Benjamin Netanyahu Horoscope

Benjamin Netanyahu Horoscope

Benjamin Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu finds himself at the helm of the nation of Israel at the most critical time in its history since the Six-Day War in 1967, when Israel more than doubled it’s territory. Surrounded by enemies rejuvenated by the Arab uprising, now her strongest supporter is backing away. Barack Obama said in a recent speech that the borders of Israel and a Palestinian state should be based on pre-1967 borders. This view is not supported by Israel, the pressure is on Netanyahu.

The wheels are definitely moving fast on the Palestinian Statehood issue which is the crux of virtually all the religious and political tension in the Middle East. Earlier this year I titled a post Israel Spiritual War because Neptune is now opposite the Israeli Mars. It is the most important issue in mundane astrology, and the late Robert P. Blaschke was passionate about this.

The astrology is stunning here, by studying what is happening now we can see plain as day how astrology works through transits. If we are good enough we may be able to get some clues as to how all this will work out. Using the Obama speech on May 19 2011, I have added comments showing the transits to the Israel Horoscope and Palestinian Horoscopes.

Now back to Netanyahu. There is something destined about this man, he’s been PM before and came back for another go, he wants this job with a passion, he must have a sense of destiny, he knows this is the big play going on at this time in history. Benjamin Netanyahu is a complex man. I’m intrigued by his claim to have prophetic abilities which have been promoted recently, he has a spiritual side.

Benjamin Netanyahu Horoscope

Benjamin Netanyahu Horoscope

With Sun sextile Mars he is a warrior. He was one of the commandos led by his current Minister of Defence Ehud Barak, in a covert attack on terrorist hijackers in 1972. The Moon conjunct Neptune gives psychic ability, sextile Pluto this is psychic power, conjunct South Node he’s been there before. Now we have a spiritual warrior, the spiritual comes from Moon conjunct Neptune, the warrior from Sun sextile Mars. Who better to lead Israel through a spiritual war?

While Neptune gives the psychic sensitivity to the intuition (Moon), the rational intellect (Mercury) is also aided by the fixed star Porrima which gives “prophetic instincts.” His calling in life as shown by the Midheaven (MC) is conjunct the fixed star Zosma, called Kakkab Kua in Sumeria, the Oracle Star, it gives “Ability to prophesy”.

In November 2006 on CNN, Netanyahu stated “I wrote a book in 1995, and I said that, if the West doesn’t wake up to the suicidal nature of militant Islam, the next thing you will see is militant Islam is bringing down the World Trade Center.” His actual words in his book were, “the potentially much more insidious international terror which produced the [1993] World Trade Center bombing, and which may very well produce other such tragedies,” and “In the worst of such scenarios, the consequences could be not a car bomb but a nuclear bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center.” Those quotes are taken from Daniel Pipes who in 2009 dismissed the predictions because they were not accurate enough.

In October 2010, Netanyahu’s own office released a statement saying he had predicted the Chilean mining disaster of 2010. His book was quoted saying that a handful of miners would be trapped underground “for a long time” and the world would be riveted by the story. This fits with his MC on Zosma, his calling as a prophet is being promoted to the world. Were not Abraham, Moses and King David also prophets?

Benjamin may well be feeling betrayed by Barack Obama now as transiting Neptune is square his Ascendant. He is certainly being tested to come up with a different way of thinking and a new plan with Pluto square his Mercury for the next 18 months. But if this birth time is accurate, Pluto will also be trine his MC which is suggesting increased personal power and influence in the career.

As PM of Israel, this power and influence certainly be felt by many people. Robert Hand say this Pluto trine MC transit gives the feeling of a “very significant task to perform…a much greater sense of purpose.” [Planets in Transit, p.522.] Also over the next 18 months, up to December 2012, Saturn passes through his Libra stellium. It was conjunct his Mercury during his meeting with Obama. Serious thinking, serious discussions. Incredible responsibility over the next 18 months, the culmination of this life.

  • We know Benjamin Netanyahu was born on 21 October 1949 in Tel Aviv but there are a number of different birth times floating around ranging from 9:30 and to 11:45 am [Benjamin Netanyahu Horoscope – Astro Databank]. I have compared three times, the 9:30 am, 11:45 am and a rectified time of 10:15 am from Israeli astrologer Isaac Starkman. After checking these against six events including the killing of his brother in the Raid on Entebbe, and the last three Israeli elections, I like the 9:30 am time. Briefly, because when he first became PM in 1996 Pluto was conjunct his AC. When he lost the 1999 election Pluto was square his MC, and now Neptune is square his AC.