Venus Conjunct Jupiter May 23, 2024

Venus Conjunct Jupiter Natal

Venus conjunct Jupiter maximum orb 7°00′.

Venus conjunct Jupiter natal mirrors what this alignment looks like in the sky, beautiful and adorable. When the two best-looking planets come together, they are the most attractive and popular sights. Your popularity comes not only from your physical attractiveness but also from your genuinely warm and friendly nature. Your presence encourages others to display the same warmth and affection that you naturally exude.

This is one of the most non-threatening planetary aspects. You dislike conflict to such an extent that you can facilitate peace by being an example of generosity and harmony. It is not that you are particularly proactive about resolving disputes, as that would involve unpleasant arguments and bargaining.

Your dislike of aggression or threatening situations means you prefer to be around other agreeable people and live in beautiful surroundings. You are not a nit-picking clean freak, but enjoy beauty in all its forms. You may have a talent for art, music or poetry or manifest these qualities as the pure enjoyment of beauty, amusement, and relaxation.

Venus conjunct Jupiter is a good omen for your social and love life because you attract nice things. As Venus rules money as well as love, likely, you will not have to struggle, like most others, to attain a life of comfort or even luxury. Yet you are also very generous and may not have the strong desire and determination to make the rich list.

Dependent on other challenging aspects to this conjunction, or the alignment of fixed stars, there can be some negatives to this very positive aspect. Self-control and extravagance may be a problem, leading to addiction or greed. You could find it difficult to get motivated and prefer to be content with the blessing that your good karma brings this life.

Venus Conjunct Jupiter Transit

Venus conjunct Jupiter transit portends love and money, harmony, and happiness. You do not have to strive, struggle, or work hard. This is a time to enjoy the benefits of the good karma accrued from your previous good deeds and hard work. Beautiful things are attracted to you.

Your inner harmony, warmth, and friendliness are so attractive. Ideally, this time should be spent out and about, engaging with as many people as possible. This way, you will expose yourself to the greatest opportunities for growth and happiness.

Relationships of all kinds are a major focus of this conjunction. Your increased physical and inner beauty makes you more popular in social settings. In one-to-one situations, you should notice more interest, especially from your partner or potential partners. This is one of the best transits for falling in love. It is more likely that any new romance will turn out to be the perfect match.

You should take advantage of any financial offers as there is a heightened probability of increasing your wealth. Investments should turn a profit, especially in works of art, jewelry, and other luxury items. This is a very lucky transit, so you may even be the beneficiary of a sudden and unexpected windfall.

Venus Conjunct Jupiter Celebrities

Jennifer Jason Leigh 0°01′, Sébastien Grosjean 0°03′, Halsey 0°05′, Tom Waits 0°06′, Julie Newmar 0°07′, Kenneth Williams 0°10′, Henry Winkler 0°13′, Erin Sullivan 0°14′, Michael Hutchence 0°17′, Trent Reznor 0°37′, Jane Birkin 0°47′, Agnetha Fältskog 0°48′, Eric Burdon 0°48′, Patty Duke 0°49′, Philip II of Spain 0°49′, Jerry Lewis 0°50′, John Belushi 0°53′, Matthew McConaughey 0°55′, Roman Polanski 0°58′, Bernard Boursicot 0°59′, Barry Gibb 0°59′, Rita Wilson 1°01′, RuPaul 1°01′, Steven Spielberg 1°01′, Uri Geller 1°31′, Lee Majors 1°37′, Ritchie Valens 1°38, Jeff Bridges 1°40′, Liz Greene 1°45′, Stephen Fry 1°46′, Garth Brooks 1°59′.

Venus Conjunct Jupiter Dates

April 30, 2022
March 2, 2023
May 23, 2024
August 12, 2025
June 9, 2026
August 25, 2027
November 9, 2028
September 7, 2029

177 thoughts on “Venus Conjunct Jupiter May 23, 2024

  1. When the power of love overcomes the love of power and when more and more adults care about others’ children all over the world we will have a chance.

    • Exactly, Jana. This will only happen when the truth is revealed of the corrupt system that creates conflict, division, chaos, pain and suffering on a global scale. There are many people engaged, at this time, in exposing these social parasites for what they truly are and the damage they inflict on humanity.
      Jordan Maxwell, G. Edward Griffin, Aaron Russo, Jon Rappaport, David Icke, Charlotte Iserbyt, Sibel Edmonds, Dr. Dahlia Wasif John DeCamp, are just a few who dare to speak “truth to power”, and, let us not forget the thousands of other loving souls who have forfeited their precious lives in telling the truth about the Mafia that controls the world; My son being one of them.

    • So true… beautiful……so simple!!! thank you for sharing that thought

  2. Natal Uranus 22 Leo, north node 29 Leo, BML 15 Leo all in 10th house… My progress chart is aspected also, including progress Sun currently at 22Leo… i have a venus ruled chart as well good omen, I sure hope so, my cape of invisibility (1st house neptune) doeznt always hold when 10th house involved and I am still completing Pluto square 14Libra moon… Breathing deeply…

  3. Hi Jamie, Thanks for this post it was very interesting as I have a Venus/Jupiter/Sun conjunction in my chart. My Sun is at 21 Leo, Jupiter at 20 and my Venus at 18 exactly conjunct my IC which is also at 18.

    So, I have this transiting Venus Jupiter Conjunction on my natal Venus Jupiter Conjunction!

    What can I say about this? Well I have recently come to a whole new understand of the IC point and what it means. I have experienced a rapid exponential growth of my life the last few years, and this has not always been pleasant , especially with all those Uranus/Pluto squares which really tore my life apart and re-formed it. I can now say that life is certainly bountiful but I am being made to work very hard for it. In fact a lot of exciting things are happening in my life with this transit… a lot of opportunities and a lot of social/work connections.

    In terms of Love….I also recently met an Aries on the 15th of May completely unexpectedly and he is head over heels for me but despite all these good astrological omens I am not sure about this relationship as he is very full on and we are very different. I did a composite on and it didn’t look very good, even though I kept fiddling with his birth time (unknown) – we have a scary sandwich in the chart between Jupiter (0 degrees) – Pluto (24 degrees) – Saturn (14 degrees) all stacked in a line near each other! it doesnt matter what time I put in, there is no escaping how much those three worry me. Perhaps I am just picking on that because I feel uneasy . Anyway – thanks!

    Love and Peace to All

    • How do we see where this conjunction will fall and affect chart? Would someone be willing to look at my chart?
      Sept 24, 1977
      11:11 pm Houston missouri
      When my daily. Horoscope it says that Venus conj jupiter on June 20, 21, and 22nd. But here it says May 23rd. I’m confused which one to use

      • Planets in your birth charts are called natal planets.

        They are affected by the transits of planets.

        Transit Venus conjunct Transit Jupiter is in the sky on May 23 for everyone to see.

        Transit Venus conjunct your Natal Jupiter is on June 21.

  4. The second (nasty:)) conjunction falls right on my natal Venus, Juno, Sun, MC conjunction (of course, all on Regulus)… And Venus will retrograde between my natal South Node conjunct Psyche (14 Leo) and “the party” on my MC… Go figure! I’m so done with lessons in love, I need some good news!

  5. Thinking of getting married during the stellium… any thoughts, good or bad and how do I read about it in my chart?

  6. Am seriously reaching out. Does anybody understand a solar return? Does it really matter that much?

    • Firstly, I always relocate and precess solar returns. They do add meaning to your transits but I believe transits always come first.

  7. Allie, as long as Venus and Mercury are direct, why not? Just run a short term transit report for the day on for you and your partner. Make sure there are no sucky long-term transits exact that week that would ruin the day for you guys. Generally, the astral sky will be constantly nasty or laid back ad-infinitum. It’s how the transits hit you directly that makes the difference. Check solar arc and secondary progressions too. As always, proximity between the orbs make the transits strong or weak.

  8. Thank you Jamie. So if I have the first Venus Jupiter conjunction stamped on my solar return on July 2, does that stay fortuitous for the year? More dates and a good year for a nip tuck around the eyes?

    • George,

      I have been buying solar return reports the past few years to test their accuracy. They are only $5 I think at cafe I agree with Jamie that transits trump a solar return.

      For example, my birthday in 2013 fell on the Grand Sextile of 2013. My SR sun and moon were sextile. Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury in Cancer made a Grand Trine with Saturn and NN in Scorpio and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. Pluto in Cap made it a kite. It even coincided with my Venus Return. Transiting Pluto was trine my natal Venus and transiting Uranus was trine my natal Sun. It should have been one of the best years of my life right?

      Well, that same year, transiting Saturn made a square to my natal sun and an opposition to my natal moon. It was kind of one of the worst years of my life. With Saturn transiting my natal 2nd house, I didn’t have the resources to do anything I wanted. I was unemployed and spent most of the year sitting in a small room watching tv and reading about astrology on the Internet. I tried to exercise and get some writing done but I was too depressed to do much of anything. The weather was bad and I couldn’t afford a gym membership so I gained a bunch of weight, like 30 pounds. My smartphone and computer got a virus (Apple products that synced together) and I didn’t have the money to replace both the phone and computer so I was cut off from almost everyone I know.

      That being said, if your transits are friendly, I don’t know your birth time or place so I don’t know your moon or ascendant positions, but the Venus conjunct Jupiter on 7/2 was not quite in a square to Saturn in Scorpio yet and still in a strong trine to Uranus in Aries and sextile to Mercury in Gemini so it sounds like a lot of surprisingly great news to me. The sun was trine Neptune so that would make you more creative, empathetic, or spiritual. The only problem might be your moon in Cap getting caught up in the Uranus-Pluto square. You might be moving or doing work on your home. Depending on the orb, Pluto might also be in opposition to your sun so lots of transformation.

      Hope this helps.

    • Should be George. The second one is right on my natal Mars and there is already some positive movement in my love life.

  9. Hi. Fate of Aries For this conjunction of Venus Jupiter and moon in 5 bhava. Will results in. Pregrency of wife in this period

    • No, Venus square Jupiter means you may be excessive or a little lazy, but this is the easiest of all square aspects because it involves the two most beneficial planets.

  10. Oh ok that makes me feel better about it! Except for the lazy part lol lazy in love or just like in general lol? I guess it would depend on the houses? Thanks!

  11. thanks, jamie. i’ve been researching this for a while… jupiter and mars will conjunct my natal venus (13 12′ Virgo in 8th house) along with the Pluto trine…all on my birthday this Oct 16. Should I throw a party, buy a lottery ticket, look for my soul mate or all of the above? Sorta kidding, but not really. Trying not to get too excited, but it’s kind of a once in a lifetime thing wouldn’t you say?

    • I should also mention i have saturn at 20 25′ gemini in my 6th…so unfortunately this will square my saturn. might need to hold off on the party, huh?

  12. This Venus Rx and Uranus conj Jupiter sounds harsh for me. I have 2nd house natal Sun at 3 Virgo (4 planets in Virgo all within the first 15 degrees) opposite 8th house natal Saturn at 1 Pisces. Money slowed to a trickle three weeks ago, came in one burst on July 18/19 then on July 20 totally dried up no matter what I do to generate income or interest/notice. I have already revamped and revised and restructured. I have so much to give and have it ready to give, but it as though no one hears or sees me and therefore does not know I have anything of value. I have built up so much public relations, marketing and social media to advertise and offer. Even FREE things are not moving. I wonder about stopping doing anything that has to do with business for 6 weeks until September 6 since as a 2nd house Sun in Virgo, I appear to be screwed financially.

  13. Really interesting post on Venus conjunct Jupiter. I have this aspect natally (in capricorn conjunct descendent) but it is in a very tight square to Uranus…..i feel like I’ve spent most of my life learning how to manage the combination! Still haven’t fully worked it out….

  14. The triple conjunction of Jupiter, mars and venus will be conjunct my natal sun (-moon opposition). Would that mean something is going to happen. Like the planets will have an even stronger influence?

        • I just looked at my transits from 22 august 1992 and saw there was a conjunction of venus and jupiter too, conjuncting my natal sun. That was when I met one of the biggest loves of my life. It was the most intense relationship I ever had and we are still connected, even we are just friends now.
          This time mars is there too and I saw my progressive sun and the sun will conjunct my natal venus also on that date. Cupido will also be conjunct my natal mercury, just as it was on 22 august 1992!
          Big love coming again?
          I start to think now maybe nothing will happen just because I anticipate so much…

  15. Transit cupido will be conjunct my natal pluto (not mercury, I mistaked) just as it was in 1992.

  16. I am a libra I fell in love with my Dr . Just around step 23/9. I keep feelings to me. He is 4 yrs young. Different cultural background. I don’t know about his marital status. I am married but strained relationship. I was born 27/9/72. This eclipse hit me harder. Please help. I don’t know where to turn for help. Thanks daisy

    • Hi Daisy, Libra decan 1 certainly felt the lunar eclipse strongly with it’s focus on relationships. Venus and Mars in your decan in November 2015 should bring the understanding you want.

  17. Hi Jamie, Thank you for the information.
    Regarding the Venus conjunct Jupiter on October 25 at 15°38′ Virgo, my IC is at 15 degrees in Virgo. Can this aspect be beneficial to me since Pluto in Capricorn is in opposition to my natal Saturn (conjunct Ascendant) at 13 degrees in Cancer?

    • It will still be beneficial despite that intense Pluto transit. Will be interesting to see if anything happens then.

  18. This October conj takes place on my ascendent at 15+Virgo. Could it bring any resolution to my off and on love relationship?

  19. Hi Jamie, such a great summary, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.
    My natal Sun is at 14 degrees Virgo and my natal Venus at 17 degrees Virgo in the 8th. I also have Cap Ascendant at 2 degrees. Although the Pluto trine is at 13 degrees Capricorn, will this trio of Jupiter and Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn benefit or affect me? I am hoping it could help my love relationship – we parted in the summer and I am heartbroken but I am hoping we can try again to make it Although, it seems pretty hopeless, right now he is not willing to try. I am hoping this transit will help him see things differently. He has Virgo Sun at 13 degrees.
    Any thoughts?
    Thanks so much Jamie

    • Sounds like you are both going through a major transformation Lily. Whether you get back together or not is will be a positive experience for both of you. But you have such excellent stars for love so I would expect you either get back together or you are swept off your feet by someone else. All the best!

      • Thank you so much Jamie, your reply is encouraging and put a smile on my face. Thank you again for such a great post and for all of your posts, you are a gem. Have a great weekend !

  20. My sun is 12 degrees Virgo, my ascendant is 15 degrees Virgo. I just had 3 Venus returns, but the but Jupiter were in my 12th. I’ve been patiently waiting my turn for this once in a lifetime alignment

  21. I am wondering if this transit could effect an improvement in my family’s finances, but I am not well versed in astrology. All I know is the Jupiter/Venus conjunction is happening in my 2nd house, and Pluto is currently in 5th. My DOB is 7/27/82, born 6:57am in Saint Paul, MN.

    I know I am probably asking too much, but if you willing to give my chartca look-see for that time, I would greatly appreciate it!

    • Hello Heidi, this full moon does not make any aspects to your chart. But the September lunar eclipse was tightly trine your Sun which is really good for what you wish for, as lunar eclipses like full moons rules home and family. The lunar eclipse will last until March 2016.

      • Oh my! This is weird. I’ve been having a feeling that my “wish” might come true by the end of February..and that seems to tie into what you said.. Maybe it will! Thank you so much for checking into that for me. That was so kind of you! 🙂

  22. Hi Jamie,

    I have Juno -2nd house 16.24 degrees Virgo, Jupiter – 2nd House 17.15 Virgo and Chiron 10th House 18. 16r Taurus.
    These planets have already been touched by the eclipse… and if I am not wrong by Mars in transit so how this conjunction could play now? Will it increase the effect of the eclipse? Would it resolve the misunderstanding that mercury retrograde created in areas of love relationship and business relationships?

    Since September lot of planets have been touched by different eclipses and aspects .. does it mean that my life is being reactivated?

    Thanks for so wonderful articles !!

    • You’re right about the eclipse degree. An yes, Mars will activate it as Mars rules action. Resolution of all kinds of relationships should occur with Venus and Jupiter.

  23. The Jup/Ve/Mars stellium is in my empty 7th house but exactly on the Vertex Point (Loose square to my Gem sun and sextile natal 8th house
    Jupiter.) Does this denote anything at all?

    • Sure does James. Don’t worry about an empty house, it means little. You still have a DC which is the most important indicator of marriage and partnerships. Vertex point is very significant as it signifies destiny encounters. Here is an excellent article about it: The Vertex Axis in Relationships.

  24. Hi Jamie!!!!
    Thank you for this post!!!!!! Do you have any insight on how this normally beneficial aspect behaves when it fills in a grand cross? Is it still beneficial? Or how does it adapt/evolve? My Sun/Jupiter is at 17 & 14 Gemini, Moon at 13 Pisces and Neptune at 14 Sag. Thank you!!!!!

    • Well being about the best combination you can have in astrology, it can only help out and relieve the tension you experience with that natal opposition. All the best Samantha.

  25. My bday is Oct 6 1944 . I retired relocated and found my dream home but there were so many problems it fell out of escrow last week. I have not found anything else that I feel inspired about . All this month. I thought jupiter venus conjunction very lucky. Tks for explanation.

  26. Hi ,Jamie ,
    hope all is well with you , Jamie , I am Leo , 19 , since few years i am in Bad time , my DOB is Aug 12 1964 at 04.40 morning , Karachi sindh Pakistan , if you like to give Reply , for when my Normal time come . Family, Money

  27. My partner and I are getting married on Saturday the 31st of October. Does this conjunction add positivity to our future together?

  28. Hey, thanks for this informative post!

    I see you are very good at replying to the comments so I hope you don’t mind me asking this: as a person with both Jupiter (0.01) and Venus (20.38) in Cancer, would this alignment affect me? Hope you can help, thanks 🙂

  29. Born with Venus and Mars in Virgo, how does it impact my life when Jupiter transit the sign Virgo one week. Frankly, nothing is happening in romance or energy…11-1-1951, 1:49 pm

    • Hi Shirley, If nothing is happening on the relationship scene, then you should get a creative burst of energy. Venus is love and money so you might get lucky in either.With Mars, that is a sign of positive and successful action,

  30. Hello, Jamie. I have Venus, Mars, and Jupiter stellium, all squaring Saturn. I feel like I’m split into two: the fun, peace-loving person and very stern, temperamental person. I wonder how to keep myself in the ‘peaceful state’ and tame down my temper? Because it’s so scary I’m even afraid of myself. Thank you in advance.

    • That’s the big test for you this life Castella. All these challenges, or setback, delays and disappointments are teaching you to love unconditionally and be generous. I would look to any fixed star conjunctions to get further detail.

  31. Hi Jamie, great article on this conjunction. I have this conjunction in the sign of Cancer in the 10th house (using equal house system) with Jupiter at 10 degrees and Venus in 15 degrees. Does my placement of Jupiter in its exalted sign of Cancer able to override the starvation effect Venus can have on my Jupiter?

    • Hi Donny, I ignore horoscopic astrology rules for a very good reason, they don’t work. You just have Venus conjunct Jupiter. Any other influence will only comes from associated aspects and any fixed star conjunctions.

  32. hi jamie , i have jupiter , rahu and venus in libra. does it have any effect on my love life and married life?

    • Hi Kumar. If they are close enough to each other to make a conjunction then it would have a wonderful influence on your love life. A Sign will not really affect the outcome, but any fixed star conjunctions will.

  33. Hi Jamie,
    My Venus is at 13 degrees in Virgo (8th house). Wondering how the HUGE combination of Jupiter conjuct, Pluto trine, Neptune opposition and Saturn square my Venus is going to effect me next year. Nothing really happened in October when Jupiter and Mars were conjunct and Pluto trine. It’s been a pretty insanely challenging year and I’m fearing that what I hoped would be a fortuitous break is now going to be yet another challenge. Birthdate 10/16/1972 Chicago, IL 1:04 pm
    Thank you!!

    • Hi Bridget, the June 2016 Saturn Neptune square is at 12°02′ degrees, while Pluto will be at 16°41′ Capricorn. This will be the strongest Saturn Neptune influence with less help from Pluto

      The September 2016 Saturn Neptune square is at 10°24′ degrees, while Pluto will be at 14°59′ Capricorn. This one should be better to deal with and lead to greater inner power and confidence.

      I will talk much more about it in the Saturn square Neptune article when I re-post it closer to those dates.

  34. Thanks jamie for your previous comment about rahu venus jupiter conjunction in libra but actually there are several ups and downs in love life. I actually have jupiter in 19.26 , venus in 16.20 and rahu in 23.21 all the 3 planets in 12th house and mars is in 8th house and saturn in 4th house. do u think mars have any effect on love life or is the problem of the conjunction in 12th house?


    • Hi again Kumar, I don’t pay attention to houses so I would only say there was an influence by aspect to Mars or Saturn.

  35. Nasci sob um stellium Sol, Vênus e Júpiter na casa XI em Escorpião. Mas fazem uma quadratura com Urano na casa VIII em Leão. Vida profissional excelente! No amor, um divórcio e mais altos do que baixos…

    • “I was born under a stellium Sun, Venus and Jupiter in House XI in Scorpio. But they make a square Uranus in House VIII in Leo. Excellent professional life! In love, a divorce and higher than low …”

  36. Hi Jamie,

    I have Sun at 6° Ketu 8° Moon 13° and Venus at 15° in Virgo 4th house. Then I have Mercury in Libra 5th house hence, mutual reception/exchange (parivartana yoga) between venus and mercury in 4th n 5th house. However, in the mutual reception wiki page, I read that because Venus is debilitated (and also combust in my case) it can provide little support to mercury in this reception. Also, because virgo and libra are in aversion to eachother i.e. they aren’t in aspect with each other, there’s no easy way for them to work together. Is this true?

    Also, in my D-9 and D-10 chart Venus is in Libra. Will this position in D9 and 10 help venus in D-1 where it is debilitated and combust?

    Thanks in advance

  37. Hi Jamie,
    Please reply to this comment. Thanks a million.
    Which degree it is going to conjunct? My natal Mars is in Virgo 27°. Are Jupiter and Venus going to conjunct my natal Mars? I am Libra Sun. Taurus Asc. Virgo is my fifth house of love/fun/kids. Last year when this happened I developed a secret crush to someone who is not available. Cant get him out of my mind.

    • I have added the chart to this article for you now Daisy. 27°21′ Virgo so conjunct your Mars. You should research Mercury, Venus and Jupiter conjunct Mars transit. Also read the health issues related to fixed star Zavijava conjunct Mars.

      • Jamie, is that indicate mental health problems? Thank you for the info. Daisy

        • It does not say that specifically but the mental stress could lead to it. There may be other stars or aspects in your chart indicating mental illness. E.g. hard aspects to Moon, Mercury or Venus from Saturn would indicate depression, and from Uranus would indicate anxiety, from Neptune paranoia or delusions.

      • Hi, I am very thin, active and dont eat rubbish. I mentally overextended. Got a lot of hidden anger. Currently seeing a counciller. Daisy

  38. My Venus return is on this day- yay! 27 Virgo on aug 27th, I’m really looking forward to it now! Time to find my true love lol im gonna hold u to this !

  39. I have Venus conjunct Jupiter in my natal chart and in my solar return this year, but my solar return is also on an eclipse (1st September) I hope this softens the blow as I think there maybe some awkward aspects in my solar return

  40. My Pluto is at 29 42 Virgo and this meeting of Jupiter Venus mercury is happening right over it. Does that change the meaning for this transit for me?

    • It sure does Gayatri. Everyone will feel the general influence of this conjunction. But each person feels it is a slightly different way, or it affects a different area of their life depending on any aspects it makes to their birth chart. A conjunction makes the strongest impact so you will notice it more strongly than others. Not as strong as if it were a more personal planet life Sun or Moon. See Venus conjunct Pluto transit google Jupiter conjunct Pluto transit.

    • transits like this are the best time to solve any problems caused by difficult natal aspects like yours. Venus conjunct Jupiter would have to be the best of all.

  41. Hi Jamie; how many days does the Venus Return last? Would it last a day or 2 before and after the exact conjunction? Thank you.

    • Yes, Venus conjunct Venus transit that is. But then you can also use your Venus return like a solar return and it will last a bit less than a year.

      • Yes, I’ve got a lot of nice transits coming up with Virgo and the beginning of Libra. Looking forward to these auspicious energies – much needed after all the tulmultuous transits we’ve had!

  42. The foresight of the election-outcome for November. Its gonna be H.C. not D.T.

  43. This comjunction falls i my 3th house. Makes trine to may natal moon-ruler of 12 house and mars- ruler of 10 house. Will it brings good events Jamie? In generaly venus ruls 4 and 11 houses, and jupiter 5 and 9.

    • I ignore anything to do with Houses and associated Rules. So basically in this week you have Jupiter trine Moon transit, boosted by Mercury then Venus trine Moon. Lots of harmonious activity, love and good fortune in your home and family life. Emotional happiness, abundance of good feelings. Your Moon is your emotions, close women especially your mother, home, family, history, memories, maternal instinct. For more information look to any natal aspects to Moon or fixed star conjunctions. You could research:

      Jupiter trine Moon transit
      Mercury trine Moon transit
      Venus trine Moon transit

  44. Hi Jamie,

    I know the Vertex is questionned by a lot of astrologer. But this coniunction will happened in conjunction of my 7th house Vx.
    Also having Juno conjunct Pluto that day.

    Do you use those aspects for your personnal readings ?

    Thank you
    Dob 24/11/86 Saumur France

    • Yes, when I did readings I used the Vertex Jean. This sure sounds significant but do not pay attention to what House it is in. I don’t use Houses at all but the Vertex only ever lands in Houses 5 to 9.

  45. My friend is getting married on this day (although he is the sort of Christian that doesn’t hold with horoscopes so he didn’t know). He started seeing his future wife and got engaged within about two weeks. I’m really pleased for him because he lost his wife to cancer the year before. Great day for a wedding!

  46. Hi Jamie, I was trying to find an old response of yours to a question posted on your general comments section, it was regarding best time for love in 2016, I think you said it was end of August (my DOB is 22/09/76, 7.30am in UK). Apologies if this is the wrong section. Thanks again, great site btw, regards Dan

    • Well Venus conjunct Jupiter is as good as any for a question about love. Right now with the August 18 lunar eclipse sextile your Venus. From now to September 1 is great. But even after that, the September 1 solar eclipse on your Moon is not too bad. Saturn square Neptune have finished hurting your Moon now.

  47. Hi Jamie, thanks for your interesting posts. I’m trying to learn about astrology. This transit will happen at 1° of my ascendant (28°21) tightly conjunct to natal pluto (27°53), and opposite by 1° to my vertex (26°pis). Would you have any hint? Thanks, Gabrielle

    • Welcome Garbrielle. Both the Ascendant and Vertex axis represent relationships. With Venus Jupiter meaning lots of love then perhaps you have some activity coming up in your love life.

  48. I have virgo in 10th house. there are no planets in 10th house. will this transit help me get a job as I desire. In the company and area of my interest, outside India?

  49. Interesting that Mars square Neptune is only a day earlier & as Venus transits last up to a day on each side but stronger leading to it, this is an interesting mix of things..

    What would you say is the influence stronger? Do they balace each other, dilute?

    Thanks, Coliberi

    • Good question Colibrie. I would say Venus Jupiter is stronger because:
      1. a conjunction is stronger than a square
      2. Mercury makes it a triple conjunction

      • Thanks! It was an intereating question. As it was, I felth the square strongly, as waves of exhostion and body ake, like the flu.

  50. is my birthday8-27-1963.jupiter& VENUS conjunct today.any change in my JOB&life path?

    • Let’s hope so Ofelia. You are lucky to have the Mercury Venus Jupiter conjunction on your birthday. It is is your solar return chart so this optimism and good fortune should stay with you for a whole year.

  51. Hi Jamie this Jupiter/ venus conjunction is conjunct my natal Uranus ,which is at 28 .3 degrees and things are very quiet.

    • Jupiter is still only 27°34′ Virgo so hang in there Sam. Remember also that Mercury is slowing down and about to turn around in that immediate vicinity.

  52. Today transiting Venus will be exact my natal Venus in house 1. Conjunct with Jupiter, Mercury, and North Node. Feeling overflowing with love, I AM BLESSED. There is no more doubt to my purpose in life…. I am here to spread LOVE.

  53. Hi Jamie, I have Venus at 22 degrees capricorn.. I was just offered a new job with new company on Monday 22 august with significant increase.. Great so far.. Contract will be sent next Monday in mercury retrograde.. I will do my best with reading small print nd research but all the false hope in the past, can you please tell me if this will really happen? My date is 02 december 1984, and this year has been beyond hard. There is a 2 months lead time befor start date ( november 2016). Any insight you may have? How many degrees for this transit to still be strong and in effect? Thank you

    • Overall there is good news ahead Love444. Your bad year is due to Saturn square Neptune, with both planets aspecting your Sun. The final Saturn conjunct Sun transit is September 30. It is well past by Jupiter sextile Sun transit on October 30 which lasts a few weeks to cover the start of the new job.

      Venus sextile Saturn natal is a good omen for stable income in your life.

      False hope will have been due to challenging transit to your Natal Mercury Neptune conjunction.

      Mercury stationing retrograde trine your Mercury Neptune is good reason to have faith.

      • I also have natal venus sextile natal saturn but I must say that in the last 4 years income has not been stable at all … could it be due to neptune in transit opposite my second house?

        • That is due to the weakness of this aspect in your chart at 8 degrees orb. Venus quincunx Neptune and Venus square Pluto are both under one degree orb. If you include the South Node of the Moon you have a yod aspect pattern focused on Venus. Venus is therefore the major player in your chart.

          • Thank you Jamie for that explanation. If transiting Pluto is now in opposition to my Venus, should I expect a major shake up financially? or would I still be able to mitigate it due to the other aspect or would the yod focusing on Venus make it worse?

          • By the way Venus sextile natal Jupiter (less than 2 degree orb) and trine natal Uranus (less than 2 degree orb) help? Thanks!

  54. This Appulse/Conjunction is occurring within one degree of my IC (28VIR) I have been feeling the first stirrings of this energy over the last couple of days (Hearing beautiful music during meditation, having visions of a gently and harmoniously moving sacred geometry configuration over my head.) Not sure what the outward manifestations may be, but I am enjoying the energy at least!

    • I love the sound of that geomerty. Nearly every time I close my eyes I have visions but rarely anything like yours. Most often it is like a parallel universe of me and the kids at home doing normal stuff. They often here me talking when I am zoning out.

  55. Hi Jamie, the Venus Conjunct Jupiter dates you posted, shows that it happens approximately 12 times in 10 years. I’m trying to figure out, how likely will one of these conjunctions fall on the same degree again? I’m not sure how to figure that out mathematically but would it be safe to assume that it’s very rare?
    Reason I’m asking is because I’m hung up on this. On Oct 25 2015, the conjunction fell on my anti-vertex with less than 1 deg orb.
    It also happened to be the day I met someone I have not stopped obsessing over…. however, he’s not making any moves. OK so he’s an Aquarius with lots of Capricorn in his chart and completely lacks the fire element and very little water element. Maybe that has something to do with why or could it be that I’m reading too much into it?
    I’m not sure I can pass it off as a coincidence. What is your opinion?

    • I wonder if things had been different had it been on your Vertex? I remember I met the mother of my kids with transiting Saturn on my Vertex. My feeling is that something will happen for you with a moon phase of transiting planet hitting your Vertex. This is not to say that a relationship will not start under other conditions such as transit to DC, Moon or Venus.

      • Interesting. The transiting sun, which happened to be the same degree as my sun, since it was 1 day before my solar return birthday, was on his Vertex when we met. The only planet which will be transiting my vertex is Neptune but that wouldn’t be for a while. My Vx is 14 Pisces 45. Another thing interesting I found is when Saturn transited my DC 15 years ago, I left a long term relationship and Saturn was transiting my Asc this time during our meeting. I was certain that the jupiter/venus conjunction was a significant ‘trigger’ and am really confused why it hasn’t taken off. I know that Aquarius men are one of the most challenging especially at the beginning and act the opposite of how they are feeling inside but then again, he could be indifferent. I guess time will tell.

        • I seem to get married after eclipse on my DC. Three times now. But that is different than meeting them in which case the Vertex seems to come into play. Yes time will tell, then that is saying it is up to Saturn!

      • Forgot to mention that my progressed Vx is 16 Virgo 37 but that would not be an exact conjunction with Venus/Jupiter. Not sure if the progressed Vx is of any significance.

  56. Hi Jamie,

    Firstly, better late than never: many thanks for looking at my chart and explaining to me that my Pluto square Venus is probably the most important aspect! It makes sense. For a long time I had the feeling that both planets had a big role on my chart.

    I have been so busy that I had no time to comment on your excellent posts although I am particularly thinking about this particular one. It seems that my solar return was exact on 27 august 10.11pm so I was wondering on the one hand how this Venus conjunct Jupiter plus mercury in the surrounding could play if I have my natal Saturn at 27.02 degrees …even more when my natal Saturn makes natally an opposition to my moon at 2.32 Aries and a sextile to my Venus in cancer at 19 degrees. So far I guess that I can assume this aspect made a conjunction with my natal Saturn but what about mercury transit? and would this aspect activate my natal aspects ( moon, Venus..)?

    And on the other hand how Uranus retrograde in transit at 24 degrees and conjunct natal midheaven 22.12 would play with this aspect?

    I am also concerned by the fact that the eclipse on 16 sept in piscis will be in ooposition to my natal saturn. Could that eclipse activate all these conjunction? can natal saturn limit the positive things?

    Thanks for any comment on this.

    • Hi again Meli. I agree you have Moon opposite Saturn but it is not a very strong influence in chart at over 5 degrees orb. Anyway, in an aspect like that you will find that Saturn tends to act on your Moon, more than the Moon n your Saturn. You certainly do not have Venus sextile Saturn with an orb of over 8 degrees. Your Venus would never feel Saturn’s influence after Pluto (half a degree), Jupiter (2 degrees) and Neptune (half a degree).

      Uranus conjunct MC Transit looks to be your most significant transit at the moment. Could be change in career or where you live (IC):
      21 May 2016
      10 Oct 2016 Rx
      13 Mar 2017

      • Hi Jamie, Once again this conjunction makes an aspect with my natal Saturn at 27.02. Although everything that I read looks bad. Would the square minimise the benefits of this conjunction? Have you wrote something about jupiter/ venus sqaure saturn?

        As for what you told me about Uranus conjunct MC Transit I had indeed some changes in where I was living around these dates and a roll coaster of changes related to career but I have still be facing sudden changes in where I was living between the end August 2017 mid September 2017 and again mid December 2017 and march 2018, would this also be related to the Uranus transit to MC or would it be more related to the Uranus square ascendent Transit? Uranus is really complicating my life as it’s also making an oposition to natal mars (ruler of MC) today!

  57. Hi Jamie, I have jupiter venus neptune in sagittarius at 2nd house, scorpio ascendant (sun mercury south node Ketu) and tauras north node Rahu in 7th house. How will be my partner?

  58. Hi Jamie,
    I have a friend with Venus in Scorpio, 5 degrees natal. As Jupiter transited, she was dumped by her boyfriend of two years who began secretly dating her best friend. Venus in Scorpio does indicate betrayal in love for a woman, especially when young. Keeping in mind the possible benefits I told her she is clearing away the trouble and this year would be good for love and money. I hope I was/am correct. Any comment?

  59. Hi Jamie, I have Venus Conjunct Jupiter in my second house with Sagitarius, can you tell me please what is the meaning?? thank you

  60. I am so excited because the retrograde transit of Venus on November 15, which is my birthday, will conj. my natal Libra in Jupiter by 5 degrees. So if 8 is too wide I am hoping that a 5 degree conj. is not : )

  61. 11/22/2019 Jupiter/Venus conjunction is Antiscion Saturn. That is, the midpoint between the Jupiter/Venus conjunction and Saturn is 0 degree Capricorn, winter solstice. Seems to me Jamie, we are heading towards a higher vibration (11/22) of integration. ie. antiscion, of the two hybrid signs: Sagittarius half man, half horse, and Capricorn, the sea goat.

    Could you possibly look at this chart and tell us what you think?

    • That should read 01/22/2019… got a little carried away with the interesting vibrations last month

  62. But what if Venus is at the same time in opposition to Uranus together with Jupiter? And then Saturn…

    • Boris, it could mean a Comet shows up, and alarms sound! Like a rescue vehicle or ambulances on their way to the hospital.You hear them from your house, the whistle pervades the boundaries of knowing and not knowing.

  63. I have mixed feelings here,i found myself often having a blessing in disguise…but that is just me telling me everything is still good. In reality when i look around,my life is a total mess and i would break if i wouldn’t have my optimism to keep going.

    Yes there were so so many opportunities in life for me to make bigger things happen,either in fashion,music and design…knowing a lot of different people from all over the world and good connections who were just waiting on me to make it happen ( it is in aries in the ninth house with venus and mc there as north node as well)…but i was simply chasing all these connections and made nothing real happen cause i just couldn’t decide what would be the best for me,now i am a jill of all trades actually…and i still struggle to stop my haunt for experiences,i was simply happy with that short experience and was thirsty for more,even so much i hated to sleep cause i thought i will miss out something good in life while i am sleeping lol… I can not be around people that are trying to bring my thirst for fun and action down,i get depressed and sad thinking why people behave so limited ( while i know everyone got their own reasons but i always try to cheer someone up,i learned moderation cause sometimes i overdo things) but i still see opportunities,i think this is a good aspect when you are young and got a support system(family friends etc) who are on the same path as you. SInce my saturn return i feel as if i was just dreaming the whole life…

    A friend told me i should never lose my optimism…made me laugh,cause he said it when i was thinking about ending my life…

    • Hi Ella, there are a few charts I look at that have the VenusJupiter Conjunct. A very good friend of mine born Sagittarius 1949, and the People’s Republic of China(Oct01/49) chart, which has progressed just passed my friends natal chart. I would crack jokes at him the last few years, that he embodied China, in mannerism.. and spending money. So, if it’s any help, find the inauguration of a big thing that has progressed to your birthday, and see if you can learning anything from it. I can help you find this entity, if you wish.

      • Hi Gerald and Ella, I also have a natal Venus-Jupiter conjunction, in modest Virgo, in my case. Ella, sounds like you have some astrological energy undermining the Venus-Jupiter conjunction. Few of us have that gift in its purest, most potent form. I have a natal Stellium and a Yod that wreak so much havoc that even the Venus-Jupiter conjunction gift is often dimmed. I found it really interesting that you mentioned fashion and design. That’s an area of expertise for me, too. It’s one of the best possible manifestations of a Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Virgo. In my case, it’s often emphasized in a thrift shop environments, or in shoe-string design budgets, due to careful, frugal Virgo. Gerald, that’s an interesting idea to look at world events / outside things that have progressed to the point of one’s natal chart.

        • With the New Age Chart, (Jan12/96), the Regulus Chart, (Nov29/11) and the Cosmogenesis chart, – a morphology chart – (Jun21/20), I do astrology for the whole of humanity, for free.

  64. Manganese (Jupiter) and Copper (Venus) have showed up in higher concentrations in the well water this Autumn. I’m working on a large drainage project in a friends backyard, installing a turn-around gravel driveway. In the process, 3” of top soil and grass has been carefully removed from a clay underlay, and landscaped into areas where grass will flourish better without vehicles running over it, creating the swampy conditions. Every time it rained the water was pooling, but soon it will flow more naturally. The work has exposed more metals in the soil, and since we drink this water, higher concentrations of manganese and copper are entering my body.

    • My friend and I, we are using the timing of the conjunction to remedy the high concentration of the two metals in the well water. Finishing the project for the season, so that no more soil is uprooted, finding alternative water sources for drinking, and installing a filtration system. As the aspect separates after November 24, these systems will be deployed more consciously, and the Copper and Manganese is reduced in our bodies.

  65. My rising sign is 29* Sagittarius I’m a cancer sun 21* .
    Not too sure what the Venus Jupiter conjunction will do for me .i welcome feedback
    The last few years have been tough with Saturn and Pluto on my case…

    • These two are transiting conjunct, they move over the Galactic Centre, move over your Ascendant, and finally, transit the 0 degree winter solstice.

      Last week of November will be an interesting time.

      Use it as a tuning fork for your art and, your internal vibration.

    • Me too Sun 21 cancer, awful. What happened when Pluto went over your ascendant? 2008.I once read on astrodienst last year that we Cancerians should look Pluto and Saturn in the eye and do not allow them to impress you!! I and you have had 5 opposition passes of Pluto and 30 Dec 2019 equals Saturn opposition, just one then its gone. I have lived through the awful 1980s to 1998 Uranus, Neptune and of course the Lovely Saturn oppositions. Awful, awful in every way. We have now survived the major huge lessons of the big boys. That is something to be proud of. Do not let pluto and saturn impress you. Is my life good? No is about the best answer. Cut you family vampires off yet? You will I suspect. Would be interested to know.

      • there is a dependency because of a disability, rather common. The living arrangements are no good tho. The solution is a care home that also works as a gate between combative family members. This is becoming more of an issue in the media. But it’s vexing, because resources are political. NewEnergy needs to shows up but it won’t get deployed until the Military runs its tests and calibrations. So we got to be patient and allow the sequence to unfold with everyone’s input.

  66. This Venus Jupiter Galactic Centre conjunction on Nov 24,2019 is almost exactly conjunct my natal Neptune at Sag 27 degrees.

    Natal Neptune for me sits at the apex of a minor grand trine.

    So this Big conjunction is also sextile my Natal moon at 25 Aquarius, and sextile Pluto at 26 Libra. It’s also semi sextile my natal Venus at 26 Capricorn.

    Saturn-Pluto in transit have both been squaring my natal Mars-Saturn Pluto stellium, opposing my North Node at 21 Capricorn and I am barely alive after the last decade. First Pluto squared my ascendant for five years, then Pluto squared my natal Mars, and is currently squaring my Saturn till dec 2020. On top of that Saturn has been squaring Mars at 19 Libra all year, and I can honestly say I’m not sure how the heck I’m alive. Due to start Saturn square Pluto as well.

    After three nervous breakdowns/severe depression in the last 14 months, worsening of already existing chronic illness and many thwarted attempts to escape from a severe psychopathic abuser of a mother this year (who had upped the abuse as I have finally stopped bein a doormat, despite great fear since I am chronically ill for many years and dependant for care/finances/travel on this person and her unpredictable rage has been devastating to handle.

    But when Pluto squared my Mars I started standing upto a lifetime of abuse by her, realising love is NOT abuse. I may be ill and unable to work and dependant, but that does NOT mean I deserve to be threatened/shouted at/deliberately exposed to chemicals that Make breathing difficult/have food and access to doctors withheld. I truly have paid a massive price for daring to stand up for my dignity after a lifetime of being groomed to accept her and other people’s abuse, I am surprised I have not entirely collapsed or died, either by a terminal illness or my own hand. There must be some reason I’m still here.)

    I’m really hoping this Venus Jupiter conjunction brings good fortune for me. For the first time in many many years in the last few days I feel at peace, I am finally able to sleep and eat normally (my abusive mother also made it impossible to access food or a peaceful environment to sleep this year, behaving very much as abusers do when they feel a victim stand up – they will escalate abuse to unheard of levels, the idea being to break you if they can’t easily dump their toxicity on you anymore. Bullies hate to have their privileges taken away!). I am amazed to see the abuse has also lessened in the last week.

    I am not fooled though, terrified as I am about surviving alone, I am finally moving out tomorrow. I’d rather burn through my savings and die with dignity if my body wont let me work or even do simple things to look after myself when I am alone (I am disabled and lead a very restricted home bound life), than stay a day longer and be abused.

    Any good news would be welcome from anyone who studies astrology as I Make this terrifying leap into the unknown with a body that is unpredictable – I was bedridden for the last two weeks out of the blue and could barely function. I am amazed by how much I have been able to endure in this life (many of us who are victims of abusive parents know the struggle inherent in just getting through a single day), but I am weary now. I am proud of myself for just being alive at all. But I cannot take much more. I need some hope for my future please!!! Anything to inject hope and courage so I don’t give up on this journey.

    If you made it this far, thanks for reading my long post. It’s freeing to speak my truth here. Jamie’s site has helped me on my journey to self-awareness and growth.

    (PS, anyone interested in judging me for being an “ungrateful person”, you can save your breath. If you can’t be kind or helpful, I am not interested. I’ve had enough people trying to shame me for what has been a brutal journey to standing up for my right to be treated with respect.)

    • Good use of astrology to navigate the life. You are a brave person.

      The fear of homelessness is pandemic in our world. ie. Neptune transiting the 2nd house of the NewAge chart (Jan11/96).

      Nessus is the Centaur where we find abuse, check it out in your chart and the Mother. It is very active now, esp in the Sibly chart. In the Jupiter/Venus and Mars opp Uranus chart, Nov 24. Nessus is Quincunx Juno, the asteroid of long term relationships.

    • What is your birth data? I can give you a discounted natal chart analysis or karmic chart analysis. BagatelleBoutique, on Etsy. Spend some time learning about, and meditating on, your Lunar Nodes. What do they tell you? From what you described, you are getting ready to take a running leap off a cliff, and soar towards your North Node destiny. Yes, check Nessus. Sounds, also, like compromised Cancer / Lunar and Capricorn / Saturn issues in your chart, to begin with. December’s conjunction in Cap will be huge for you (and all of us), and 2020 will take everything you are dealing with to another level. You are being called to defeat this abuse hydra. Try not to dwell on what’s wrong, unfair, evil, painful, and setbacks. Most important is to gain understanding of why you are here, in these circumstances, why your Soul chose this journey, and where it is that you need to go next. Again, you’re already on the right path. Don’t give up. Keep on taking the steps that terrify you most. The greatest rewards lie just beyond that.

    • Good girl, keep going. Abusive unloving parents are the bloody pits. Me too. What may help you is looking at their charts so you see WHY. Its helped me a little. But do not feel sorry for them. Face them off. After all darling, you have one good thing from those rocks up their coming and its Pluto to your Venus soon, I have never heard that it is anything but positive so I hope its true for you. I feel totally singled out for ongoing misery, will it never end. And as for saying you and I chose this existence thats bollocks. Its how other people treat you that has the most psychological effect. You are doing great, you have to keep taking it till you do stand up and look them in the eye. Then you realise that you allowed it. I did. Trapped and imprisoned is how I feel, just like you. Lots of us are in this life and others always, every time, others enjoy doing it to us. You are better than anyone on this planet. No matter what. xxxx

  67. Hey jamie,

    I have this in a triple conjunction with Rahu… does it distort things? Im not over the top attractive, my Suns on Arcturus. however do feel my presence is calming to others or im always viewed as non threatening by people.

    Cupid as the union of Venus and Jupiter seems to fit this, but the the eclipsing of the north node for my natal placement makes me attracted to people involved in relationships, or some lusting after fantasy situations, taboo, etc.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated

  68. I find myself approaching a relationship with a woman, these being the prominent aspects, Mars in Virgo (me) opposed to Venus in Pisces. Conjunction Venus in Pisces, Jupiter in Pisces (me). Any comments?

  69. Right now I have transit Venus conjunct natal Jupiter, square natal sun and transit sun trine natal sun. All at the same time. The way I feel it looks that conjunction and the trine overthrowing a square

  70. Transit Venus, Jupiter & Chiron are conjunct my 6th House with Natal Aries Moon at present any idea what this represents?

    • 6th House Moon, Aries?

      You serve a very good vegetarian chile, and are not indisposed by a Leo’s charm(Venus) or Sagittarius perception(Jupiter).

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