Pluto Conjunct Moon Transit

Pluto Conjunct Moon Transit

Pluto conjunct Moon transit brings significant life-changing experiences, and these changes are deeply felt at the emotional level. Pluto conjunct the Moon will bring up intense psychological issues deep in the soul, leading to a complete transformation of the emotional life. This transformation may start with stripping away the emotional security blanket, and you and others have to adjust to this raw you.

The Moon also represents family and all other close emotional bonds so that these relationships can change. These relationships will become necessary, from greater emotional support and bonding to separations. All things related to home and family are up for possible changes, including moving home, starting a family, becoming a grandparent, or children leaving home. The Moon can also represent the public, so during this transforming journey over a couple of years, you may find that your most personal dramas are open to the world, but this sharing can be a healing experience.

The ruthless nature of Pluto can have an effect whereby you experience others trying to overpower or manipulate you. If this is the case, you may learn to become ruthless if that is not in your nature. If you have been the dominant type, then you might find this transit mellows that out a bit. Going to extremes and finally finding a balance could be a theme over these couple of years.

In 1978, George W. Bush had Pluto conjunct his Moon. This coincided with his first attempt at public office. It was the 19th Texas Congressional election, which he lost by 6%. George ran a nice-guy campaign; his advisers wanted him to attack his opponent, but he didn’t. George told his advisers that his opponent was also running the nice-guy campaign. Ten days before the election, George went head to head in a live radio debate with Hance and got hammered. For the following ten days, Hance kept up the attack. George learned from this Pluto transit how to be ruthless.

In 2006, Charlie Sheen went through a bitter divorce during this transit. There was a very public and ruthless custody battle over the children, where his wife blamed Charlie’s addictions and threats of abuse for the marriage breakdown. In 2010, Michael Douglas experienced Pluto on his Moon by suffering life-threatening throat cancer, and by the power of Pluto, he beat it. Arnold Schwarzenegger has also been going through this transit the last year, recently finished his final term as governor of California, and is now reading movie scripts. A re-birthing, total transformation.