Canadians celebrate their national day on July 1 each year to mark the enactment of the British North America Act in 1867. This used to be called Domi...

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Canada Horoscope

Which USA Horoscope to use has often been a hotly debated topic on astrology forums, and seen a few guys banned around the place. There are many date...

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USA Horoscope

President Saleh is the dictator of Yemen. He was born on March 21 1946 in North Yemen. In March 2011 he is facing protests and rebellion from his citi...

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Ali Abdullah Saleh Horoscope

For comparison with Fukushima Explosion and meltdown 2011. Transits to chart from Fukushima explosion, precess 21′ Solar Eclipse conjunct Mars ...

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Chernobyl Disaster

This is a quick look at the astrology of the Three Mile Island Accident in comparison to the Fukushima Explosion and meltdown 2011. The transits bel...

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Three Mile Island Accident