We know Paris Hilton has Sagittarius rising in her horoscope [1]. I’ve rectified her chart to put Neptune on the Ascendant for a few reasons. Fi...

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Paris Hilton Horoscope

The horoscope of Naomi Campbell is a stunning example of astrology explaining personal characteristics and also major events in the life. Naomi is we...

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Naomi Campbell Horoscope

The Precession of the equinoxes is a process whereby the position of the stars and constellations gradually move in relation to the seasons. This mean...

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Precession of the Equinoxes

Algorab at 13°27′ Libra has an orb of 1°50′ The Sun joins Algorab on October 6 Fixed star Algorab, Delta Corvi, is a pale yellow and purple wide...

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Fixed Star Algorab

In June 2010 the Taliban have inflicted the heaviest monthly death toll on the allies so for in the war in Afghanistan. “June 7, 2010, marked th...

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Taliban Horoscope