Moon Opposite Jupiter Natal and Transit

Moon Opposite Jupiter Transit

Moon opposite Jupiter maximum orb 8°00′.

Moon opposite Jupiter natal gives an optimistic, generous, and engaging nature that others find warm and friendly. An intense and bubbly personality can make you popular, but impulsiveness and a lack of moderation mean you know how to use your accelerator but may have trouble finding the brakes.

Taking things too far and a tendency toward self-indulgence can lead to unwise behaviors and habits. You may be susceptible to addiction. Drugs, sex, and food are just a few examples, but too much of anything can cause problems. You even have to be cautious about being too nice. You may be overly generous and leave yourself and your family short. Other consequences of excess can include embarrassment, disgrace, separation, and illness.

The key to avoiding self-destructive behavior is moderation and self-control. This is not easy if you feel a compulsive urge to keep going, which may start as an unsettling, nervous feeling. Your instinct is to find the quickest and easiest way to feel calm and settled again. You will find healthy ways to substitute for old, naughty quick fixes.

You may have many friends, but you give much of yourself to your partner or one person. You cannot hide your feelings, which have the potential to cause anxiety or relationship tension. Obsessiveness or jealousy can make your partner feel smothered, or they may get embarrassed in social situations by your over-the-top emotional displays or other excesses.

Another possible manifestation of the Moon opposite Jupiter is an excess of attention that feels overwhelming or exhausting. Your mother, partner, friends or the public may invade your privacy. This can be because you are so open with your feelings or because of their jealousy, obsessiveness, or moral self-righteousness. If so, you must set boundaries and be more self-disciplined about sharing your feelings and private life.

Moon Opposite Jupiter Transit

Moon opposite Jupiter transit brings good feelings, generosity, and potential for lack of self-control and unwanted attention. If you are shy, this is a good transit for sharing your feelings and opening up to your loved ones. You should feel more relaxed and friendly. However, your good cheer can turn to unhappiness if others see your kindness as a weakness. Take care that your overly generous mood is not taken advantage of.

Being less guarded about your feelings and private life can also be an open invitation to interfering mothers, moral crusaders, and even the public. This transit will be more problematic if you already have difficulty with self-control or addiction. You may react to other people’s possessive or jealous behavior by subconsciously falling into harmful habits and behaviors.

You may also become emotionally upset or feel out of sorts. This could be due to concerns about your future or questioning your belief system, but it can also be for reasons you are unaware of. This unsettling feeling in your stomach can be another trigger for excessive behaviors such as overeating and substance abuse.

This interpretation of Moon opposite Jupiter transit applies to a lunar eclipse and a full moon opposite Jupiter.

Moon Opposite Jupiter Celebrities

Benigno Aquino III 0°01′, Dottie West 0°05′, Jack Russell 0°12′, Jodie Foster 0°13′, C. J. Ducasse 0°13′, Steven Seagal 0°17′, Carole King 0°22′, Denton Welch 0°24′, Arsenio Hall 0°36′, Kate Hudson 0°39′, Marvin Gaye 0°40′, James Spader 0°40′, Kim Kardashian 0°43′, Fay Weldon 0°51′, George Chisholm 1°12′, Jeff Buckley 1°47′, George Van Tassel 1°45′, Ennio Morricone 1°52′, James Earl Jones 2°00′.

16 thoughts on “Moon Opposite Jupiter Natal and Transit

  1. I appreciate your information…with no disrespect perhaps you might want to consider that you are talking to adults most of the time and talking down to us by using words like “tummy and naughty” in lieu of stomach say is how you talk to a 4yr. old. Words matter.

    • I did not feel talked down to, and I’m in my 60’s. Perhaps you might want to consider that this is a personal issue of yours, and explore the reasons why you felt talked down to, by the use of two innocuous words, namely, tummy and naughty? Do you often feel spoken down to?

    • Some words are cultural. In England we use tummy and naughty in adult speech and the feeling behind the use of these words isn’t puerile or babyish. Yes, WORDS MATTER! I agree. But I believe, in this instance (?), that this may be a cultural choice. In America people say ‘potty’ (meaning ‘going to the loo’, peeing, etc) and it horrifies me; adults using ‘child-speak’ to their animals or in reference to themselves. YUK! In England, ‘potty’ means ‘a bit daft’ or eccentric, or that one is ‘beginning to age or to lose ones marbles (and not make sense). I am so upset when I hear people using it (destroying it’s meaning!) to mean ‘pee’. (Sorry, not my chosen subject but the usage that bothers me most). Anyhoo, YES! words matter! (I am so aware of this, being half English and half American).

      • We derive it from the chamber pot. “Going to the pot” sounds somehow coarse but going potty just seems less so.

        • Oh. Of course. Hadn’t thought of that. (I still don’t like it!). Thanks for the elucidation!

  2. Hi! Just letting you know the weekly horoscopes for capricorn is the same as sagittarius. It’d be great if you can fix it! Thank you!

    • Wow, thank you for telling me. I copied Sagittarius onto Capricorn. Luck I had not written over the copy on Google Docs with the following week.

  3. Why am I so obsessed over my boyfriend cheating on me? I can’t find peace within myself and I am always sad every day. I’m not happy! I am so down and depressed.

    • Betrayal is a very very deep wound. It shakes one’s foundation. It goes to the core of our being. When you’ve been betrayed you feel as if the world isn’t safe. You question your own instincts. You feel as if real isn’t real anymore. It isn’t about that one (or plural) senseless/thoughtless act(s) … but becomes about your ability to judge the world and/or know when you are safe: “If this person I love doesn’t have my well-being at heart, how do I navigate the world?” It is very very primal. It’s First Chakra stuff. You need healing. Go easy on yourself. You have the right to ALL OF YOUR FEELINGS. Get some professional help … from someone who can see/hear you and can validate your experience. Good luck!

  4. BTW, I hate the stupid faces that pop up next to the comments. WTF?? They have NOTHING to do with the comments left and some of them are highly inappropriate to the content of the comment.

      • With Gravatar you can use your own photo and it will come up on any blog comments where you use your email address.

        • Thank you, Jamie. I don’t know how to do any of that … and I am SO not interested in tech/in learning how. I don’t WANT to put a photo up. I love my privacy! I think, because Tech is so invasive in our lives and we are pushed into using it all the time, I really resent it. I didn’t like a face being assigned to me. I appreciate your giving me choices! But it’s as if you were saying “Go ahead and choose the music!” and I’m saying “I don’t want music, I want quiet, so that the words I post are all that is heard/perceived. I don’t want any accompaniment.”
          Does that make sense?
          And thank you for trying to help me!!

          (ok … “Ugh!” also, what’s annoying here is that every time I answer you I have fill in my name and e-address)

  5. Jamie, thank you for your kind reply! For me, it just feels like something ELSE I have to DO (I’m horrible with tech and it actually stresses me out). I don’t WANT to choose a cartoon face.
    My main objection is that the faces have nothing to do with the comments left.
    Probably most people don’t care, but I do. I don’t want something associated with me that isn’t me. I’m just sharing. This is YOUR website and obviously you should do whatever floats your boat!
    All of THAT aside…
    I am SO grateful for the marvelous information you post. I thank you for that!! I am the eternal student with Astrology and I appreciate your insights and elucidations. (And I love the word tummy; it’s comforting. Cultural differences!).

  6. This is realy good explanation. Logical and easy to understand. 😄😄😄

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