Taliban Horoscope

Taliban Flag

Taliban Flag

In June 2010 the Taliban have inflicted the heaviest monthly death toll on the allies so for in the war in Afghanistan. “June 7, 2010, marked the 104th month of US military engagement in Afghanistan, making it the longest war in the history of the United States” [wiki].

This week president Obama gave his political rival, General David Petraeus control over military operations in Afghanistan. I am going to look at the chart of the Taliban to see why they are such a thorn in the side of America, and compare their chart to that of the USA.

Taliban Horoscope

The data for the chart comes from Astro Databank. Rising the is military fixed star Regulus: Great honor and wealth, but violence and trouble, sickness, fevers, acute disease, benefits seldom last, favor of the great, victory over enemies and scandal.” On the Midheaven is the Sword Hand of Persues, Capulus, just next to Algol “If culminating: Murder, sudden death, beheading, prone to murder and mischief”

Taliban Horoscope

Taliban Horoscope

Most importantly for this crucial year of the war, the Taliban Sun is on Zaniah “An attribute of Zaniah can be seen in the Mercury-Venus-in-Libra talent for negotiating peace. One attribute which a good commander must surely need is an intuition for knowing to call a halt to battle and either offer or seek terms for peace. If well aspected and on the right planet, Mercury, Venus, Sun, or Jupiter for example this is what will show up in the horoscope. With Mars or Saturn the terms for peace may be too harsh for acceptance”.

This year, transiting Pluto is squaring the Taliban Sun. The June 2010 Lunar Eclipse also squared the Taliban Sun. This year transiting Saturn is on the Taliban Sun, which is opposite Natal Saturn. This year is crunch time, the Afghanistan government want to deal with the Taliban, and the USA want out. With those harsh aspects, and having Sun opposite Saturn, I’m not sure the Taliban will want to negotiate unless they are given a power-sharing deal. It will depend on how badly the USA want to end this war, and if she is willing to face another humiliation like Vietnam.