Moon sextile Venus natal gives a sweet, charming, and adorable nature. You are genuinely loving, kind, and caring, with excellent social skills. The M...
Read MoreSun quincunx Pluto natal makes for a most complex and complicated personality. Every choice you make, and every personal encounter has a deeper meanin...
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Jupiter quincunx Neptune natal gives a vivid dream life and imagination. You are romantic and hopeful but can be too trusting and unrealistic. The imb...
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The New Moon on Wednesday April 26, 2017 is at 6° Taurus. The New Moon April 2017 astrology exposes some dark and sinister energies that are often a...
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Moon sextile Pluto natal gives an intense emotional nature. You will feel things more deeply than most as a highly sensitive person. You are most expo...
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The full moon on Tuesday April 11, 2017 is at 21° Libra. The full moon April 2017 astrology is very good but also potentially very bad. Sitting betw...
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