China Horoscope

China Astrology Chart, China Horoscope

China Flag

China is tipped to overtake the USA as the dominant world superpower in the next few decades, they have just this year surpassed Japan to become the second largest economy in the world, and China is the largest funder of the massive USA public debt. The People’s Republic of China was proclaimed on 1 October 1949 in Beijing. This date is celebrated each year as China’s national day.

We do have an accurately timed source for the proclamation from “video tape of the ceremony and accounts in Xinhua yuebao and Xinhua newspapers…As interpreted by Guanghui Zhou…3.01.36 pm” [1]. I’ve tested this time against the first nuclear test in China (see horoscope) and it looks excellent, especially with Jupiter conjunct the IC, very time specific. There have been three hard aspects from transiting Pluto to the angles in this China astrology chart since its founding, and each has marked major turning points in the history of the nation.

Pluto square Midheaven in 1953 saw the start of the first five year plan. Pluto square Ascendant in 1985 was the signing of the Sino British Joint Declaration where it was agreed to give back Hong Kong. The exact transit was 8 June, and the declaration was registered with the UN on 12 June. The most recent hard aspect was in 1992 with Pluto conjunct Midheaven, when China and Taiwan signed off on the 1992 Consensus, or “One China Policy”.

Pluto and Saturn are the big players in mundane astrology, and on 8 October 2010, transiting Saturn was exactly conjunct the Sun in the China horoscope. This exact same day, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to imprisoned Chinese human rights activist Liu Xiaobo. The Sun represent the ego, and Saturn gave the Chinese ego a bruising here. Some kind of news was to be expected, with the 7 October New Moon conjunct the China Mercury. China is very sensitive to criticism, and that can be seen in the horoscope with Mercury conjunct Neptune.

China Astrology Chart

China Astrology Chart, China Horoscope

China Astrology Chart

The Republic of China was founded on military action, the Chinese civil war. China has the largest army in the world, and the second highest defense budget behind the USA. We would expect to see a strong Mars influence in the horoscope and we do, with Mars conjunct Pluto. This aspect gives ruthless domination and intense ambition. The Ascendant, which represents the actual country is also influenced by a Mars natured fixed star. Altair is the brightest star in Aquila the Eagle, “hardiness, courage and generosity, especially if on the Ascendant… tries with sincere conviction to reach out for his aims with utmost will-power. He will avoid nothing in order to achieve them. Altair is good for advancement of lawyers and military men” [2].

With Moon conjunct Ascendant we get population and women’s issues being prominent in China. The One-Child Policy which began in 1978 was aimed at keeping the billion plus population in check. This social engineering has worked, but also led to twice as many older people than younger people. Many females were terminated, it’s estimated by 2020 there will be 30 million more men than women. The upside to this is that Chinese women are now highly sought after, they have the power, “Half of world’s richest women are Chinese” [3].

Mercury conjunct Neptune results in spying, deceit, treachery, lies, poison and all manner of underhand tactics. On the fixed star Algorab there is terrorism.


2. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.67.
3. China Economic Review.