Moon square Mercury maximum orb 5°30′.
Moon square Mercury natal causes tension between your heart and mind and a continual questioning or internal debate between your thoughts and feelings. The result is an intellectual or creative genius, but the process can cause mental instability and make you biased, opinionated, indecisive and worrying.
Anything you feel strongly about or have an opinion on is subject to your questioning, indecisiveness, and variability of emotions or interests. This can have a particularly detrimental effect on your intimate relationships. You may not care much about what others think of you, but your partner will most likely.
The internal conflict between your thoughts and feelings can manifest externally as communication problems between you and your partner. You are willing to openly and honestly share your feelings, but the message received can be less thoughtful and caring than intended.
Friends may come and go, but family is forever. Your parochial views on family may extend beyond the clan and even to nationalism. There is no doubting your wit, charisma, and cultural understanding. However, this aspect is neutral for good or evil, so your provocative influence can lead to fame or infamy.
Moon Square Mercury Transit
Moon square Mercury can bring disagreement because of parochialism or moodiness. You may feel very opinionated and care little about what others think. However, this is not a good time to preach and tell others how they should think or act.
To a large extent, this battle between thoughts and feelings should be internalized. This is contrary to most psychological and astrological advice, and there are exceptions. These exceptions include parochial views about your family, clan, or larger emotional grouping. It would be great if you could even let off steam at a football match or political debate.
Your emotional biases influence your thoughts, and your intellectual reasoning can affect your feelings about a person or subject. The best use of this nervous energy is hard mental work, and you can critically examine both sides as you perfect your ideas. Otherwise, this is an excellent time to tidy up at home. You are in the right frame of mind for feeding and cleaning children while getting ahead on routine chores around the house.
This interpretation for Moon square Mercury transit applies to a lunar eclipse and Full Moon square Mercury.
Moon Square Mercury Celebrities
Eric Harris 0°00′, Jacques Leroy de Saint-Arnaud 0°00′, Compton Mackenzie 0°01′, Uma Thurman 0°03′, Martha Graham 0°04′, Langston Hughes 0°07′, Konrad Adenauer 0°11′, John Hinckley 0°18′, Maureen Connolly 0°20′, Mae West 0°24′, Arthur Koestler 0°31′, Willie Nelson 0°35′, Allen Ginsberg 0°36′, Bernard Arnault 0°39′, Debra Winger 0°41′, Victor Hugo 0°42′, Harry Houdini 0°45′, David Icke 0°51′, Susan Sarandon 0°52′, Jimmy Hoffa 0°54′, Mary Shelley 0°54′, Manuel Noriega 0°55′, Jawaharlal Nehru 0°58′, Charles Manson 1°01′, Zoë Kravitz 1°24′, Oscar Wilde 1°43′.