Mercury conjunct Ascendant natal makes you an ideas person who loves to share thoughts and ideas. You are a communicator specializing in one-to-one co...
Read MoreNeptune sextile Pluto is an inter-generational planetary aspect lasting 87 years, from 1947 to 2034. There are 49 exact aspects over three generations...
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The full moon on Sunday July 9, 2017 is at 17° Capricorn. The full moon July 2017 astrology is as intense as it gets. Moon and Pluto opposite Sun ...
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Venus conjunct Ascendant natal gives a beautiful body and soul. You are sexually and aesthetically attractive but also warm, friendly and affectionate...
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Jupiter conjunct Ascendant natal gives you the good fortune and personal freedom to develop your talents with little restraint. You are most likely a ...
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The New Moon on Friday June 23, 2017 is at 2° Cancer. The main astrological influence on New Moon June 2017 comes from a close alignment to Mercury...
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