Michael Ignatieff Horoscope

Michael Ignatieff

Michael Ignatieff

Michael Ignatieff is contesting the May 2 2011 Canadian Federal Election as leader of the Liberal Party. This political party is the largest opposition party in the Canadian parliament, and Ignatieff won 26% of the vote in the last election. The Liberal Party is left leaning and progressive.

We have no time of birth for Ignatieff but from his noon chart we can see why he has a great reputation as a highly intelligent and broad minded man. Look at Jupiter, the planet of learning and philosophy. It is the action point of a Yod aspect pattern to Venus/Mars and Uranus. This means that his mission in life is all about Jupiter: Higher education, Ignatieff was a professor of history for twelve years. Long distance travel, has traveled extensively and lived in the UK, USA and France. Law, well now he’s a politician. His Jupiter is conjunct the fixed star AgenaIntellectual success, legal and Church authority, professional honor“.

There is a conjunction of Mars and Jupiter the day before the election. This conjunction falls on Ignatieff Venus Mars conjunction. This will help is popularity, his Venus Mars conjunction means he does have appealing and charismatic qualities, attractive to the opposite sex. He should poll high with female voters more than usual given that both Mars and Jupiter are activating this part of his horoscope. In fact he should do well with voters in general. Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Mars is a sign of success.

For a summary of all the contenders see Canada Election 2011.