The new moon on the 27th of June 2014 is at 5 degrees of the Cancer Sign. This places it at the feet of the mortal Gemini Twin Castor. As you can see above, Jupiter has been visiting his boys, while Mercury and Venus are not far behind in the Bull. Let us discover the meaning of this intense part of the sky.
I have not written since the Moon joined Jupiter in exact conjunction to the star Castor. It was a life-changing event for my family and I. It completed a grand trine to Saturn in the Scales and Chiron in Pegasus. To understand the Twins we must first get in touch with the mortal one, like us. I had the assistance of my eldest daughter Elyse (Mars on Castor, Jupiter on Pollux). A few days earlier she broke her foot at school and stayed home for over a week. My other daughter has Venus here and my son the Moon. Castor was setting when I was born.
I soon learnt that Castor rules fear. As the Moon closed in on Jupiter there was a blackout and all the kids went into hysterics. After settling them down my son sat next to me and said he was scared of me dying because I smoked cigarettes. They all have that fear after watching me recover from cancer two years ago. I have a fear of dying because of leaving them, being the sole parent.
That night, the spirit of Castor came into our home and shared his courage with us. We all have a way to go but have turned a big corner. It is an eternal struggle. The Twins after all, are the ultimate warriors. As a mortal, Castor he knew he would die, but as a Spartan he could not fear death. Pollux feared living forever without his brother, so Jupiter killed him with a lighting bolt so they would always be together. Together they are symbols of immortality and death. They will intervene on your behalf in moments of crisis.
Castor and Pollux are of course the stellar version of the planet Mars. Action requires bravery and always comes with risks. This is where the dual nature of the stars becomes critical. One can assist the other, as in families. The Spartan tradition of dual kingship came from the Twins. Only one king, or one brother would fight per battle. In a time of crisis, one brother is sacrificed so the other may live.
In the beginning there was one. Scientists call it the Singularity, others call it God. Then there was two, the Big Bang or the Creation. One is not an existence. All existence comes from two. The Twins represent this creative power forming energy and matter, and the inherent dangers of splitting the atom. This danger and fear is most associated with Castor because it is a Binary Star.
The new moon at the feet of Castor will reignite a long dormant fear within humanity. One shared moment in history, panic, hysteria. Each of us hold these memories in the DNA of every cell in our bodies. We all express this fear in different ways. Some can’t shut up, some hide away, some scream, or over protect. With a strong Castor in their chart, they will break an arm or leg, or have a nervous breakdown. We know it is coming again.
Above the Twins you will see Auriga the Charioteer. This is Phaethon, who drove his fathers Sun Chariot but lost control of the reigns. Terror and panic, half the earth was scorched before Jupiter killed him with a lighting bolt. For this new moon, asteroid Phaethon is conjunct Venus.
The discovery of the Planet Sedna ten years ago has lead to suggestions that our Sun has a Twin called Nemesis. In a few decades, Sedna will complete it’s 10, 000 journey back around the Sun. The last close approach coincided with the Quaternary extinction event, or the destruction of Atlantis, or the Great Flood. Sedna is not shown in the sky map above but it is just behind the fixed star Algol.
Adding more weight to the Nemesis hypotheses of periodic comet strikes on earth, another planet like Sedna was discovered earlier this year. “It’s really quite striking how close Sedna and 2012 VP113 are to each other right now, both close to their perihelion. 2012 VP113.”