Israel Horoscope

Israel Horoscope

The revolution in Egypt and spreading unrest in the Arab world poses a threat to Middle East stability, and particularly to the hopes of peace for Israel. Pro-Western regimes around Israel are facing growing criticism from their citizens and concessions are being made in order to avert more unrest. Time to look at what’s happening ahead this year with the Israel horoscope.

The horoscope for the nation of Israel is set for 4:00 pm on May 14, 1948. As stated in The Book of World Horoscopes by Nick Campion, p.168.

The meeting began precisely at 4.00 pm, as arranged, when Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister, struck the table with his gavel… It is clear that Ben-Gurion himself regarded 4.00 pm as the critical time.

It is not surprising that David Ben-Gurion, a Freemason, chose the eaxt moment that fixed star Spica was rising.

  • 23♎03 – Israel Ascendant
  • 23♎07 – Alpha Virginis, Spica

Israel National Horoscope

Israel Horoscope

Israel Horoscope

There are two long term transits to the Israel chart this year, neither of them look good for peace. Pluto is opposite the Israeli Venus, and Neptune opposite their Mars. Venus in the mundane horoscope represents defeat in war, and being opposed by Pluto suggests that powerful forces outside the nations control are acting against their interests. Israel’s Venus is on a fixed star called Tejat Posterior, which Robson says is “Symbolically called the Abused or Beaten One”, but that it does give “force, energy, power and protection”.

The only other hard aspect to Venus from transiting Pluto started in 1973. On October 6, the Egyptian and Syrian armies launched a surprise attack against Israel. Pluto was exactly square the Israel Venus on 20 October. This Yom Kippur War ended on October 25 and Israel did successfully repel the Egyptians and Syrians but suffered massive losses. The Gaza War which started in December 2008, began less than three hours before a New Moon opposite the Israel Venus. So although Venus is supposed to represent defeat in war, perhaps the protection from the fixed star saves this nation somewhat.

There are three exact oppositions from Pluto to the Israel Venus in 2011. The first was January 10, no attack but some most significant developments with the Egyptian revolution later that month, and also the election of the Hezbollah-backed Lebanese prime minister, Najib Mikati. The final Pluto-Venus opposition is in November, but it is the middle one which stands out. On 18 July, Pluto is opposite Venus, and Saturn is exactly conjunct the Israel Neptune.

The other long term transit this year is Neptune opposite the Israeli Mars. This is why I’ve called this blog “Spiritual War”. The first exact transit is 11 March, then there there are two more, in September 2011, then January 2012. The only other hard aspect from transiting Neptune to the Israel Mars was the square in 1969-70, when Palestinian groups launched a wave of attacks against Israeli targets around the world.

Neptune opposing Mars does suggest a weakening of military strength, and the position is rapidly changing now their strongest Arab ally, Mubarak has been ousted from Egypt. However, as I mentioned in a post last year, Mars is conjunct a very strong star called Regulus which indicates success in war, and this is strengthened given that Israel has Mars trine Jupiter.

It does appear that Israel is coming under increasing threat from hostile enemies, and this is supported by the astrology. The Full Moon on February 18 is conjunct the Israel Mars which should activate the longer term opposition from Neptune. Neptune opposite Mars indicates suicide attacks and religious or spiritually based battles. Some naval involvement could also be expected with Neptune ruling the navy. Pluto opposite Venus indicates opposition from powerful forces making it difficult to maintain peace.