The attack earlier today Iraq’s largest oil refinery comes as no surprise. In the February 2011 Forecast it was predicted that we could see &...

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Iraq Horoscope

Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi has ruled for over 40 years. He is a military man, having been schooled at military college in Libya, then furthering hi...

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Colonel Gaddafi Horoscope

The revolution in Egypt and spreading unrest in the Arab world poses a threat to Middle East stability, and particularly to the hopes of peace for Isr...

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Israel Horoscope

Credible evidence of a UFO over the Rock of the Dome in Jerusalem has emerged from last Friday, 28 January 2011. The UFO was captured on video by at ...

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UFO in Jerusalem

The protests in Egypt this January 2011 have come following the uprising and revolution in Tunisia in December 2010. This popular revolutionary moveme...

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Egypt Horoscope

This news story about the 13th Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus is the biggest attention astrology has had recently. This story has been in the news before, but...

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13th Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus