The solar eclipse on 20 March 2015 is very special for a number of reasons. It is the only total solar eclipse in 2015 and the first since November 2...
Read MoreUranus square Pluto from 2012 to 2015 was a generation’s most significant and challenging planetary influence, and it brought major global upheaval ...
Read MoreUranus Square Pluto Natal and Transit
The full moon on 5 March 2015 is the final moon phase in the current eclipse cycle which began five months ago. Therefore this full moon is very impo...
Read MoreFull Moon March 2015
The new moon on 18 February 2015 falls in Aquarius decan 3. At 29°59′ Aquarius, it will also strongly affect Pisces decan 1. Although there are...
Read MoreNew Moon February 2015
The full moon on 3 February 2015 falls in the middle Leo decan 2, at 15 degrees Leo. There are aspects galore to this full moon, making it very powerf...
Read MoreFull Moon February 2015
Acubens at 13°39′ Leo with has orb of 1°20′ The Sun joins Acubens on August 5 Fixed star Acubens, Alpha Cancri, is a star system in the on the l...
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