Thailand Horoscope

Thailand Horoscope

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The only astrology I found on the current rioting in Thailand was and article written by David Crook at Stellar Insights two months ago, Thailand’s Political Unrest. David used the Aries ingress chart and the Cancer ingress chart to conclude that “the political tension in Thailand will continue, and reach some kind of climax near the June 26 lunar eclipse.” Spot on David!

I prefer to have a mundane chart of a nation to look at events like this, and while researching the history of Thailand, I came across an timed event which gave a most interesting chart.

The event was the resignation of Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn as Prime Minister, at 6:10pm on 14 October 1973. This was in response to pro-democracy rioting by students [History of Thailand – Wikipedia]

So this chart is for the birth of the democracy movement in Thailand. The moment the power of the people resulted in the downfall of a military ruler. The similarities in events between 1973 and now are mirrored in the transits, There is still a military government, and there are still rioting students protesting for democracy. I’m using the precession correction value of 31′ and just showing major aspects within one degree orb.

The January Solar Eclipse was square the chart Ascendant,  this first half of the year is a test to the identity of the democracy movement, challenges from the state. The 14 April New Moon was opposite the chart’s Uranus, which resulted in an upsurge of rebellion.

The 14 May New Moon conjunct chart Moon, which represents the public, more people on the streets in support. Pluto is now opposite the chart Saturn, the government. Coming up, we have the June Lunar Eclipse opposite the Saturn, and the July Solar Eclipse conjunct the IC, the foundations of the movement. These transits support what David Crook found using his methods. More unrest to come, and the Eclipses aspecting the Saturn and IC do suggest some sort of climax ahead.

The chart itself has three connected Yod Aspect patterns. One points Mars at the apex, violence, military, rioting.  Another Yod point to the Venus Neptune conjunction, dreams of peace and harmony. Saturn in mundane astrology is the system of government, and it is conservative. The sextile between Mars and Saturn is the government and the military working together, bearing down on those Venus Neptune dreams for peace.

But it is the final Yod, pointing to Saturn, which is most strong this year with Pluto and the coming Lunar Eclipse at the reaction point, opposite Saturn. Saturn the government is feeling the most pressure from the enforcer Pluto in transit, wanting to breakdown old structures.

The sextile planets working together to act on Saturn are Jupiter and Venus – Neptune. Jupiter is social justice, working with Venus Neptune hopes for peace.

I’ve looked at some other chart options. The constitutional Monarchy, 24 June 1932 shows nothing interesting regarding transits. The 2007 Constitution of Thailand also shows nothing of interest. It was sham anyway “The junta passed a law making it illegal to publicly criticize the draft. The junta also ran a successful promotion campaign leading up to the referendum.” Wiki. I couldn’t find an exact time for either of these events. The chart I’ve posted for the democracy movement is not a national chart for Thailand, but it very well describes the current events there.