Pluto Square Ascendant Natal and Transit

Pluto Square Ascendant Transit

Pluto square Ascendant maximum orb 3°30′.

Pluto square Ascendant natal makes you highly competitive, and this can have a particularly negative impact on your close relationships. A subconscious fear that others are trying to control you can lead to intense drama in life. Believing your rights are threatened can also cause intense power struggles in your relationships.

Finding a healthy balance is essential but challenging because your subconscious fear of being taken advantage of seems to complicate and spoil your relationships. Your deeply probing, curious, and secretive nature can make people suspicious of you. And your persistent, stubborn, uncompromising, and jealous nature can also make others believe you are trying to control them.

Conscious awareness of your powerful influence on others can help you know when to ease off. Otherwise, your intensity can spiral out of control, ending in psychological abuse, separation, stalking, intimidation, threats, ultimatums, revenge, conflict, and violence. Learning to compromise and trust is a big life lesson for you, and it is also essential that you be as open and honest as possible. Sometimes you will need to make sacrifices to make a vital relationship last.

Beware that your fascination for the dark and mysterious does not lead to an infatuation with very intense or dangerous people like criminals and drug addicts. A deep curiosity about sexuality can lead to exploring bondage, dominance and submission, and other taboo areas.

Natal Pluto square Ascendant can cause a fear of losing your father, obsessive-compulsive disorder, extramarital affairs, domestic violence, lying, blackmail, a superiority complex or racism, persecution, and victimization. It can make you very forthright, sarcastic, intelligent, penetrating, bitter, and hurtful. But it also gives the potential for a high degree of spiritual evolution to transcend the need for power and control in intimate relationships.

Pluto Square Ascendant Transit

Pluto square Ascendant transit brings incredible intensity and the potential for drama in your interactions with other people. A particular significant relationship may undergo a major transformation that changes the direction of your life. Your close one-to-one relationships, like your marriage or business partnerships, will go through the most significant upheaval. Unhealthy relationships may end and be quite traumatic for you. If you feel like a relationship is in trouble, it most likely is.

If a meaningful relationship is causing problems, you should avoid being nasty. You may tend to act ruthlessly or out of revenge. Any psychological abuse or underhand tactics will worsen things and almost certainly lead to the total breakdown of the relationship.

But this is no time for being shy, either. The best approach is to deal with any relationship dramas as soon as possible to avoid messy complications. With a willing partner, you could work through your power and control issues by exploring new sexual experiences. Dressing up, role play, domination, and submission or bondage could positively transform a troubled relationship.

A new person may enter your life with a profound effect. Powerful forces are behind the scenes, and any new relationships will have a solid karmic or compulsive feel. Infatuation and obsessions are possible. It is essential to be conscious of the likelihood of power imbalances in any new relationship, especially if you have just been through a separation.

It is also essential to be as honest as possible. Affairs at this time could leave you vulnerable to stalking, blackmail, or violence. A new partner might take advantage of your vulnerability even if they are not consciously aware they are doing so.

Power struggles will help you understand your weaknesses to work through them. Awareness is half the battle won. This testing phase of life can transform your relationships and profoundly transform you psychologically. You should come out of this transit with a greater understanding of yourself and relationship dynamics.

Pluto Square Ascendant Celebrities

George Blake 0°02′, David Letterman 0°08′, Tracy Austin 0°16′, Meghan Trainor 0°19′, Evonne Goolagong Cawley 0°21′, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga 0°24′, Greta Scacchi 0°27′, John Cena 0°28′, Kate McGarrigle 0°36′, Althea Flynt 0°36′, David Frawley 0°42′, Ferdinand Marcos 0°49′, George III of the UK 0°50′, Alice Cooper 1°04′, Mark David Chapman 1°08′, Chris Brown 1°09′, Princess Beatrice of York 1°15′, Lee Iaccoca 1°21′, Nick Campion 1°27′, Steve Winwood 1°29′, Barbara Hutton 1°37′, Marguerite of Navarre 1°41′, John Bobbitt 1°43′, James Degorski 1°44′, Billie Eilish 1°46′, Dian Fossey 1°46′, Billy Graham 1°56′, H. G. Wells 1°58′.

26 thoughts on “Pluto Square Ascendant Natal and Transit

  1. Wow, Nick Campion. Well, my husband has this, and your interpretation really gets to the nitty gritty, and explains a lot. His dad worked in the prison system as a guard in the UK. Anecdotal conversations suggest that the family was often treated like “prisoners” or “prison workers.” It’s like his dad couldn’t separate himself from his job once he was back in the domestic sphere. My husband is a genuinely good person, but I’ve often felt that his father brought a lot of Plutonian “entities” into the home that might have attached themselves to the children. Trust is a very big issue, less so now, with my husband. Control, yeah, sometimes over the top. I suppose because his ascendant is in Sagittarius he can come off as Jupiterian. Pluto is in the ninth which can often make him “the last word.” His saving grace are planets in Cancer and Pisces. 😉

    • WOW, Maryanne… It was kind of unbelievable to read this…

      I have literally dealt (and am still dealing with) almost the exact same situation…

      I have Pluto Square Ascendant as well, and my mother re-married (“Loss of the father”) my step-dad, who was also a prison guard (“Corrections Officer”) – ((Ughk – even the *name* is disgusting; as if people “need” to be “corrected” – ughkkk!))

      He ALSO could not seem to mentally separate home from the workplace, and I *also* got treated like a Prisoner in my own home (and still do). (He’s a classic work-a-holic Capricorn type)
      It’s like, he had only experienced and knew two kinds of people; His fellow Officers (respected peers, the elite) or the Inmates. (merely animals, who obviously didn’t deserve respect)
      …I’ll let you guess which category I fell into…
      Anyway, It’s completely unbelievable that you said all this. I’ve heard myself say it a thousand times, but I’ve never actually heard someone confirm it right back.

      He doesn’t really “speak” like normal people either. I’ve heard myself say to many people, “It’s like he speaks only in ‘Ultimatums'” He’s just like,”This is happening” and just expects everyone to go along with it, without question.
      If I didn’t, or was showing even the slightest resistance to this oppression and tyranny, then he might do something like, remove some vital component of my car’s engine, so when I tried to leave the next morning, my car wouldn’t start.
      I mean, if this guy wanted to stop you, he would actually STOP you…

      He has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and everything must be a certain way. If I ever accidentally left my things out while growing up, I would return home to find that he had thrown them all away in the trash, or stored them in our garage, or left them outside, or some other such, “I can’t handle looking at your stuff, because I think it’s wrong” kind of behaviour. (And naturally, after years of this – Yes – I admit – I started wanting to beat his A**) ((But, can I really be blamed for feeling this way??))

      Anyway, I may have developed some nasty personality traits over the years, it’s true. But, it’s important to note, that they only developed in response to being constantly treated like this.
      I often say to people, in my own defense, that, “A lot of my “Faults” aren’t really my fault…” They are just defense mechanisms that evolved over time from this mammal being thrust into an unforgiving and hostile/abusive environment, with other mammals of a similar nature, so, I just made the appropriate evolutionary adaptations to the situation just as any other animal would. *shrugs in exasperation*

      So – yeah – it’s true that I can get a bit intense myself sometimes, but, it’s only because I’ve learned that if I don’t lay it out for people right off the bat, then I’m only setting myself up for being dominated and oppressed later on, and I won’t have it. (Though, after I’ve expressed these boundaries, and I feel like everyone understands and respects them, then I can easily lay off…)

      * But if I DO sense that I’m about to be dominated, then, well… … *communicates everything with just a look* …

      [I am a Pisces Sun, with Mars opposition Pluto, BOTH squaring my Ascendant (Which is part of a larger Grand Square)] (born a soft-spirited mystic, excruciatingly sensitive, but then gnarled and twisted and blackened into a, “Bonsai” version of myself, by pain and entrapment and torment for years in this toxic domestic environment)

      Good Times all around !!

    • Why would you say plamets in Pisces and Cancer are his “saving grace”? First of all, aspects totally override planet energies and second Pisces can be very deceiving and cold (yes, cold) and Cancer can be very bitter and sometimes cruel. Those 2 planets don’t really mean the native is a great person (I m not saying your husband isn’t though, don’t get me wrong.) My point is to not assign only positive attributes to those signs, because I ve met some cruel mofos from both signs and yes they were dominant in both signs!

  2. does anyone speak English in these forms? Pluto Square Ascendant Natal and Transit….. What the F@#% dose that mean? absolute Gibberish

    • It means please don’t jump on the stage at the Jethro Tull concert and grab the mic away from Ian Anderson expecting to sing like him.

    • If you don’t know what Pluto square Ascendant Natal and Transit means and you are genuinely interested then I suggest you buy a beginners book on astrology and learn t basic – planets, houses and aspects. Astrology is not for dummies, one needs to learn the alphabet before one can read what others have to say..

  3. I have obsessive compulsive intrusive thoughts. Had no idea this was why. Thought it was my retrograde mercury

  4. I have this and my father was a assistant prosecuting attorney, he passed away in 2002 😳

  5. HOW and WHY did you make it to this forum if you aren’t researching the aspects in one’s chart or one bit relative to the terminology used in astrology…

  6. Jamie,

    Pluto square Mid Heaven

    Full Moon, February 27, 3:17am Eastern Standard Time (est).

    from Robert Hand, Planets in Transit, pg 519

    – be careful not to let your actions stir up resistance from others.
    – try to avoid acting in ways that say you are out to change people’s lives, and habits, and that you will not compromise.
    – without being aware of it, you may become obsessed by achieving certain objectives with an energy out of proportion to the significance of your goal. This is what scares people, and may make them work against you.

    On the other hand..

    – you may experience this energy from others.
    – persons or circumstances may attempt to change you against your will.
    – to a certain extent this is a positive encounter, because it forces you to become very conscious of what you are doing so that you can defend yourself against pressures for change.
    – indeed you will change, but the changes can be for good.

    and Robert Hand includes one more paragraph, laying down a screed that things are gonna change.

  7. I have a broad square between pluto and ascendant and I know what it’s like to be incarcerated. I have only known hostility and pain. Been trying to escape all my life, even lost my mother because of extremely hostile environment at home. My moon and venus are also conjunct pluto and square ascendant where moon is in fall damaging tightly conjunct venus as well. I can relate to doing things in a regimental rigid manner and not being given space to treat home as a place to wind down. Since its all in 4th house, home life has always been very threatening.

  8. In 2021 horoscopes, Scorpio decan 2, regarding Uranus transit, you wrote different dates. While in 2022, horoscopes, you wrote it differently. Kindly correct these dates

    • Hi Umber. Thank you for spotting that. The 2021 dates are correct. I removed them from the 2022 transit because it applies to all of Scorpio decan 2.

  9. I have this aspect. (Pluto Square Ascendant)
    It makes me super serious and severe with solving problems.

    My family thinks I’m ruthless, but really I’m just trying to “get to the point”
    The “Extreme” power of Pluto is there.

    Ever hear the expression “Cut off a finger to save the hand?”

    That’s what that is. I’m a problem solver and am willing to make brutal decisions if it’s to take care of the issue permanently.

    Having this Aspect is like the opposite of a Libra Rising.
    Pluto Square Ascendant individuals are not indecisive (unless they have heavy Neptune)

    It also makes us look mean/scary when we’re not doing anything. We intimidate people easily.
    Resting B*tch Face lol

    Lastly I think it makes us nebulous. No one really knows what we’re thinking. But because we look meaner, they often assume it’s something bad.

    • Interesting because I have this aspect but my ascendant is libra! Ahhh what could it mean

      • A Libra Ascendant with Pluto Square would definitely cancel out the indecisiveness but might energize the “Loving” quality Libra’s have, since it’s also ruled by Venus.
        So it might make your Loving Nature more intense and border on (or even bleed into) Obsession.
        It can be the other way too. People might intensely love and be obsessed with you!
        Happy Readings, friend!

        • This makes perfect sense! I’m a Libra Ascendent with Pluto square too and I love very deeply and it take’s me a long time to let people go and people usually become obsessed with me and I unfortunately deal with stalkers often too. Ex’s, co-workers and even neighbors become obsessed with me. It’s really draining. I just want to live on a farm away from people.

  10. Hi Jamie
    How long this transit last because of Pluto being slow planet.My natal ascendant is at 24° Libra.
    Thank you

  11. I know this question is old and I hope you found your way. I want to answer to possibly help clarify for anyone else on a similar path. We all have to start at the beginning because it’s not like this is taught in school! (But there are schools for it.) Natal means you were born with that in your birth chart and a transit means this aspect is happening later in your life. Your ascending is your rising sign and in your first house of self. It’s generally regarded as your appearance and how the world sees you. Pluto is one of the planets that can affect a lot of our life and is generally regarded as intense and difficult energy that forces you to break open into your true destiny. In hindsight, most look back on Pluto aspects with a sense of awe at the sheer power of it. Speaking as someone that went through Pluto square Pluto I can tell you it’s not for the faint of heart but it will transform your life if you surrender to it. I’m convinced many people that don’t understand transits can commit suicide during Pluto transits because of how intense it can feel. I wish the subject of astrology wasn’t so misunderstood because I do think many many people could benefit from it. Check out the app The Pattern, Costar, Chani, and some YouTube channels – Heather who does the astrology academy (can’t recall the exact name but just search Heather and astrology and she is a beautiful blond ish redhead) the US and Astro weather girl in Australia that does the rising star astrology academy (I think her name is Kasendra – she is a dark haired beauty you can’t miss) – both are great at helping beginners and advanced students with lots of free content. Astrodienst is a great website to learn more basics as well. You can purchase courses and get your birthchart to understand your natal placements (what you were born with). I hope this helps!!! There is always more to discover with astrology which is why I love it. May your journey be blessed. Love & light.

  12. Mass murderer Charles Whitman also had this aspect in tight orb. Ex-Marine who stabbed his wife and mother before going on a shooting rampage at UT-Austin.

  13. Jamie,

    Can you do a Pluto square North Node natal and transit page since that aspect is fast approaching (July 28th, 2023)?

    Thanks in advance.

  14. I agree with the fact that it is unhealthy to label some signs as entirely positive while others as entirely negative

  15. Wow this is crazy I’m only just learning about this but your words resonate massively. I have Pluto square ascendent and Pluto square north node and Pluto in the 4th house. I’ve felt unsafe my whole life. Is this a life sentence or can we feel less under attack?

    • Hi Amelie. My last teo partner have this aspect and it felt like I was under attack sometimes. Perhpas a defensive reaction because they thought I was trying to control them. One even thoguht I was only with her because I wanted her house, her mother bad been swindled out of her money by a fraudster. So the key to this aspect may be learning to be less defensive and scared.

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