Lunar Eclipse October 2013

Lunar EclipseThe lunar eclipse on the 18th of October, 2013, heralds the beginning of a new eclipse cycle which will see us through until April 2014. As with other full moons, the earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, creating a polarity between subconscious feeling and conscious intent. This disconnect can cause disorientation, or feelings of vulnerability and heightened sensitivity. This is felt stronger with lunar eclipses because the earth blocks the Suns life force from illuminating the Moon.

There is a decidedly poisonous and dangerous feel about this lunar eclipse. This is because of some fixed stars and challenging aspects which I will mention below. Dramatic events are in store for us, especially with Uranus square Pluto hitting on November 1. Someone will enter the world stage to liven things up. This person will be seen as a Savior by some, and the Antichrist by others. At both the individual and the global level, we will have to show courage and faith, to deal with threats to our physical and spiritual health. There is a looming battle on both fronts.

Lunar Eclipse in Cepheus The King

The October 2013 lunar eclipse is at 25 degrees Aries, lining up with the fixed star Kurda in constellation Cepheus. The Greeks called this constellation the King, but it really symbolizes the King Maker, the power behind the throne, or the Druid. Along with such heavy responsibility comes a stern face, aged by severe trials and burdens, worried by the repercussions of the judgments that duty demands.

Kurda is exactly opposite the futuristic path leader star, Arcturus. This extremely fortunate star does come into play because it lines up with the Sun for this lunar eclipse. However Kurda is the main focus of the subconscious, mass-conscious Moon.

Kurda is the opposite of Arcturus. Kurda is grey, ancient wisdom, standing stones, archeo astronomy, the past-life soul memory etched in the DNA of each cell in our body. Kurda is the spiritual leader, the adviser, calling on ancient knowledge which has been lost or discarded. “The ancient astronomers were Cepheans who made Cepheus the father of their royal family of stars.” [1].

Lunar Eclipse Square Varuna

The dwarf planet Varuna is square the lunar eclipse as shown in the horoscope below. This presents us with a big challenge to remain “strong and competent without force or violence.” [2]. Eric Francis calls Varuna “the great equalizer… often depicted carrying a noose. One of Varuna’s themes, both astrological and mythological, is the punishment of liars and those who do not honor contracts.”” [3].

The coming of a spiritual, religious or political leader shown by the lunar eclipse in constellation Kurda, is supported by the mundane astrological interpretation of Varuna by Philip Sedgwick: “appointments or elected positions, delegation of authority, promotions, demotions, court martial, public humiliation.” [4].

Mars and Comet ISON Opposite Neptune

Full Moon October 2013 Lunar Eclipse AstrologyThe previous solar eclipse focused on our physical health. The previous lunar eclipse focused on our mental and spiritual health. Now we are ready for the physical, mental and spiritual pressure applied by Mars opposite Neptune: spiritual warfare.

Mars is on the fixed star Phecda, “In conjunction with planetary malefics, it is said that this star is a possible cause of ‘a great blood bath’… an indication of a pathological sex nature.”

The chart for the October 2013 lunar eclipse shows Mars conjunct Comet ISON, also on the fixed star Phecda. The horoscope for comet ISON suggests contamination by poison. This is supported by the experts: “The shower is going to hit our planet from two directions at once… In my experience, this kind of double whammy is unprecedented.” [5]. Latest reports say comet ISON will be visible by the end of October.

The idea of Cephean leader coming to power during this eclipse cycle is also supported by the arrival of comet ISON, “Comets were also seen as heralding the rise to power of an ‘agent’, a military or religious leader, or a reformer.” [6].

Lunar Eclipse October 2013 Archangel Stars

The four royal stars of ancient Persian are also called the Archangel stars, known to Christians as the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Three of these bright and intense fixed stars are activated in the lunar eclipse horoscope above.

Venus is on the fixed star Antares (Archangel Uriel). Neptune is on the fixed star Fomalhaut (Archangel Gabriel). Mars and comet ISON are on the fixed star Regulus (Archangel Raphael).Regulus is a big star, but right next to it in longitude is the hellish little star Phecda, mentioned earlier. Perhaps the companion of the fourth horseman:

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” Revelation 6:8, King James Bible.

  Lunar Eclipse October 2013 Times

Los Angeles CA 18 Oct, 2013 16:37
New York 18 Oct 2013, 19:37
London UK 19 Oct 2013, 00:37
New Delhi India 19 Oct 2013, 06:37
Bangkok Thailand 19 Oct 2013, 06:37
Sydney Australia 19 Oct 2013, 10:37

1. Stars, Stones and Scholars, Andis Kaulins, p.63.
2. List of Named Centaurs, Zsuzsanna Griga.
3. Varuna, Eric Francis.
4. Varuna, Philip Sedgwick.
5. Comet ISON Meteor Shower, NASA.
6. Unexpected Visitors, Jonathan Flanery.