The only astrology I found on the current rioting in Thailand was and article written by David Crook at Stellar Insights two months ago, Thailand...

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Thailand Horoscope

In UK Election 2010 we predicted David Cameron would be the next prime minister; “the public will be angry because of the Moon opposite Mars, a...

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UK Election Result Predicted

Wasat at 18°31′ Cancer has an orb of 1°40′ The Sun joins Wasat on July 10 Fixed star Wasat, Delta Geminorum, is a triple star system located on ...

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Fixed Star Wasat

An accurate horoscope for North Korea has never been available to us because there is no recorded time for the proclamation of the Democratic People&#...

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North Korea Horoscope

The Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded on 20 April 2010, sank two days later, and now the oil spill from the uncapped valve on the sea floor is causin...

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Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Here is some free astrology software I have found very useful. The first one I only just stumbled upon today and I just love it as a research tool for...

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Free Astrology Software