Fixed Star Spica

Spica at 23°50′ Libra has an orb of 2°40′
Fixed Star Spica

Virgo Constellation

The Sun joins Spica on October 16

Fixed star Spica, Alpha Virginis, is a spectroscopic binary star system whose two stars are so close together they are egg-shaped rather than spherical, and can only be separated by their spectra. The primary is a blue giant and a variable star of the Beta Cephei type. Located the ear of wheat of the Maiden, Virgo constellation. It is the brightest star in the constellation and the 15th brightest star in the night sky.

Magnitude (V) +0.97 (0.97–1.04). Spectral Type B1V (B1III-IV + B2V). The name Spica derives from the Latin spīca virginis which means Virgo’s Ear of Grain. In Hindu astronomy, Spica corresponds to the Nakshatra Chitrā.


Spica Astrology

According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Venus and Mars; and, to Alvidas, of Venus, Jupiter and Mercury. It gives success, renown, riches, a sweet disposition, love of art and science, unscrupulousness, unfruitfulness and injustice to innocence. [1]

Spica portends injustice to the innocent, but with a later justification and with eminence, renown and riches. When rising or culminating, it is one of the most fortunate stars in the sky. [2]

Anonymous (379 AD) said Spica is like Venus and Mercury (idealistic, psychic, handsome, neat, lovable, refined, genteel and intelligent.) [7]

α Virginus. A binary, white star in the hand of Virgo. “The Ear of Wheat in the Virgin’s Left Hand.” Spectral class B2. This star gives its natives, great honors, artistic appreciation, good fortune, religious preferment, good judgement, unexpected honors, riches, disputed decisions, sociableness.

NOTE: Spica, a white star in the left hand of Virgo, offers many good things in the life of the native so endowed, while Arcturus, a yellow star in the knee, offers a boost to material things in the life of the same nativities. Judge carefully. [8]

Agrippa1531 Spica.png  Spica is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a bird or a man laden with merchandise. It gives riches, overcomes contentions, and removes scarcity and mischief. Rules emerald, sage, trefoil, periwinkle, mugwort and mandrake. [1]

Spica, as already said, is one of the truly great stars in the sky, the one which gave us our word ‘star’, and at least as important as the four archangel stars…The considerable distance between Spica and its nearest neighbors has inspired some cultures to call it ‘The Lonely One’ and names like that, often to distinguish it from the equally prominent Arcturus, on almost the same Zodiacal longitude but higher in the sky and much closer to its neighbors in Bootes.

Astrologically, Spica is a ‘Good Star’, and no doubt it still is, if we don’t contemplate our descendants’ fates in 5 million years. Our friend classified it as a Venus-Mars type, the only one of that kind. The combination of the opposite sexes in the one star must inspire a further thought about the androgynous qualities we have already noted with Virgo, but it is doubtful that Ptolemy noted that. As the star of the grain harvest, it is the provider of our material needs, and indeed it does always show up well in that respect. There is, however, a word of warning to go with it: We only reap harvest if we have first sown the seed and cared for the fields, and what we reap must last us, and all who labored in our fields, until the next harvest is ready. He does not do so well from Spica who reaps what he has not sown, uses it profligately, or denies to others their share i his good fortune. As though to rub this in quite firmly, Arcturus in the sky above the Virgin’s Hand is the prime star of the much rougher character, the Herdsman, just as ready to take care of his herd but not to stand any nonsense from them.

Spica is also noted for its spiritual and religious qualities, as we must expect after all we have seen about Virgo, and indeed people with this star strong in their horoscopes do very often gain high place in those fields of life. Psychic awareness is also above average in such people, especially if the more sensitive planets, Moon, Venus, Neptune or Lilith are conjunct Spica. [3]

To Spica are ascribed honors and fame. Spica is of marked good fortune for scientists, writers, artist-painters, sculptors and musicians. If Spica is on the Asc or Meridian and conjunction Jupiter and Venus, promise is given even to people of humble origins to enjoy protection, preferment and even wealth. In conjunction with Mercury or Venus and positioned on the Meridian or Asc, Spica gives artistic skill, drawing ability, musical talent and a good sense for literature and the sciences.

However, if Spica is placed in angular houses and conjoined with Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, and if these planets are afflicted, a rise followed by a downfall with tragic ending could be the result. In 1923, when, as a result of inflation in Germany, many people became poverty stricken, Spica was bound up with Saturn. In a personal cosmogram, Spica means refinement. Such people have a noble bearing. Increased erotic tension, usually given with a Venus-Mars interpretation, is not the case with Spica, but a tendency to sublimate these powers and turn them into artistic and creative channels is indicated. [4]

Spica star rules the navel in the human body. [5]

Virgo Constellation

Ptolemy makes the following observations; “The stars in the head of Virgo, and that at the top of the southern wing, operate like Mercury and somewhat like Mars: the other bright stars in the same wing, and those about the girdle, resemble Mercury in their influence, and also Venus, moderately . . . those at the points of the feet and at the bottom of the garments are like Mercury, and also Mars, moderately.” By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Gimel and the 3rd Tarot Trump “The Empress.” [1]

This constellation is indicative of an abundance in harvest and a fruitfulness of agriculture in general. But when prominent in the charts of eclipses it portends events concerning kings (heads of state) and in this regard can be an ill omen indeed. [2]

In astrology this constellation and Gemini were the House of Mercury. But usually, and far more appropriately, Virgo’s stars have been given over to the care of Ceres, her namesake, the long-time goddess of the harvest. For her astrological colors Virgo assumed black speckled with blue; and was thought of as governing the abdomen in the human body, but always as an unfortunate, sterile sign. The appearance of a comet within its borders implied many grievous ills to the female portion of the population. [6]

Spica Star Astrology

Spica Star Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Spica: Unbounded good fortune, happiness, ecclesiastical preferment, unexpected honor or advancement beyond native’s hopes or capacity. [1]

Very fortunate. Rural occupations and millers of grain. [2]

Well-known, famous, resourceful, very learned, fond of philosophical dissertations, eloquent, creative, insightful, ingenious, fond of music and the arts, kind-hearted, agreeable and with a delicate life, happy, sensible and thoughtful, skillful and fortunate. Self-taught, esteemed for reasoning ability, a propensity for what is virtuous, well-spoken and pleasant to talk to, amiable and well-tempered manners, solicitous, possesses the art of judgment, and generous. [7]

A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions, prosperity from youth and in own city. [7]

Spica rising or culminating makes the interpreters of sacred things, the high and honored priests or philosophers, the inspired interpreters of some mystery or initiatory rites, or those who refuse some foods and are greatly assisted by the gods. [7]

Charles de Gaulle 0°11′, Ernesto Miranda 0°19′.

Ascendant and Mercury conjunct Spica: The native will be a prophet and will appear great in the eyes of men and will be a philosopher, inventor of the sciences and has knowledge of everything, especially of those sciences originating in the region of Babylon. And if the nativity were nocturnal, and Mercury placed in this way and Mars were in the sixth place from Mercury, right with respect to the ascendant, the native will be idolatrous and very famous and will speak prophetic words and will perform miracles and God is wiser in this. [7]

Ascendant and Mars conjunct Spica: Sometimes promiscuous and easily aroused by the pleasures of Venus. Involved in some trouble due to documents or driven by passion, especially if also with Mercury. [7]

Ascendant and Jupiter conjunct Spica: Brings greater prosperity and commands, glory and power. [7]

Ascendant and Saturn conjunct Spica: Expert in medicine or prediction, versed in occult books and initiations into mysteries. [7]

Ascendant conjunct Spica plus Venus or Saturn above the Eastern Horizon: The native acquires wisdom and political or civil authority, provided that Saturn is not in the ascendant. [7]

Ascendant and Venus and Saturn conjunct Spica: Those born are inclined to banquets, to enjoyment, to drink, to lie down with women. And if Saturn were on the ascendant with the Sun and Venus were in the fourth place (IC), or even if Saturn were with Venus or with one of these stars in the tenth place (MC), the native will not have good luck and none of the aforementioned things are in his nature, since he will be cold or a man impotent in coitus or still all his children will be females. Truly these stars turn to evil when Saturn and Venus join them in the angles. [7]

Ascendant conjunct Spica, plus Venus or Mars conjunct Imum Coeli: The opposites of the chaste and the sensible and the impious and those who are impotent in the pleasures of Venus or who have few children or who have only females. [7]

Midheaven conjunct Spica: Unbounded good fortune, happiness, ecclesiastical preferment, unexpected honor or advancement beyond native’s hopes or capacity. [1]

Very fortunate. Rural occupations and millers of grain. [2]

A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions, prosperity from youth and in own city. [7]

Spica rising or culminating makes the interpreters of sacred things, the high and honored priests or philosophers, the inspired interpreters of some mystery or initiatory rites, or those who refuse some foods and are greatly assisted by the gods. [7]

Princess Diana of Wales 0°14′, Sylvester Stallone 1°06′ (and Moon), Jimi Hendrix 1°09′, Lionel Messi 2°39′

Descendant conjunct Spica: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities; bountiful resources; well known or feared in cities and regions, prosperity around middle age or through marriage or women. [7]

When setting, however, Spica can mean imprisonment, and if aspected by Mars, the enmity of the people for fraud or embezzlement of public funds. [2]

Descendant and Venus or Saturn conjunct Spica: The native will be wise in medicine. [7]

Imum Coeli conjunct Spica: A splendid and illustrious life;  glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions, prosperity in old age or through savings, investments or pensions, death will be famous and known to all. [7]

Agnetha Fältskog 0°18′, Prince Andrew, Duke of York 0°37′.

Part of Fortune conjunct Spica: Great wealth, voluptuous propensities. [1]

Roy Orbison 1°51′.

Sun conjunct Spica: Great and lasting preferment, eminent dignity, immense wealth, great happiness to native’s parents and children, help from friends among clergy, favorable for public and legal affairs. If culminating, Church and State preferment. If with Venus and Mars also the native is a potent king obeyed by many people, but subject to many infirmities. [1]

The native is a clever, ingenious person and has the ability to gain from new ideas, inventions. However, these natives, if they are the recipients of good fortune at too early an age will either dissipate it or let it go through ignorance or the lack of experience that would be obtained by age and education. Association with religious groups, organizations, legal matters, matters dealing with public affairs will prove to be profitable. The more negative nativities will seek constant change, being of an unsettled state of mind, seek help from various sources. In any case, these natives can be subject to name and fame, good or bad, forever. Some psychic preferment is indicated. [8]

Friedrich Nietzsche 0°28′, Lee Harvey Oswald 1°52′, Sarah, Duchess of York 2°00′

Moon conjunct Spica: Gain through inventions, success, wealth and honor from Mercury, Venus or Jupiter people. [1]

A splendid and illustrious life; great, distinguished and opulent nature. [7]

Natives with this conjunction well aspected are clever, ingenious, able to gain from new ideas, inventions, etc. – wealth and high honors are possible, though the native may dissipate them if received too soon.  Association with matters concerning public affairs will gain the native high preferment. [8]

Marie Antoinette 0°14′, Sylvester Stallone 0°19′ (and MC), Justin Bieber 0°51′, Linda Goodman 1°13′, Joe Rogan 2°04′, Nicolás Maduro 2°10′, Emily Dickinson 2°20′.

Mercury conjunct Spica: Neat, tidy, clever, ingenious, favor of clergy and people in authority, gain through investment, responsible position. [1]

This conjunction is good for business matters, dealings with the public. [8]

Vladimir Putin 0°00′ (and Neptune), Margaret Thatcher 0°59′, Elizabeth I 2°11′

Mercury conjunct Spica trine Uranus (No orb): Mercury must be directly on this degree. This can be used either in a negative or positive way. It affects the outlook of the individual with respect to situations that occur n the person’s life. The aspect of Uranus here is important. A trine of Mercury to Uranus at this point would make the natives rather superficial and insensitive to the situations of other people. They would only utilize their thought patterns for their own pleasures and happiness, and would not see the needs of other persons around them. They have their own little group, whether it be it be those they work with or those in their own neighborhood. They stay within a small group and do not let others infiltrate their little communication network. This is not necessarily a status symbol, but just a lifestyle they have chosen. They simply do not wish to reach out or search for other things in life. There is a laziness in mental pursuits for they are basically happy in this type of situation. [5]

Mercury conjunct Spica opposite Uranus (No orb): Mercury must be on the degree. These persons develop communications far beyond the normal. They extend out to many different levels of communication by listening and learning from others. They have the ability to relate to people on many different levels, and they feel quite comfortable will all of them. They learn to understand the many different intellectual levels of human beings. [5]

Venus conjunct Spica: Benefits from friends, social success, false friends of own sex. [1]

These natives can gain friends easily, receive assistance when needed; however, if they ‘push their luck,’ overstep what might be called the bounds of decency, they can be called to account, lose friends and even self-destruct. [8]

Woody Allen 0°02′, Warren Buffett 0°21′, Albert Camus 1°46′. 

Mars conjunct Spica: Popular, social success, may have good judgment and quick decision or be violent in dispute, rigid, and nearly or quite a fool. [1]

The natives with this conjunction are rigid in disputes, unbending, which if continued can cause loss of friends, family problems. Generally, these natives can exercise good judgement, these natives can get themselves involved in situations that can only end in disaster for them. Some of these natives can be quite flamboyant. [8]

Jimmy Swaggart 0°04′, Manuel Noriega 0°12′, Sidney Gottlieb 0°54′, Roman Polanski 2°03′, Priyanka Chopra 2°32′ (and Pluto).

Jupiter conjunct Spica: Popular, social success, wealth, ecclesiastical honor and preferment. [1]

High preferment in legal, business, religious and matters dealing with public affairs. Wealth and renown are possible for these natives with a positive Jupiter. Some decisions can be disputed. Native not above being somewhat unscrupulous. [8]

Bill Clinton 0°07′, Yuri Gagarin 1°4′, Prince 1°19′, Winston Churchill 1°28′, Al-Biruni 1°29′, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1°55′.

Saturn conjunct Spica: Apt to be suspicious, sharp or rugged, but does much good, occult interests, good speaker, popular, many friends, gain through legacies but extravagant, good health, favorable for domestic matters. [1]

Nero 0°09′, Ilhan Omar 0°14′ (and Pluto), Charlton Heston 1°17′, Rudolf Hess 1°38′, Catherine, Princess of Wales 1°44′, William Butler Yeats 1°46′, Leonardo da Vinci 2°03′, David Berkowitz 2°15′ (and Neptune), Xi Jinping 2°35′ (and Neptune)

Uranus conjunct Spica: Mediumistic, popular, business connected with ornaments, gain through marriage, fortunate, sudden natural death. [1]

Jawaharlal Nehru 1°55′, Agatha Christie 2°39′

Neptune conjunct Spica: Well-born, comfortable surroundings, always sufficiently well off, associated with companies, gain through legacies, favorable for domestic matters, somewhat fast and extravagant, does not live to old age. [1]

Michael Moore 1°15′, David Berkowitz 1°50′ (and Saturn), Vladimir Putin 2°00′ (and Mercury), Xi Jinping 2°00′ (and Saturn), Harvey Weinstein 2°16′, Billy Bob Thornton 2°26′, Christopher Reeve 2°27′. 

Pluto conjunct Spica: Serena Williams 0°07′, Priyanka Chopra 0°34′ (and Mars), Prince William of Cambridge 0°34′, Beyoncé 0°55′, Kim Kardashian 1°35′, Roger Federer 1°39′, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex 1°43′, Nayib Bukele 1°54′, Britney Spears 2°22′, George Washington 2°25′, Ronaldinho 2°37′, Ilhan Omar 2°38′ (and Saturn).

North Node conjunct Spica: Michael Jackson 0°10′, Tim Burton 1°33′, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 1°45′, Nikola Tesla 1°46′, Nancy Pelosi 2°00′, Warren Buffett 2°01′, Sigmund Freud 2°28′, Michelangelo 2°32′.

South Node conjunct Spica: Lilly Wachowski 0°44′, Billy Joel 1°29′

  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.66, 211, 235.
  2. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.45.
  3. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.67.
  4. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.57.
  5. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.84.
  6. Star Names Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1963, Virgo.
  7. Bright, passionate, harmful and helpful stars, Anonymous, 379, Italian translation by Giuseppe Bezza from CCAG V/1 pp. 194-211. English translation by Daria Dudziak.
  8. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.146-147.
  • All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Add one degree per 72 years to correct for precession.

111 thoughts on “Fixed Star Spica

  1. Great insight Jamie and well timed for me. My ascendant is conjunct Spica and my life has played out a lot in relation to the “stories” of the not seemingly good past, gives me hope for a turn around to be seen soon, especially to be able to help others turn things around too, that is also my Sedna talking, she is conjunct my DC, thus hoping in some small way to help put an end to the victim for the benefit of all, now that the age of the victim (Pisces symbolic representation Jesus on Cross) is behind us energeticaly no longer supported 🙂

    • PS it has taken many years of hard work to try regain a “virginal” mind, while also being attacked as self righteous rather that virtuous and doing my best to be a good soul,
      Spica is rising a couple of degrees before my ascendant and also as of course my ascendant is in the “via combusta” so doing all the work in the dark, which has been a very frightening yet rewarding journey at times.

      • PPS I am also a writer and musician and have been successful in those areas in the past also, yet not known publicly to be yet well known as strange as that sounds, which is fine by me as I also recognise why.

  2. Thanks Suneel and Debbie. I have Mercury and Venus on Spica. Debbie the turnaround is definitely coming soon. The October 2013 lunar eclipse was opposite Spica, the April lunar eclipse is conjunct Spica. I’m sure looking forward to it, one extreme to the other.

  3. what about squares? Does it have a negative connotation, or does it still ‘operate’ as a ‘good star’ including some sort of tensions represented by the planets included?
    I have it in 10th house square my 1st house Sun-Mercury-AC conjunction

    • Only conjunctions for the fixed stars. There is an influence if a transiting planet crosses a fixed star in other aspects to your chart, but in natal astrology, only use conjunctions to the fixed stars.

  4. Hi,

    How does a person check the aspect of his birth chart with Spica?
    I have not seen any website with birtj chart that talks about Spica.

    I am a beginner. I want to know about Spica on birth chart. Which website provide the details?


  5. What does it mean if Spica& Arcturus conjunct venus in 6th house? Also conjunct my south node. Gosh! reading at your description about Spica nearby Asc/Mc made me wanna switch my birth date!

    • I don’t place any interpretative value on the houses in astrology. You can read what these stars mean with Venus in the post. For the Nodes, you combine the influences of the Sun and the Moon because their positions are used to calculate the position of the lunar nodes. I should try and fit that into these posts, a few people have asked about what the different stars means with the nodes.

  6. Hello, i like to know about the Spica Star,what it means exactly? Thank you!!

  7. I have Spica closely conjunct my Vertex (1 degree apart) in Libra in the 6th house. Would its effect in my life be similar to Spica conjunct Part of Fortune?

  8. I have spica conjunct neptune does this mean I will not live in old age

  9. This was interesting. However, you didn’t write anything about Pluto conjunct Spica. What does a non-angular Pluto conjunct Spica indicate?

    • Hello Bliss, house placement is not significant but Adonis is supposed to represent what you wish for in a partner. Perhaps you would be attracted to someone with Spica prominent in their chart?

    • Greetings James, good question in general about the stars. The traditionalists say no. But when a planet is conjunct Spica then I believe it will affect you through the trine to Mercury. It is kind of like that link lays dormant in your horoscope until a planet transits Spica. I doubt there would be any impact from Spica if a planet transits your Mercury and Spica is not activated.

      • Thank you for sharing your knowledge. So, i have spica conjunct to my ascendant and trine to my mercury, does it mean spica will work through the activities of mercuy? Thanks a lot!

        • I didn’t know you had AC conjunct Spica, that is thew most important thing. Trine Mercury just makes it even better. You would have to see if there is a star on Mercury for more detail.

  10. Hello Jaime! I really like your site. Its hard to find interpretations on the fixed stars, so this is awesome! I have a question though: How would you interpret Mars conjunct Spica in the first house with Libra rising? thank you for your time considering this question.

    • Glad you found my cyber home! No different than above. I don’t use houses or signs so it depends on your rising star.

        • Good question Zohan. Rising means conjunct the Ascendant. The star that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth. Setting would be on the Descendant. Culminating means on the Midheaven.

  11. My natal asc is on 22,43 Libra. When i observe orb, it includes Foramen and Spica, and that confuses me. So what has more influence on my asc, Foramen or Spica? I would appreciate if you would explain this to me. Thank you.

    • Hi Andrija, comparing the orbs between the two stars you see Spica is much larger. Spica is one of the most powerful and most fortunate of all fixed stars and it will dominate over Foramen if your AC is between the two stars.

  12. Hi Jamie , I made a comment on the yod thread and you replied ,thanks for that .
    I have question about Spica My natal sun at 21 .33 degrees scorpio conjunct Neptune at 23.59 degrees 3 rd house ,is sextile pluto at 22.23 degrees virgo 1st house ,both form a yod to the moon at 23.50 aries 8th house.

    Spica is at 23 libra , is this what is called the activation point? if so what does that mean?
    Does it mean after a awkward start to life things will improve at some stage 🙂 thanks Jamie.

    • Yes Sam, Spica is your activation point but only comes into play when a planet transits over Spica. In these cases you have a great chance to express all the energy in your Yod, to use it positively and productively. An emotional outpouring. I’m sure this will help a lot.

  13. Great site, thanks for providing so much amazing information. I was wondering what your opinion about natal sun progressions to Spica are, how powerful they can be or if they have much meaning at all. Thanks for your insight.

    • Thanks Denise. I have not looked into progressions with fixed stars but you’re not the first to ask. Sorry I can’y help you out here.

  14. Hi Jamie, thankyou so much for this info. I have 11th house Libra Spica on north node opposite Lilith. I am trying to understand what seems like a big task. Do you have any clues?

    • I always combine the interpretations for Sun and Moon to understand the lunar nodes. Perhaps a transformation from the earthly side of Lilith such as prostitute or sex priestess toward to the asexual Virgo goddess archetype.

      • Oh! Thankyou Jamie. Yes that sounds about right ???? I did a draconian chart and Lilith ended up right on my Libra sun. I am really fascinated with her, and I think she has been very misunderstood. Go team Lilith!

  15. I have spica (libra 23’25”) conjunct my part of fortune (libra 23’10”) conjunct Mercury (libra 22’55”) conjunct Uranus (libra 22’10”) conjunct moon (libra 21’40”). All in my first house. I was wondering what this means?

    • Lucky you Amanda. I would say you have a lovely soul and can enjoy this life because of previous good deeds.

      • Jamie, thank you for the encouraging words! This life has been frought with difficulties and struggles due to my Pluto conjunct sun at the Asc squaring my Saturn at MC as well as a yod with the Saturn at the apex. But it’s good to know that there is something on my side in my chart! Thank you so much for providing this info on the web!!

        • Well that’s interesting Amanda. I suppose then it means you have to earn much of this promised good fortune.

          • You are right! What I have found is when I listen to my intuition and find courage within to express these energies at the higher vibration of transformation, self-empowerment and love everything works out

  16. Hi Jamie, so I have my SunMoon Point conjunct exactly with Spica (in the 9th, which is the House of Reward) I know you don’t link spica with houses but please tell me more if you think differently, thank you!

  17. Spica conjuncts my 23′ Uranus in Libra which tightly squares Jupiter & Venus in Capricorn. Would this square negate the good fortune of spica? Thanks Jamie

  18. Could somehow Spica conjunct IC (22.12) mitigate the effects of Baten Kaitos and Acamar conjunct MC?

    Is it good or bad if our noth node is also conjunct a fix star (Ras Elased Aus) )? well the question would probably be if you have a fix star almost conjunct major points of your chart (I am not sure if I can count another one (Altarf) to be in conjunction to my AC (5.48) and Rasalhague Star my vertex and Bos my DC ….

    I definitel look forward to read your posts on those two!

    • Look at how wide the orb of the star is. That will give you an idea of how strong it is compared to another. Spica would be a lot stronger than Acamar.

      • Would “The rate of precession is 1° per 72 years, or 0.838′ per year. You need to move the planets in your horoscope forward to catch up with the stars positions for 2000” also apply for MC or IC?

        MC 22.12 .
        Acamar 23.16 orb 1.30 so at 1.04
        Baten kaitos 21,57 so at 0.55

        IC 22.12
        Foramen 22.09 orb 1.30 so at 0.03
        Spica 23.50 orb 2.40 so at 1.38

        The closest one is definitely Foramen which is not as good as spica but not sure if Spica at 1.38 is close enough of IC …then Baten Kaitos to MC and then Acamar to MC and the farest one is Spica …

        You mentioned that Spica is stronger than Acamar …what about Foramen and Baten Kaitos?
        How these fix star impact my MC and IC?


        • Hi Meli, always use the orb as a guide to how strong the star is. When there are more than fixed stars on a planet or point in your chart it will always be a blending of the influences, not on or the other.

          If a planet is separating from a star, that star will be stronger than if the planet were applying to it. It is like it gains the full influence of the star only after is has passed over it.

          It just takes time reading and feeling the effects in your life to see how these stars play out. Once you have got this far, it is less about the mathematics and more about the feeling.

        • Also, if a star has a lot written about each planetary conjunction it will be more important than another star which only has a general description.

  19. Hi Jamie, thanks for sharing. I have Venus and Spica together at 23*. I also have my Sun in Libra and my Ascendant. I want to know the meaning of this. My Venus is oposite Jupiter Rx in Aries and she has a trig with Quiron in the MC.

    • Venus trine Chiron will be the healing of a broken heart shown by Venus opposite Jupiter. Spica is your future happy love life, Jupiter Rx is the excesses of the past.

  20. With my ascendant at 26Libra37, slap bang between Arcturus and Izar and in orb of both and even though in the via combusta or dragons breath, my ascendant has always been a chart aspect that I actually enjoy having, its a warm place which has aided my surviving a very long, harsh, cold winter at times including up to now, so even with those other harsh aspects to this full moon, I do feel it is possible to find the warmth of the hearth, regardless of those extreme possible conditions? Just doing my bit to inspire a bit of extra hooe 🙂

    • I feel this same thing too Debbie with Mercury and Venus here, even though Saturn is directly opposite I feel protected and lucky.

      • Actually with my Asc at 26Libra37, only just out of range of Spica, kinda feels like fortune and success are chasing me just at my heels, my hope is that with Saturn conjunct asteroid Merlin at 29 Cap in 3rd, that success as a communicator was destined late in life and may occur as if by majik lol, its been a hard slog, so heres hoping lol! Theres plenty of space for improvement given what remains of my life now thanks to Pluuo, an open book ready for a new adventure story to begin, oh yeah!!!

  21. Hi Jamie,

    Would like to know for Sun and Moon what the orb is allowed to consider them in conjunction to Spica ?!?

    Much thanks

    • Still use the suggested or mentioned in the article, Your Sun is too far away. I would ned your time of birth to find the exact position of your Moon.

  22. Another energy at that highly impacting degree for me…I have saturn 24:31 libra, neptune 22:08 libra, mars 23:28,pluto 23:32 leo.jupiter 23:53 gemini, uranus 21:49 cancer. Or would you only count the conjunctions, even tho all these other planets are tied in? What does it mean to have so many things at one degree??

    • Only ever conjunctions for fixed stars Darkktur. The other planets are influential in shaping your Saturn Neptune conjunction, and Spica is shaping your other planets through the aspects. But only ever read the interpretations for conjunctions with fixed stars.

  23. Jamie, DOB 8/7/70 @ 5:26am I have Jupiter 28 Libra, Regulus 29 degree Leo, Spica 23 Libra, Saturn 21 Taurus, Asc 28 degrees in cancer, Venus in Virgo 28 degrees, Nep at 28 degree Scorpio, Pluto 25 degree virgo

  24. I have Spica Conjunct Pluto in my first? How would that affect me? Or does it not? It is also conjunct my Asc, which I was able to read above

    • I also have spica conjuct pluto.. But i cant find any information about it.
      Please give me explanation about this.

  25. Hi, I also have conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto natally conjoined by Spica in the 5th? Where/How can I find out what this means please?

  26. I know my Star is Spica and I was born October 14,1976 at 9:21am. I know I’m A Fire Dragon and ascendant of a Snake because I was born at 9:21am. So can you help A Ginsayque Libra And tell me hopefully Great

  27. Hi Jamie,
    Are oppositions to Spica in natal chart relevant ?
    Thanks for your thoughts on this !

  28. Jamie, I have the true node on Spica and transiting node conjunct natal here with Jujpiter transit conjunct 2 degree orb. Can you explain this to me. Thank you.

  29. Thanks Jamie. There seems to be little information on Lilith conjunct Spica (as far as I’ve found). I have this in the 2nd house (Placidus) and wonder if you please could point me in the direction of a source of information.

  30. I have Jupiter and Pluto conjunct Spica. And, according to the Bernadette Brady calculations on Astrodienst and Bernadete Brady’s website, my Heliacal Rising Star is Spica. Is this fortunate for me? My birthday is October 24th 1981 at 11:36 PM in Lawrence Kansas.

  31. Are fixed star conjunctions with generational planets less powerful than conjunctions with personal planets in a natal chart?

  32. “In 1923, when, as a result of inflation in Germany, many people became poverty stricken, Spica was bound up with Saturn”

    So when Saturn conjoins Pluto at 22°Cap in early 2020… ahhh, Jamie, what rabbit hole do we disappear down?

    • I’m in the US, it’s 7:14 pm Central Time on Monday, August 27th, and your comment’s dated tomorrow! Nevertheless, the blessed star Spica probably did much unseen good at the time poor Germany had that trouble, anywhere it touches a chart it brings eminence and good fortune, as it’s one of most fortunate stars in the heavens, and will mitigate any bad aspects. If a chart could be checked for that year, perhaps for January or else the day Germany’s independence was observed, second and eighth house afflictions might be evident, and no telling what else. As shown above, even conjunct Saturn in a chart, blessings abound. Also, remember Saturn is exalted in Libra, where the beautiful fixed star sits now, near 24 degrees, due to precession.
      Princess Di had Algol, one of the most unfortunate/bad stars in the sky, conjunct her natal Venus, which represented her love life and marriage, and as we all know, she had a terrible time in that respect. As the MH rules career, with Spica placed there, she become a Princess, and world-renowned and loved, but other negative aspects in her chart could not be alleviated. Yet she still rose to great heights, was a sweet and caring lady who could’ve been Queen of England. Although her life was cut short and she died too young, she still did much good in the world for many and was blessed with two wonderful sons who were Princes themselves. I’m sure those boys were her greatest joy on this Earth.
      Everyone has blessed Spica somewhere in their charts; an astrology column I used to read in Texas in the old days used to say at the end, “The stars impel, they do not compel – what you make of your life is largely up to you.”
      The best advice is, for everything you do in this life, do it with love!
      Thank you for an awesome site, Jamie!

      • P.S. In just a few days, Venus herself will transit over 24 degrees of Libra, conjoining the benevolent fixed star Spica, then going retrograde herself, finally moving from an evening star, and becoming a morning star for a bit. Much planet movement to and fro lately, retrograde and direct! Mars went direct just today. It seems fitting this subject and this column was resurrected just in time for us to note these blessed sky movements. Peace and love to all!

  33. I found this star conjunct Eisenhower’s Sun and Moon in Libra and considering all the effort and work Eike did throughout his life as a good man I would consider this star a good star. I was also wondering if you Jamie had any info or idea on what affect does a conjunction of Sun and Moon have on one’s character and personality. Here’s Eisenhower’s data> Oct. 14, 1890, 3″00am, Dennison, Tex. if anyone’s wants to know. I’m working on another chart that has both Sun conjunct Moon in Leo. Seems like the Leo connotation of pride and need to be in charge would be magnified: ? Thanks

  34. Mr. Eisenhower was truly blessed with a benevolent and peacekeeping nature then and certainly worked for the highest good of all in what he did, and would be considered a double Libra, meaning any two of the same sign in the three main factors in a chart, Sun, Asc,. Moon. Sun/Moon conjunct are usually pretty much as-you-see-them, authentic, inner and outer persona, and the Moon governs their emotional nature and relations with their mother, and the Sun their true nature and relation to the father. A key factor would be the rising sign, which’d show how the world saw him, and also critical is which houses contained these factors. There are two other combinations to being a double sign, and without looking at the rest of the chart, these are just broad suggestions.
    In the Leo chart, so much depends on the house the conjunction rests in, but the ascendant will be critical, too, in how they come across to the world at large, which they’ll be inclined to focus on, being a double Leo!
    Look at Mick Jagger, a true Leo! President Obama had him entertain at one of the White House concerts and I’m sure he impressed many with his great dialog in addition to the music they performed there. He was interesting and a lot of fun to watch.
    Thanks for the insight on Mr. Eisenhower, too, very interesting! Hope people will share how Spica affects their natal charts! Jamie, how does it sit in yours?! Thank you!
    FYI just read the EU has 85% in favor of abolishing daylight savings time! Sounds like a great move.

  35. Marijuana was made legal in Canada on Oct 17, 2018. Undoubtably taking advantage of Spica and Arcturus. So with the Sun at 24°Libra that day and Venus Rx at 8°Scorpio, the midoint of these two bodies ‘Creative Passion’ is The Cusp of Drama and Critcism. Jamie, if its not too much to ask, what’s in the Stars for this Legal product?

    • That would be interesting to follow up. Probably in the new year I have added it to my research list. Hopefully I can find a time of day for the law or announcement. In medical astrology, Saturn is supposed to rule marijuana, but then Ceres rules herbs. Spica makes a lot of sense in the chart. Ceres is associated with Spica.

      • Im using midnight Ottawa. 5 Quintiles in that chart with a t-square karmic release on the Ascendant

  36. If someone was born under a fortunate fixed star it means that this is a gift, because you did good things in your previous life?

  37. Dear Astrolyking,
    Have U considered using sidereal astrology? Describing Spica, the alpha star of the Virgin, as being located 23°50′ in Libra hardly makes sense. I respect what astrologists bring forward. I wish more of them would look at the stars instead of simply a chart. What do U think?

    • I have thought about this Fred. But most of my readers have always used the tropical zodiac. So I stick with it simply as a measuring device, to describe the position of planets and stars. I do use precession correction for transits so they are as accurate as in Sidereal astrology.

  38. The entry on Arcturus adds Edgar Cayce’s statement that that star is the “center of the universe,” a portal to a higher consciousness. Given this statement and the fact that Arcturus and Spica are less than a degree apart in longitude, it could be argued that all the influences ascribed to Spica should more properly be ascribed to Arcturus itself. Thoughts?

    • Hi Jamie! I have it conjunct my descendant and Juno, fortunate allies, mid life success? What do you think about that? Cheers very helpful site to the astrology community

  39. Spica conjunct on my birthday 10/16. Right now it is on my natal sun degrees, 24°. Seems like might be alright.

  40. My lot of spirit is conjunct spica in the 5th, grand air trine to ASC and lot of fortune, superior square to Saturn,and is the apex degree of a castle aspect,Inc nodes, I love spica,

  41. Hi Jamie,
    Today the Moon is conjunct Spica, so searching who has his Sun conjunct Spica, guess who popped up ? Lee Harvey Oswald

    Wikipedia › wiki › Lee_Harvey_Oswald
    Lee Harvey Oswald (October 18, 1939 – November 24, 1963) was a U.S. Marine veteran who assassinated John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States …

    Isn’t that a big hmmmmm ??

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