UFO in Jerusalem

UFO in Jerusalem

UFO in Jerusalem

Credible evidence of a UFO over the Rock of the Dome in Jerusalem has emerged from last Friday, 28 January 2011. The UFO was captured on video by at least four independent people who have posted this evidence on Youtube. Marina seems to be hitting the mark with her Moon phase reports. The full Moon the week before this UFO encounter was titled Star Wars and mentioned relating with our star buddies. The horoscope below for this UFO sighting here shows the Part of Fortune opposite the 29 Cancer Full Moon degree.

That Full Moon was on a star called alpha Monoceros, the brightest star in the Unicorn constellation. Back in July 2009, there was a massive solar eclipse on this star. It was the longest total solar eclipse since 363 AD, which also was on the same star, alpha Monoceros. When researching this star I found it had an association with Israel, in and in particular the Temple in Jerusalem.

After the July 2009 solar eclipse there were news reports that Israeli PM Netanyahu would try to rebuild the Jewish Temple. Just before the 363 AD solar eclipse on alpha Monoceros, Roman emperor Julian commissioned the rebuilding of the Temple. After the eclipse an earthquake permanently halted the rebuilding, “The pagan historian Ammianus Marcellinus, a contemporary witness, reported that balls of fire erupted from the foundations, burning the workmen” The Solar Eclipse and 363 AD.