Osama bin Laden Horoscope

Osama bin Laden Horoscope

Thanks to some collaboration with Facebook friends, we have come up with the death horoscope for Osama bin Laden. The location was the city Abbottabad, Pakistan. The operation started on the 2nd of May 2011 at 1:00 am [1] and was completed in 38 minutes [2]. So the chart below is set for 1:38 am, using the exact coördinates of the compound where Osama bin laden was killed [3].

The time looks good because the Ascendant of matches that of Barack Obama. The Vertex is also conjunct Obama’s Vertex, and the Part of Fortune is conjunct Obama’s Chiron. I’m not going to go into conspiracy theories about the body, or whether Osama bin laden was behind the September 11 attacks. On its own, this event is hugely significant regardless of how and why we got to this point in history. It was meant to be this way. The Vertex on Barack Obama’s Vertex says this was his destiny. He reaps the rewards, the January solar eclipse was trine his Vertex.

Mars is conjunct Jupiter in this event chart. This is an “action transit, initiative, boldness, courage and aggression will be strong”. With Venus opposite Saturn that pumped up aggressive energy needed to be channeled into “conservative, well planned projects”. Obama did well opting for the commando operation instead of bombing the place. Saturn delays and patience paid off.

Osama bin Laden Horoscope

Osama bin Laden Death Horoscope

For the last few months I have been seeing astrological signs of a new spiritual leader on the horizon. One reason is because Chiron is has been conjunct the fixed star Fomalhaut. Chiron is the healer/teacher and is associated with the prophets like Christ and Muhammad. The chart below shows Chiron highlighted by the Part of Fortune, another spiritual influence. Both are on the fixed star Fomalhaut, one of the four royal stars of ancient Persia. It is associated with the archangel Gabriel, which Dr. Eric Morse believes “must now be said to challenge or actually supplant, with a new stage in human spiritual evolution, the supremacy of the more ‘medical’ Archangel of the Leonine era.” The “medical” archangel he mentions is Raphael, the fixed star Regulus, now directly opposed by Neptune.

The death of Osama bin Laden opens up space for the emergence of a new figure head for the Islāmic world. This is what Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been referring to as the 12th Imam [4]. Revolutions and weakening of pro Western regimes in the Arab world provide fertile grounds for the rise of a new spiritual leader.

Another recent sign pointing to a new spiritual leader is the activation of the fixed star Kurdah, at 24 degrees Aries in the constellation of Cepheus, the King. Kurdah is not the brightest star in Cepheus but it is notable being opposite the two most fortunate stars in the heavens, Spica and Arcturus. Anne Wright has found that this star is associated with kings and rulers, and their assassinations [6]. The Moon in the chart below is conjunct the fixed star Kurdah. Mercury stationed retrograde on this star a month earlier. Now in direct motion, Mercury hits this star again on May 11 with a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter.

1. “Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM” BBC
2. “The forces finished in 38 minutes” Politico
3. 34°10’09” N, 73°14’33” E GeoHack
4. Dr Eric Morse, The Living Stars, p.56.
5. The 12th Imam. Why a Nuclear Iran is Terrifying
6. Constellations of Words, Events in History, Cepheus.