Comet ISON

Comet ISON AstrologyComet ISON (C/2012 S1) was discovered at 5:15 am on September 21 2012 by Artem Novichonok and Vitaly Nevsky at the ISON-Kislovodsk observatory in Russia. The astronomers on their blogs and forums are saying there is a good chance that this will be a big one, very bright around the end of 2013.

That is so long as it doesn’t break up like comet Elenin, and even though the discoverer titled his blog post, Great Comet From Russia, he does say “any optimistic forecasts should be treated with caution…its core can be very fragile and may not survive the comet perihelion.”

I hope that comet ISON holds together and gives us a good show following the disappointment of Elenin. I’m sure that either way we will soon be hearing about ascension, doomsday or some aliens riding the tail in. I’ll start that ball rolling by looking into some old and new astrological methods for interpreting the meaning of comets.

Comet ISON Astrology Chart

Robson says the effects of comets are influenced “through the constellation in which they appear, and also through the zodiacal sign and degree to which their position corresponds. They are said to cause inordinate heat, pestilence. sterility of the earth, wars and changes in kingdoms, winds, earthquakes and floods, and are assigned to the planets according to their colors.” We will have to wait to see what color this comet is. Comet ISON first appeared through a telescope at 00°59′ Leo between constellations Gemini and Cancer. The comet aligned with alpha Monoceros, the brightest star in the Unicorn constellation.

The two longest solar eclipses in the last two millennia fell on this star. The eclipse of 26 June 363 AD heralded the end of Paganism and the rise of Christianity through the Church of Rome. The last pagan ruler or Rome, Emperor Julian the Apostate died the day after the eclipse. He was succeeded by the Christian emperor Jovian. The solar eclipse of July 22 2009 coincided at the height of the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal. Monoceros rules the Catholic Church, Germany, Ireland, Israel, equality, communications and aviation.

Throughout the history of astrology, the appearance of comets was a sign of upheaval for humanity, affecting agriculture and the weather. Comets were also seen as heralding the rise to power of an “agent“, a military or religious leader, or a reformer.” Jonathan Flanery.

Today we can use a more modern method because we have an exact time and place for the first sighting of this comet. That means we can look at the discovery chart for clues. The star culminating on the Midheaven is Menkib in constellation Perseus “indicative of events affecting large numbers of people, especially those events caused by major meteorological phenomena“.

Comet ISON Astrology ChartMercury stands out in the discovery chart being square Uranus and opposite Pluto. Perhaps the message from this comet has to do with the big evolutionary changes that Uranus square Pluto is bringing.

The discovery came just 2 days after the second exact square, and the closest approach to the Sun comes at the peak of these squares in November 2013. The rising star in the discovery chart is Thuban, the brightest star in constellation Draco the Dragon. “It was said by the Ancients that when a comet was here poison was scattered over the world.” Comet ISON should be visible to the naked eye from early November 2013 to mid-January 2014. It makes its closest approach to Earth on December 26. Comet ISON passes through constellation Draco from December 26 2013 to January 3 2014.

For several days around January 12, 2014, Earth will pass through a stream of fine-grained debris from Comet ISON…The shower is going to hit our planet from two directions at once…In my experience, this kind of double whammy is unprecedented.” Comet ISON Meteor Shower.

comets are an ideal vehicle for sustaining and transporting a variety of microbes, including viruses, from planet to planet and even from solar system to solar system. In consequence, when these organisms are deposited on a world already thriving with life, genes may be exchanged, the evolution of new species may ensue, or conversely contagion may be unleashed, and disease, death, and plague may spread throughout the land.” Comets and Contagion: Evolution and Diseases From Space.

Update 28 November 2013

Comet ISON’s closest approach to the Sun today (perihelion) – see chart.

Update 29 November 2013

NASA says ISON’s reemergence continues “a history of surprising behavior” that has seen the comet brighten and dim “in unexpected ways.” Comet ISON reappears in new NASA images, scientists say nucleus ‘may still be intact’.

That is Mercury opposite Uranus in the comet ISON discovery chart.