Spectra G

Ancha at 03°16′ Pisces has an orb of 1°20′ The Sun joins Ancha on February 23 Fixed star Ancha, Theta Aquarii, is a 4.1 magnitude yellow-hued st...

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Fixed Star Ancha

Sadalmelik at 03°21′ Pisces has an orb of 1°50′ The Sun joins Sadalmelik on February 22 Fixed star Sadalmelik, Alpha Aquarii, is a 2.94 magnitud...

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Fixed Star Sadalmelik

Giedi at 03°52′ Aquarius has an orb of 1°40′ The Sun joins Giedi on January 24 Fixed star Giedi, Alpha Capricorni is an optical double star loca...

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Fixed Star Giedi

Princeps at 03°10′ Scorpio has an orb of 1°40′ The Sun joins Princeps on October 26 Fixed star Princeps, Delta Boötis, is a double star in the ...

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Fixed Star Princeps

Ain at 08°28′ Gemini has an orb of 1°40′ The Sun joins Ain on May 29 Fixed star Ain, Epsilon Tauri, is a star in the Hyades star cluster marking...

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Fixed Star Ain

Vindemiatrix at 09°56′ Libra has an orb of 2°00′ The Sun joins Vindemiatrix star on October 2 Fixed star Vindemiatrix, Epsilon Virginis, is a si...

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Fixed Star Vindemiatrix