Pluto Conjunct Neptune Transit

Pluto Conjunct Neptune Transit

Pluto conjunct Neptune transit brings a year or two of profound spiritual transformation. Dramatic events and intense relationships may leave you questioning your belief system, testing your faith. It is common with this transit to embark on a spiritual journey of self-discovery to find deeper meaning in life.

A health issue may prompt your search for spiritual answers or result in a period of low energy due to poor health. Any rapid evolution in the soul’s spiritual development will often cause a health imbalance as your physical body struggles to catch up.

You may delve very deeply into one particular area of research or become fascinated with strange or mysterious topics like astrology or conspiracy theories. However, it is essential not to become overly obsessed with a particular belief system or guru, as you can be more susceptible to brainwashing.

This is a generational transit so you may feel a strong sense of togetherness with people your age. You will all be experiencing a sense of spiritual confusion and find similar ways to cope. Drug use among your peer group may initially bring a euphoric feeling of oneness but would eventually stunt any further individual soul growth.

Your dreams and hopes for the future will likely undergo a significant transformation. You may realize that some things you were working towards are out of reach or don’t interest you anymore.

While disappointment and dissolution are possible as some of your dreams are shattered, you will soon dream up a new path forward more suited to your new ideals and beliefs. As you emerge from this long transit, you have a renewed determination and conviction to turn your new dreams into reality.

Pluto Conjunct Neptune Transit Dates

Pluto conjunct Neptune transit lasts for between 1 year and 18 months. The age at which it happens varies depending on your birth year. The table below gives a rough guide to when you can expect this transit.

Birth YearAge