Nick Clegg was unknown to me when I posted Astrology of the UK election. Now we want to see his horoscope, because three weeks into the campaign he is...

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Nick Clegg Horoscope

The UK general election has been called for 06 May 2010. The current prime minister is Gordon Brown from Labour and his challenger is David Cameron of...

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UK Election 2010

North Korea rectified chart. 1948, September 9, 12:39 pm, Pyongyang. “On September 9, 1948 he proclaimed the establishment of the DPRK.” ...

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North Korea Raw Data

Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 pm in Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. His Sun positioned at 12 degrees Leo places him in Leo Decan 2. His Moo...

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Barack Obama Horoscope

I have previously questioned whether Hellenistic style astrology has any real practical application for us in the 21st Century. Joseph C. Crane, M.A, ...

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Rudy Giuliani Horoscope

Hellenistic astrology is apparently experiencing a revival. Writing for The Mountain Astrologer, Eric Frances made the observation when reporting on N...

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Hellenistic Astrology