Neptune Opposite Sun Transit

Neptune Opposite Sun TransitNeptune opposite Sun transit gives insights into your true identity, which has probably been hidden from view for a long time. Neptune acts as a mirror through the other people in your life. You learn more about yourself during this year or two by this feedback in relationships.

You may also find that Neptune causes you to project certain ideals or qualities onto people or situations you might want but are not real. So when your vision does not match reality, events or people let you know.

This realization can be difficult to handle because it is often associated with disbelief, fear or confusion. When confronted with unpleasant truths during this transit, it is normal to feel insecure and exposed. Your ego can take a bit of a battering, making you feel deflated, weak, or even defeated.

Suspicion, mistrust, paranoia and hypochondria are all things you may experience. These may be considered negative, but they may actually have some basis, so you need to accept them and work through them. If you are picking up that others are not being honest with you, then first look at yourself and make sure you are totally honest with yourself and with them.

Clear up any misconceptions, and then things should start improving. If you feel weakened, address any dietary, health or addiction issues and get a check-up. This transit can bring health issues to a head, but it may take some time to get to the bottom, as the confusion also applies to tests and doctors. Do your research to find the truth, and get second and third opinions from various doctors and healers.

Neptune Opposite Sun Transit Dates

Sign and DecanFromTo
Virgo Decan 2March 2016February 2021
Virgo Decan 3April 2020January 2026
Libra Decan 1March 2025March 2030
Libra Decan 2May 2029February 2035
Libra Decan 3July 2033March 2039
Scorpio Decan 1May 2038February 2044
Scorpio Decan 2July 2042April 2048
Scorpio Decan 3June 2047May 2052