Planet Ceres

Planet Ceres

The Moon represents your emotions, subconscious, habits, memories, moods, mother, maternal instincts, nurturing, home and your need for security.

Minor planet Ceres rules motherly love, female reproductive issues, family bonds and relationships. As a virgin goddess, Ceres represents independent single women and sole parents.  As a grain goddess, Ceres rules the growing of plants and food crops, the harvest, natural resources and the environment.

The Moon rules traditional motherhood, where mom stays home to nurture. Ceres rules modern motherhood such as working mothers and single mothers. Working single mothers really are super women. Sole parent fathers are included with Ceres because they play the role of nurturer.

Many women love staying home while the man goes off to work. However, an increasing number of married women and mothers wish for more freedom to earn their own wage. Sometimes their human rights are denied by controlling husbands, parents, in-laws and religions. Some women are scared of leaving or being a single mother because of the social stigma or lack of social security. In certain conservative religious cultures and countries, women face torture and murder for wanting to divorce or for liking the “wrong” man.