Catherine, Princess of Wales

Catherine, Princess of Wales Astrology

The announcement of Prince William’s Engagement to Kate Middleton has sparked excitement among royal lovers. So here’s comes a brief chart interpretation for Kate Middleton, birth date January 9 1982, birth time unknown.

The Sun represents the identity and the life force, and Kate’s Sun is on a fortunate fixed star called Dheneb in the tail of Aquila the Eagle. Dheneb gives a successful and fortunate life with a commanding personality [1]. Sun trine Chiron very strong will give this commanding personality a healing touch, she will have a positive and healing effect on other people.

Catherine, Princess of Wales Horoscope

Catherine, Princess of Wales

Sun square Saturn is more challenging causing some difficulties in early life. These tests and setbacks, criticism from authority figures like the father or teachers, can lead to lower self esteem, but here the strong influence of bold and confident Dheneb will help overcome the restrictive influence of Saturn. She will develop great determination, maturity and perseverance and will become a master self discipline, achievement and responsibility.

Mercury conjunct Venus makes for artistic appreciation, and a liking for nice things in general. A smooth talker, lovely words, pleasant conversations. With Mercury/Venus square Jupiter, the liking for the good life is stronger. It does add optimism and a love of socializing, however, that Saturn discipline would be needed to keep in check any tendency for extravagance in partying and spending.

Mars on the fixed star Porrima adds to the pleasant nature from Mercury conjunct Venus. Porrima gives “a courteous, refined and lovable character with prophetic instincts.” However, with Mars, Robson also says “trouble with opposite sex, marriage partner and public” [1]. This is important be these are difficulties associated with Sun square Saturn. Now there are two indicators in the chart for problems in the area of relationships with men, authority, and the public in general. This is likely to take the form of delays, periods of separation, and also criticism.

Update: Catherine, Princess of Wales birth time 7:00 pm

  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.153, 158.