Dominique Strauss Kahn Horoscope

Dominique Strauss Kahn Horoscope

Suspended head of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn was arrested on May 11 2011 for allegedly sodomizing a maid in his New York motel room. Dominique has been accused of rape before, and has also publicly apologized for having an affair. We have his exact time of birth [1] and the exact time of his arrest [2], so the astrology should tell us if Dominique does in fact have a tendency for playing up and if this latest accusation has merits.

Transiting Pluto is trine his Venus greatly intensifying his love nature, increasing his need for sexual stimulation, Pluto is deep and probing. His Venus is conjunct the fixed star Hamal in constellation Aries. Adolf Hitler and JFK also has Venus on this star. Marina found that Hamal causes competitiveness in love which often leads to promiscuity. Ebertin mentions suffering in the love life and even sadism [3]. The January 2011 solar eclipse was square his Midheaven so this describes the challenge to his career and social standing.

The solar eclipse was also square his Neptune so there was a danger of becoming entangled in an intrigue effecting the career. His Neptune is conjunct the malevolent fixed star Algorab. Transiting Uranus conjunct his Moon brings sudden upsets involving women and also erratic or impulsive actions. Robert Hand actually states “Sudden infatuations with the opposite sex, especially if you are a man” [4]. The December 2010 lunar eclipse was conjunct his Uranus, so this is like a double whammy effect. Dominique’s Uranus in on the fixed star Betelgeuse in the Orion Constellation.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn HoroscopeNow things get interesting because you can see in his horoscope below that he has a Yod aspect pattern. Saturn sextile Uranus both quincunx Jupiter on the Descendant. Uranus has been activated by the lunar eclipse. Saturn was also activated at the exact moment of his arrest. Setting at that time was the fixed star Regulus, the same star his Saturn is on. Regulus is a Mars-Jupiter natured star, sexy and bold. It is also in line with a little star called Phecda, which when linked to Neptune, as it is by aspect and transit, is associated with a “pathological sex nature”.

To top it all off, transiting Neptune is opposite his Saturn. With Jupiter at the action point of his Yod, this means that one to one relationships his strength and also his weakness, it is his mission in life to conquer any issues here. Jupiter conjunct Descendant means he can go to excess in this area. His Jupiter is conjunct the fixed star in Aquila the Eagle called Altair, which like Regulus is a sexy Mars-Jupiter natured star.

With Neptune rising at the moment of arrest, plus his Neptune aspected by the solar eclipse, and transiting Neptune opposite his Saturn, there is the possibility of a set up or some conspiracy, but there are also many indicators in his chart that he has a high sex drive which is heightened at the moment. The recent conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter was conjunct his Mars (sex).

1. “Paddy de Jabrun quotes birth certificate”, Roden Rating AA, Astro Databank. 2. “The New York Police Department arrested Mr. Strauss-Kahn at 2:15 a.m. Sunday” The New York Times 3. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.19. 4. Planets in Transit, Robert Hand, 2001. p.385.