Leo Weekly Horoscope

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Leo Weekly Horoscope

May 13 to 19, 2024

Monday and Tuesday bring cheerfulness, optimism and tolerance, ideal for relaxing, socializing and indulging in pleasurable pursuits. Or, if you prefer, you could use positive thinking more productively to increase your knowledge, wealth and future prospects. Plans, partnerships, negotiations, contracts, investments, business ideas, studies and legal cases should be successful. Generosity and kindness promote spiritual growth.

Wednesday to Sunday, you can enjoy a nice balance between work and home. Your family will give you all the emotional support and nourishment you need to reach your full potential at work and make it look easy. This is a good time to celebrate at home with family, like a birthday party. Work presentations in front of a group or public will go well because you can make them feel like you are one of them. Others will likely feel more comfortable around you and think they can trust you.

Leo Weekly Horoscope Tarot

The Four of Swords is a card that signifies a break or a need for a break from everyday life. This can also mean that you or someone in your life may withdraw. This withdrawal is not likely to be permanent. It also occasionally means illness or time in the hospital or, in extreme cases, jail. It’s a clear signifier of giving people space.  Leo Weekly HoroscopeThe Four of Swords usually means you need time and space for yourself. Others may be pushing too hard for bits of your time and attention. Don’t hesitate to draw boundaries for yourself or to say no. Conversely, when others say no to you, take them at their word. Pushing in this circumstance is asking for trouble.

All Signs for This Week

Your Leo weekly horoscope is based on planetary transits to the Leo horoscope sign, not houses, zones, or sectors. The Tarot card randomly selected comes from the Classic Rider-Waite Tarot Deck and the interpretations from the Tarot Card Meanings by Psychic Revelation. All cards except numbers XIII and XV are included.