Thailand Horoscope

Thailand Horoscope

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The only astrology I found on the current rioting in Thailand was and article written by David Crook at Stellar Insights two months ago, Thailand’s Political Unrest. David used the Aries ingress chart and the Cancer ingress chart to conclude that “the political tension in Thailand will continue, and reach some kind of climax near the June 26 lunar eclipse.” Spot on David!

I prefer to have a mundane chart of a nation to look at events like this, and while researching the history of Thailand, I came across an timed event which gave a most interesting chart.

The event was the resignation of Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn as Prime Minister, at 6:10pm on 14 October 1973. This was in response to pro-democracy rioting by students [History of Thailand – Wikipedia]

So this chart is for the birth of the democracy movement in Thailand. The moment the power of the people resulted in the downfall of a military ruler. The similarities in events between 1973 and now are mirrored in the transits, There is still a military government, and there are still rioting students protesting for democracy. I’m using the precession correction value of 31′ and just showing major aspects within one degree orb.

The January Solar Eclipse was square the chart Ascendant,  this first half of the year is a test to the identity of the democracy movement, challenges from the state. The 14 April New Moon was opposite the chart’s Uranus, which resulted in an upsurge of rebellion.

The 14 May New Moon conjunct chart Moon, which represents the public, more people on the streets in support. Pluto is now opposite the chart Saturn, the government. Coming up, we have the June Lunar Eclipse opposite the Saturn, and the July Solar Eclipse conjunct the IC, the foundations of the movement. These transits support what David Crook found using his methods. More unrest to come, and the Eclipses aspecting the Saturn and IC do suggest some sort of climax ahead.

The chart itself has three connected Yod Aspect patterns. One points Mars at the apex, violence, military, rioting.  Another Yod point to the Venus Neptune conjunction, dreams of peace and harmony. Saturn in mundane astrology is the system of government, and it is conservative. The sextile between Mars and Saturn is the government and the military working together, bearing down on those Venus Neptune dreams for peace.

But it is the final Yod, pointing to Saturn, which is most strong this year with Pluto and the coming Lunar Eclipse at the reaction point, opposite Saturn. Saturn the government is feeling the most pressure from the enforcer Pluto in transit, wanting to breakdown old structures.

The sextile planets working together to act on Saturn are Jupiter and Venus – Neptune. Jupiter is social justice, working with Venus Neptune hopes for peace.

I’ve looked at some other chart options. The constitutional Monarchy, 24 June 1932 shows nothing interesting regarding transits. The 2007 Constitution of Thailand also shows nothing of interest. It was sham anyway “The junta passed a law making it illegal to publicly criticize the draft. The junta also ran a successful promotion campaign leading up to the referendum.” Wiki. I couldn’t find an exact time for either of these events. The chart I’ve posted for the democracy movement is not a national chart for Thailand, but it very well describes the current events there.

10 thoughts on “Thailand Horoscope

  1. You are wrong on two counts in this ‘article’ Thailand does not have a military government. There are very few if any students involved in the current riots. If your charts were prepared using information not checked for accuracy is it any wonder people don’t take astrology seriously?

    • I have lived in Chiang Mai sense 2005. Thailand does have a militarily controlled government with puppets actually running the day to day operations of the lucrative government portfolios.

      I was in the middle of two large Red shirt gatherings in Chiang Mai in the past two years. I saw mostly middle age people in their group. Most were dark skinned indigenous Thais from the country, with few University aged people present. The students of the earlier democracy movement in the 1970s had a higher percentage of Chinese Thai students from Bangkok.

  2. Ian, it was a military coup that ousted the elected civilian government of Thailand in 2006. The 2007 constitution was drafted by the military. The present government is there only with the blessing of the military. I know what you’re getting at, no doubt Shinawatra is behind the protests, yet he is tapping into a popular feeling of distrust of military backed governments and a perceived lack of democracy. The Red Shirts must surely have a large student contingent, just as all these types of movements do around the world.

  3. Hi Jamie,
    Longtime, no hear. How are you? I’ve been studying the Thai situation a bit, and the following are my findings:

    According to its Wikipedia entry, the modern state of Thailand came into existence on Jun 24 1932, in what is known as a “bloodless revolution”. Setting the chart at Bangkok and at noon in the absence of a more definitive “birthtime”, we see that the Asc is 27 Virgo, while the MC is 27 Gemini, which puts the modern Thai state right in line with the the current Saturn-Uranus opposition. Moreover, please note that the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Pluto are all in Cancer in the 10th house, spanning from 2 to 21 degrees respectively. Not only does this put the Cancer planets in line for the Saturn in Libra and soon to come Uranus in Aries transits, but it also sets things up for the Uranus-Pluto series of squares to come in the over the next few years. All of this says to me that this date and a noontime mark is quite a good starting place with which to assess the astrological comings and goings of the modern Thai state and people.

    There’s more but I’ll hold here – and add your site to my bookmarks. 🙂


  4. Hi Bey, good to see you bacck in action. I did look at that chart for the constitutional monoarchy. Not sure if I got the right one though because I have 28 June written in the post. I’ll edit that to 24 June. The chart does look very interesing with transiting Pluto coming back to oppose the Sun. I’m hesitant to put too much value on the AC as we don’t have an exact time, but it does look good with the current Saturn Uranus opposition across the horizon.

  5. Jamie,
    If we again consult the Wiki entry for Thailand, we find that we can track historical events against the noontime “bloodless revolution” chart, and we find quite good results.

    for example, in 1997, Thailand moved to create a new constitution that would allow for the first time in its history, for fully and freely elected representatives in both the lower and upper houses of its gov’t. At the time, transit Saturn was in early Aries, and square the Thai Sun, a restructuring of gov’t for sure; transit Uranus was conjunct the Thai Saturn, dramatic changes in its admistrative structures; and transit Pluto was square the Thai Neptune, ruling the noontime 3rd house of document and law drafting. According to Wikipedia, human rights were explicitly recognized in the constitution, Neptune.

    Next, we have a military coup that took place in Sep 2006. At the time, transit Uranus was exactly conjunct the noontime Thai Moon, at 13 Pisces in the 6th house – the army. Please note also that Uranus rules the 6th house to boot. Then, we note that transit Pluto was applying opposition to the noontime Thai MC, and squaring the Asc.

    Finally, we have the current political crisis, which per Wiki began in Sep of 2008. At the time, transit Saturn was opposed the noontime Thai Moon, while transit Pluto was at the very end of Sagittarius, still in play with regard to the noontime Thai Asc and MC positions.

    All of these “tests” suggests that the noontime chart for the modern state of Thailand is something we should keep in mind…


  6. I was in Chiang Mai, Laos and Bangkok during the riots. I noted several disturbing factors : a definite Chinese and Russian presence and support for the Reds, an anti-Buddhist sentiment among the Reds which included medium to large scale defacement of Buddhist statues and temples and western mercenaries there apparently to foment the unrest….in order to gain access to the Thai Buddhist treasures in exchange for weaponry for the Reds to use in their actions.

  7. Thailand‘s birth chart was set on 21Apr1782 @6:53AM
    200-700 years ago there were always war between empire
    What the astrologer back than did was to design a natal chart for a new empire to be highly combative and unconquerable with Sun in Aries 1st decan and Asc in Aries in 2nd decan. but they were using Sideral system
    so in Tropical their Sun would be in Taurus 1st decan and Asc in Taurus 2nd decan

    If you consider over all Thailand’s brand image it will echo Taurus (Art,Food, hospitality) more than Aries

    If you align Pluto sign and house change to the history of all Thai Priminister you will find the exact match of power switch in Peaceful era (Pluto in Virgo and Taurus) and highly Unstable era (Pluto in angular house Leo, Scorpio, and approaching Aquarius ) and moderate conflict era(Pluto in Libra and Sagittarius)

    • sorry correction for political most peaceful era(zero power switch)
      is when Pluto in Virgo when enter 5th house and
      Pluto in Capricorn when enter 9th house

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