear fuel — hinting that a large part of the fuel melted after being fully exposed.

    The finding is raising concerns that the company will face difficulty achieving its plan to bring the damaged reactors to a stable condition known as a “cold shutdown” in about six to nine months, observers said.


  32. Did not know about these “garbage islands”


    Makes me feel sick in my stomach.

    I was trying to reduce the amount of plastic I use but it’ts not really enough is it?

    We need a complete change of society like yesterday…

    And the government doesn’t really seem to get it,hell in Australia they are still arguing about a carbon tax for emmissions…can’t get any tax money from sick/dead humans can we?

    Fukushima doen’t look good at the moment,prayers and light there everyone!

  33. Chris- thanks for the commentary and the link. It’s going to take a while for people to get organized and develop a constructive alternative to the direction that the one world government is heading in.. meanwhile Sue’s question from a while back- “what will be left?” takes on a more ominous meaning every day.
    While Pluto is square Saturn and Uranus; and the Sun is square Neptune I find the awakening to our reality nicely reflected in Mars trine Pluto. “A drive to probe and penetrate may find you examining and working through some strong internal changes. Push too hard and you could be too dominating, even oppressive to yourself and others.”
    So the principles reflected between “the people” and the “rulers” is respect for fellow human beings. We maintain this and they slither around this. Why some of us have always had a problem with “authority”!
    Keep the faith. Remember that you are much more than just the body!

  34. Dutchsinse has so far had 84,000 viewers of his radiation dispersion info:


    5/12/2011 — URGENT !! NILU – Norsk Institute = ZARDOZ = radiation @ VERY HIGH levels
    From: dutchsinse | May 12, 2011 | 84,807 views
    the ZARDOZ server is a data clearing house for the map generator over at Transport. I have attempted several times to “save a file” called “dutch” and see if it shows up over on Zardoz…. this does NOT happen.. therefore people are mixing APPLES and ORANGES on this map generator hypothesis, some people think when you generate a map over at the transport website, you somehow can input the radiation amounts .. this is not the case …

    These ARE forecasts, so they are NOT “real” satellite shots of radiation in the air.. i must clarify this for the lay person who doesn’t understand that you cannot actually “see” radiation on a map like this.
    these are forecasts that were based upon the numbers available to the NILU. NOT saved personal forecasts by joe anonymous who just happened to log in and “make their own” and input radiation numbers..
    the only things you can input are your coordinates and the level of measurement (height).. and whether you want PPM or BQ/meter.
    So the data was / is the data.. you can’t change or effect that.. therefore all these plot generated “were valid” based upon the data that was on hand at the time.
    Now the debate becomes.. how valid was the data to begin with, and if it was NOT valid then.. why did they continue until YESTERDAY?
    So these are “real” and based upon the data that the NILU had.. these are NOT made up amounts.. just chosen locations and height.
    I would challenge anyone who thinks that the transport map generator makes the files on zardoz.. to make one save it a certain name, and then show us the file on zardoz via screenshot.
    If someone can do this, which I have tried to do by the way, then I will take down this video all together.

    save these NILU forecast files NOW.. backup .. mirror and share IMMEDIATELY.. before they take it all down with the rest of the information!!

    what is zardoz?
    and here is the information on ZARDOZ .. the post apocolyptic NUCLEAR FALLOUT world where Sean Connery plays a “mutant” .. and human reproduction is considered bad.

    high levels of radiation have been released from fukushima!

    prophetic seer will be mirroring the content soon:
    so will mike from patrioticspace:
    and I will have copies up over at dutchsinse.com
    this WILL NOT disappear like the last high forecasts showing EXTREMELY HIGH levels of Cesium, Xenon, and Iodine over the USA and Canada.

  35. Sue you continue a great service. But how to put this together? That there is radiation poisoning is no doubt; as the lack of effort to protect people is also of no doubt; but how to interpret this using astrology?..
    The Sun @ 24 deg Tau has Capulous with it’s influence; but the Moon at 24 deg Libra has Arcturus on line even though it is in opposition to Jupiter 25 deg Aries. There are contending “positive’ and “negative” forces…
    Point- Venus and Mercury @ 29 deg Aries have Alrisha adding to the influence. Alrisha – comment is “unifying influence with groups”. So this influence is possible to be applied by the nuclear industry as well as those in favor of something more clean and safe.
    In trying to sort this “new” view of reality for myself I was relieved to see Pluto at 7 deg Cap is between the star Facies and Kaus Borealis. Relieved because Pluto is heading toward Kaus Borealis..
    Meanwhile Mars @ 3 deg Tau is lined up with Sharatan definitely an “Unfortunate” influence.
    So the weight of everything seems to be on the negative aspects with windows of positive reactions being able to organize and unite and “spread the word”.
    Sounds like repetitive history… only perhaps a little more ominous than at times past… after all reactor #3 I believe has plutonium near leaking… So are we all destined to become neighbors as in living in the same neighborhood?
    Some may talk of Pluto as a “purification” force rooting out old stuff that needs to be removed but the actual “cleansing” is quite brutal.. we may talk about “in the end” all will be okay but between now and then? these are the times “that try men’s souls”!
    With all the flooding in the US and the loss of farmland and crops watch demand (needs) push prices up on top of spiraling inflation… every source I check out speaking openly assessing the situation be it economics or what-have-you goes in the direction of difficulties… never mind that one of the ares having been flooded is the New Madrid Seismic area..
    Excuse me but it’s time for chanting and meditation…

  36. Who Will Take the Radioactive Rods From Fukushima?
    By Yoichi Shimatsu

    … more than 7 tons of spent rods have to be removed to a permanent storage site before workers can bury the Fukushima facility under concrete.


    TEPCO: Years needed to remove damaged nuclear fuel


    Highly Radioactive Substances Detected in Tokyo
    Moving on to the latest developments in Japan’s ongoing nuclear crisis highly radioactive substances were detected in parts of Tokyo.
    Japan’s Asahi Shimbun reports about 3,200 and nearly 2-thousand becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram were found in the soil of Tokyo districts of Koto and Chiyoda, respectively, from testing conducted between April 10th and the 20th.
    This amount is higher than what was found in the prefectures near the Fukushima plant and experts warn that other areas may be subject to radiation contamination as clusters of clouds containing radioactive material remain in the atmosphere.
    Meanwhile, the plant’s main operator, TEPCO, says that over 3-thousand tons of contaminated water has been found in the basement of the No. 1 reactor, causing a delay in Japan’s latest approach to cool down the reactors.

    MAY 15, 2011


    Additionally, a certain food manufacturing company conducted a survey by themselves. In a rice field is more than 50kms away from the Fukushima power plant, it was found that there was very high radiation that is very different to what the government released.


  37. http://enenews.com/

    TEPCO trying to “prevent re-criticality” at Reactor No. 3 — Temperature soaring in pressure vessel, up over 100°F in 24 hours even after increasing water injection
    May 15th, 2011 at 05:56 PM

    Unit 3 boric acid injection, to prevent re-criticality is also the No. 1.2, Yomiuri Shinbun, May 15, 2011:

    Google Translation

    15 TEPCO, the world prevent the Second Coming of the Unit 3 reactor at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, the reactor cooling water, on a dissolved boric acid to absorb neutrons, the same day to the reactor announced that the injection began.

    Will be the No. 1 and 2, take the same measures.

    Critical re-continuous fission phenomenon again. 1 – Unit 3 reactor pressure vessel was initially injected in the history of water for cooling, TEPCO was seen as the salt will absorb neutrons. The boric acid is dissolved in water cooling, since instead of fresh water from seawater cooling down because it is seen that the salinity.

    Meanwhile, the pressure vessel of Unit 3 are top of the soaring temperatures. TEPCO “There is a possibility that water is leaking irrigation pipe as a” pipe from the 12th to add another 12 tonnes of water filling the pipe with two per clock. Has increased from 14 to 15 tons per clock injection volume, temperature of the top 24 in no time at 5:00 am on July 15 rose 46.5 degrees, was 297 degrees. TEPCO said, “is still not going well injection” sees.

    Translation by EX-SKF

    TEPCO announced on May 15 that it started to use boric acid in the reactor cooling water for the Reactor 3 at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant to prevent recriticality from happening. […]

    [T]he temperature at the top of the Reactor 3 RPV has risen rapidly. TEPCO increased the amount of cooling water to 12 tons per hour on May 12 using two water feeding systems, then to 15 tons per hour on May 14. However, the temperature at the top of the RPV increased by 46.5 degrees Celsius in 24 hours to 297 degrees Celsius as of 5:00AM on May 15. TEPCO thinks there’s a problem with the pipes that feed water into the RPV.

  38. Don’t buy the papers but looked at the Sunday rag at sister’s house….

    NOTHING at all on Fukushima.

    Just read an article on Rense (what a great site!what great hair/mo!)
    about what the dickens are we to do with spent fuel rods from Fukushima and probably the rest of Japan.

    Suggestion was back to the countries that exported it in the first place,namely Australia and Canada.

    Let me say as an Aussie citizen born and bred that I believe it should be our Karma to take this shit back.

    But in the meanwhile…
    Thanks Jim, prayer and meditation alright!

    P.S Have this daydream of walking through a battlefield (but kinda like a storm as well) calmly and safely whilst rampant destruction ensures around me.

    • Ex PM of Australia Bob Hawke (left wing) actually suggested we should bury the stuff here once it’s used up. The idea was to have some partnership between Australia and Canada where the Uranium is processed and we lease out fuel rods instead of exporting the raw material. Total control over the element from mining it through to burying it on our own backyard. The idea was not popular within his own party. It certainly will never get an airing while the Labour Party are only just hanging onto power with the support of the Greens.

    • Chris great dream. One of the things present in your dream seems to be “detachment”. A great attribute. May I suggest when you sit for meditation go to this space that was in your dream.. and go deeper… enjoy..
      Need to find a way to neutralize radiation.. must be something that will neutralize the power of it– has to be something- this is the plane of opposites.. hot/cold; dark/light; true/false; right/left..;
      what is the antidote for greed and selfishness and what set of heavenly bodies represent these antidotes?..or is everything contained within us?

      • You know Jim,

        I have been thinking that there must be a way to transform radiation as well! And not by a machine invented but by the powers of the Holy Spirit or whatever each of us wants to call our innate Divine power.

        From what I have been reading and feeling,we are spiritually accelerating in line with the major world changes.

        Some times I think I should be discussing some of this on a survivialist site,but I would rather end up with the far out there people (that’s a compliment!) who dig astrology and light/energy work.

        Imagine if society raised our children according to their charts and taught meditation and Yoga in our schools.

        Anyhow,off to work I go…
        Love and light

        • Hi Chris and Jim – thanks for these thoughts and questions – could it be as you suggest that everything contains its own antidote – can negentropy arise from within entropy, creativity from within destruction, emergence from within emergency – meltdown, a change in state, as a change in vibration – heres a thought – there is a vibration, a frequency, in the Solfeggio series, of 528hz – it heals DNA – as a carrier for prayers of healing and reconciliation (sent to the spirits of Uranium and Plutonium, and the people of Fukushima, for example) it is known to manifest miracles – it corresponds to Love, can be visualised as the Flower of Life and intoned as C major…..

          anyway, here is an image from an emergent series called ‘Prayers for Fukushima’ – this ones for you guys (y’all), called ‘undauntable Peace’

  39. Jamie: “I don’t care anymore about the the statistics and what the increasingly marginalized skeptics might say, we are definitely seeing an increase in the number and severity of natural disaster in the beginning of the 21st century.”

    Right on Jamie – and this Fukushima disaster, as even TIME magazine today says, is going to be a huge mess for a long time yet. Which means that these deadly vapors are going to continue to spill into the air and the ocean and circulate the globe. Here is a report from Bloomberg and TIME. Eventually the monopoly media has to admit what is going on at Fukushima – because the business people have to be informed that there are enormous financial consequences on the horizon.

    Time.com: China Syndrome “might just have happened at Fukushima” — Molten fuel may have “melted through everything into the earth”
    May 16th, 2011 at 04:22 PM

    Was Fukushima a China Syndrome?, Eben Harrell for Time Magazine, May 16, 2011 at 2:00 pm EDT:
    [Emphasis Added]
    The China Syndrome refers to a scenario in which a molten nuclear reactor core could could fission its way through its containment vessel, melt through the basement of the power plant and down into the earth. […] It’s a nightmare scenario,the stuff of movies. And it might just have happened at Fukushima. […]
    [T]he fuel itself lies in a clump—either at the bottom of the pressure vessel, or in the basement below or possibly even outside the containment building. […]
    [T]he water is escaping somewhere on a course cut by molten fuel–probably into the basement of the reactor building, though it’s also possible it melted through everything into the earth. […]
    Whatever the end game at Fukushima, get your head around this, folks: it is going to be a huge mess for a long time yet.


    Tepco Says Fuel in 2 Reactors May Have Melted
    By Michio Nakayama and Yuji Okada – May 17, 2011 12:18 AM GMT+1200

    Tokyo Electric Power Co. said fuel in other reactors at its damaged nuclear plant may have melted, after confirming rods in the No. 1 unit had fallen from their assembly, potentially delaying plans to resolve the crisis.
    “The findings at the No. 1 reactor indicate the likelihood that the water level readings in the other reactors aren’t accurate,” Junichi Matsumoto, a general manager at the utility known as Tepco, said today. “It could be that a meltdown similar to that in the No. 1 reactor has occurred.”
    Moody’s Japan K.K. cut Tepco’s credit ratings and put it on review for further possible downgrade after today’s news. Tepco has been struggling to cool reactors and stop radiation leaks to end the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986. The discovery that fuels rods melted within 16 hours of power being knocked out means it’s unlikely Tepco can meet its timetable for containing the leaks, a nuclear engineering professor said.
    “Tepco didn’t clearly indicate how much uncertainty and potential negative scenarios were factored into the road map,” said Hironobu Unesaki at Kyoto University. “I don’t think they gathered enough data before coming up with the plan.”


    TEPCO announced on May 15 that it started to use boric acid in the reactor cooling water for the Reactor 3 at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant to prevent recriticality from happening. Boric acid absorbs neutrons.

    Recriticality is when the nuclear chain reaction is restarted. There is salt in the Reactor Pressure Vessels of the Reactors 1, 2 and 3, as TEPCO initially poured seawater to cool the RPVs. TEPCO thought the salt would absorb neutrons. TEPCO has decided to use boric acid in the cooling water because the level of salt in the cooling water may have decreased since TEPCO switched the cooling water from seawater to regular water.


  40. Chris: Chris on May 16, 2011 at 10:17 am
    Don’t buy the papers but looked at the Sunday rag at sister’s house….
    NOTHING at all on Fukushima.

    Amazing isn’t it.
    No one here talks about this.
    Earthlings are in a miasma of amnesia.
    It’s not on our TVs – therefore it is not happening.

    Chris, people like you, Jamie, Jim, and others will be holding a higher frequency of consciousness, each in their own way, for the planet to evolve into after “the cosmic broom” has cleared the field. I don’t know how this will play out – but it will be awe-filled. I’m keeping my focus on the next CME. God Bless us all and give us the courage to live through these Earth Changes – Lord knows, she Gaia needs them.


    Head for the HEART!

  41. RT: Fukushima reactors a raging radioactive inferno

    “There have been nuclear explosions” — “Ongoing nuclear reaction taking place now” (VIDEO)
    May 17th, 2011 at 04:53 PM
    “Situation at Fukushima out of control”, Russia Today, May 17, 2011:
    Transcript Summary
    0:45 Raging radioactive inferno taking place inside the reactor… we believe probably outside the reactor
    1:00 The real situation is in fact far worse because there have been nuclear explosions we now know
    2:15 We know that it is still fissioning… ongoing nuclear reaction taking place now… it is still going on
    3:15 It’s very hard to know how you could take control of the situation… the situation is essentially out of control


  42. Scientists Will Track Fukushima Radiation To Study Ocean Currents
    May. 17 2011
    • Radioactive Isotopes Expected to Reach U.S. Coast In One To Two Years
    • Woods Hole Institute To Send Research Vessel To Japan
    Oceanographers know that the Kuroshio current sweeps west from Japan to the Central Pacific and then toward the U.S. West Coast, but they’re less certain how it behaves after it branches toward Alaska and California.
    Radiation still leaking into the sea from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant will help them document the ocean’s circulatory system.
    “By the time that current reaches the Central Pacific, there are branches heading more towards Alaska and the South—that gets harder to predict,” said Ken Buesseler, a senior scientist with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.

    “They Lied About Fukushima — There’s a Shock”
    May 17th, 2011 at 11:46 AM
    They Lied About Fukushima. There’s a Shock., Scienceblogs, May 17, 2011:
    So it turns out that there *was* a meltdown around reactor #1. Quite a lot of people suspected this from the visual evidence, but TEPCO and the Japanese government denied, denied, denied. Accusations that those arguing for a meltdown were all internet conspiracy theorists (which also occurred early in the Katrina disaster as well, and in other instances) were used to discredit people who argued that a meltdown had, in fact occurred.
    This is a useful thing to know, because it gives you a sense of the dynamic being built up between governments and ordinary people as things become less stable on the world scene. On the one hand, extreme events are more common due to climate change, lack of ability to maintain infrastructure, etc… On the other hand, the idea that there is a coherence to these events, and that historically it is risky to trust official versions is maligned as conspiracy theorism. […]

    Radioactive substance detected in green tealeaves in Ibaraki towns
    MITO — Higher levels of radioactive cesium than the national provisional limit were detected in green tea leaves harvested…

    Nearly 3,000 evacuees rushed to hospital by ambulance — From shelters in Fukushima, Iwate and Miyagi
    May 17th, 2011 at 03:22 AM
    Nearly 3,000 taken to hospitals by ambulances from quake shelters, Japan Today, May 17, 2011:
    [Emphasis Added]
    Nearly 3,000 evacuees living in shelters in three of the northeastern Japan prefectures worst affected by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami have been taken to hospital by ambulance, according to a Kyodo News survey released Tuesday.
    At least 2,816 evacuees suffering from stress and poor hygienic conditions were rushed to hospitals from shelters in coastal parts of the Pacific prefectures Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi, the survey of 15 local fire departments showed.

  43. Russian Zhirinovsky claim’s to have caused the Japan Earthquake and tsunami
    WIKI: Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky (born 25 April 1946) is a Russian politician, colonel of the Russian Army, founder and the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), Vice-Chairman of the State Duma, and a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

    “Washington has no future, this artificial state will collapse; then the old Europe, that continent, which has no importance whatsoever; China is on the verge of explosion; and what remains is Russia possessing orbital launch capability: space power. Russia with lots of money, resources, and new weapons, that no oneknows about them yet. With them WE WILL DESTROY any part of the planet within 15 minutes. Not an explosion, not a ray burst, not some kind of a laser, not a lightning, no, but a quiet and peaceful weapon. Whole continents will be put to sleep forever. And that’s all.”
    video here


    full speech translated

    images and many posts/discussions on the Russian HAARP aka Woodpecker

    Demonstrating the grave danger to this planet’s natural geomagnetic stability, the 1987 Eastlund patent (which is the basic design of the HAARP project) stated: “THE EARTH’S MAGNETIC FIELD COULD BE DECREASED OR DISRUPTED AT APPROPRIATE ALTITUDES TO MODIFY OR ELIMINATE THE MAGNETIC FIELD…”

    Richard Willams, a physicist at Princeton, stated that he thinks the Eastlund (HAARP) device “might become a serious threat to the earth’s atmosphere” and “could cause irreversible damage. … Effects in the atmosphere cannot be localized. …The language of the patent indicates that it is clearly intended to provide effects on a global scale,” (3/88 OMNI MAGAZINE).
    The 2/94 COOK INLET (Alaska) MONTHLY BUSH BLADE carried a number of detailed articles about the destructive effects of the HAARP system:

    The late geomagnetic researcher Lloyd Zirbes strongly opposed the technology utilized in the HAARP system. He wrote: “Disruption of earth’s magnetic field will complete damages to the planet’s balance done by government nuclear bomb blasts in the natural radiation belts above the ionosphere. EARTH’S MAGNETIC FIELD KEEPS THE PLANET IN BALANCE WITH THE MOON AND SUN” (T. E. Bearden says the same thing—page . “Disrupting the field will be the last straw in sending earth into the sun or out into space.”

    “…Ionospheric warming (such as created by the HAARP transmitters) can’t fail to effect the land mass below. Total result will force POLAR ICE-CAPS TO START MELTING,” – a goal which U.S. and Soviet scientists have been jointly and secretly working towards since the late 1960’s.

    • “Russian Zhirinovsky claim’s to have caused the Japan Earthquake and tsunami”

      My wonderful husband made the excellent point that this guy was drunk!
      Was he telling the truth drunk? Or just boasting about his fantasies?
      The Vodka syndrome…

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