Saturn Retrograde June 29, 2024 – Care and Responsibility

Saturn Retrograde 2024

Saturn retrograde 2024 begins on June 29 at 19° Pisces and ends on November 15 at 12° Pisces.

Generally, Saturn retrograde is a time of reflection about the responsibilities and limitations in your life.  Saturn retrograde 2024 has positive energy due to a favorable aspect to the Moon. It promotes care, patience and responsibility in your personal and home life.

Saturn Retrograde Meaning

Saturn is the Lord of Karma. Retrograde motion is a time when karma is sorted out. Therefore, Saturn retrograde is a double dose of karma. Karma is a form of energy that is very real.

If you have been bad in the past, an event will occur to teach you a lesson. If you have been good in the past, an event will occur to reward you for your good deeds. The karma of Saturn retrograde relates to how responsible you have been in the past.

Specific issues involving your duties, responsibilities, dependents or career may cause limitation, restriction, anxiety, guilt and fear. The problem highlighted is so important that extra time is needed to take stock and ensure everything is in order before you continue. You may be tested to ensure you are ready to take on the extra responsibility. The lessons you learn might be challenging, but they will be valuable.

On the other hand, it could be that negative Saturn behavior, such as sadness or shyness, has gotten out of control. In this case, events will force you to recognize and admit the problem. Things may get so out of control that an intervention or some drastic event must occur to shake you out of your depression or isolation.

By the time Saturn stations direct, you should have come to terms with the relevant issues and be ready to move forward with determination and preparedness. See Saturn Retrograde Natal and Transit for more information.

Saturn Retrograde 2024

Saturn stations retrograde on June 29, 2024, at 19°25′ Pisces. The only significant Saturn aspect is a semisextile to the Moon. There are no major fixed stars aligned with Saturn retrograde 2024.

Saturn Retrograde June 2024

Saturn Retrograde 2024

Moon semisextile Saturn may only be considered a minor planetary aspect, but it is effective under a one-degree orb and gives Saturn retrograde 2024 positive energy. It also reinforces the already positive nature of the astrology chart due to the Sun semisextile Jupiter.

This positive Moon influence promotes stability and security in your personal and home life. It helps you develop self-reliance, practicality, and persistence. Emotional toughness prepares you to handle complex or challenging issues with emotional maturity, self-discipline, care and patience. In times of crisis, you can be responsible, reliable, and dependable. You can also rely on common sense, a more reliable intuition and a good memory.

Regarding Saturn retrograde themes, it helps you intuitively recognize any fears, guilt or challenging behaviors that need addressing. You can emotionally connect more deeply with others to solve relationship problems. This aspect is also beneficial for resolving family and marriage problems and shared responsibility issues like children and real estate.

You will likely feel more protective, loyal, proud and respectful of your partner, family, ancestry, traditions, community, or nation. However, Saturn retrograde 2024 ultimately means taking care and responsibility for anyone in need.

Saturn stations direct on November 15, 2024, at 12°41′ Pisces. It makes no planetary aspects or fixed star conjunctions [see chart].

Saturn Retrograde Dates

  • 2023, June 17 to November 4, from 7° to 0° Pisces
  • 2024, June 29 to November 15, from 19° to 12° Pisces
  • 2025, July 13 to November 27, from 1° Aries to 25° Pisces

6 thoughts on “Saturn Retrograde June 29, 2024 – Care and Responsibility

  1. that’s my first Saturn return o my life, it exactly conjunct my natal Saturn in 8th house opposite natal Chiron in 2nd house also conjunct my natal venues at 25 degree of pieces and square my natal Jupiter at 14 degree Sagittarius in 5th house. well i am experiencing toughest work and job of my life. i am stuck in a job where i have to work labor for 11 hours a day, I didn’t have time for my pleasure or family not for a song to listen freely. i am doing work for others with minimum payment. If i stop doing it i got stuck in debts while doing so my body is shaping in good form ,i am not getting sick ,no blood pressure or stomach issues. Still got some insomnia issues. Also from my sun its Saturn in 12th house while Jupiter in my 3rd house opposite my natal Jupiter in 9th house from sun. i am also working on overseas visa for study in Europe .i hope i get it. all my life i am struggling to get some good amount of money from works, still one is helping me i am doing my best.

    • Oh, I laugh to keep from cryin. No one is helping me, I am doing my best. Story of my life. I have natal mars retrograde at 20 pisces. Although I do have a loose trine between venus and saturn. So I should not complain. Like dear ol mom always said, you gotta keep a goin.

    • I guess u born 1994 / 1995, is it right? I was born 3/19/1995. I’m a Pisces.

  2. Well I can’t wait for this!! Saturn retrograde in Picies gives me a breather, as the pressure from the tight Grand Sguare, Saturn has formed with my other natal planet placements, has affected me with heavy inertia, and a heavy slow feeling in my body. At 81 years, I have been through this transit twice before, and always the retrograde phase is very welcomed. I can finally get things done, during this time, and take care of my affairs. Always during this transit direct, everything comes apart in my life, and if I stress about it, I make things twice as bad. Time has taught me to just wait it out. Thanks for this Jamie. It sure helps to remember all that can be involved, and what to stay on top of.

  3. My second Saturn return @ 16 degrees in my 3rd house. The last transiting exact conjunct the moon on May31, let me be with my father when he passed. Wondering what Karma this upcoming Saturn transits will bring with conjunct natal Chiron @ 22.15. My birthday July 21, with the Capricorn moon ( my ascendent) at 29 degrees , reflects my sun sign exactly.

  4. There is a very moving photograph of children holding cooking pots and perhaps doing so at a rally. The photo is above the Saturn Retrograde June 29—November 15, 2024 article. I’d like to know more about the photo. Any info would be helpful. Thank you. Jamie Murphy

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