Jamie Partridge

Jamie PartridgeWelcome to Astrology King. My name is Jamie Partridge. I live on the east coast of Australia with my wife and our five amazing children.

I became interested in astrology at age 29, shortly before my Saturn return. Just browsing a bookstore on holidays is how it started. I was subconsciously looking for answers as to why my life seemed so fated and eventful.

It was to be a steep learning curve as my Saturn return resulted in ill health, loss of my business, and the first of three divorces. The roller coaster has kept going up till this moment, so I do have a lot of life experience to draw on to increase my knowledge of the workings of astrology.

After buying my first computer in 2008, some playing around on astrology forums revealed I had developed a unique and accurate form of chart analysis and prediction. With the encouragement of MySpace friends, I started an astrology forum called Funkastrology.

My first astrology website was funkastrology.co.uk, a joint project with Marina Macario. In 2009 it underwent a name change to darkstarastrology.com. I started my own website, astrologyking.com, in January 2013.

I do not use Houses nor Signs. I use aspects and fixed stars. I do use cardinal points like AC and MC. I don’t believe House cusps are real. They have no energy. They are constructs of the human imagination and have purely symbolic meaning, in much the same way as Tarot cards. This article explains my reasoning: Precession Astrology.

All the best, Jamie Partridge.

For questions, email: funkastrology@gmail.com