Uranus Sextile Sun Transit

Uranus Sextile Sun TransitUranus sextile Sun transit will let you express yourself more fully, more in tune with who you are. This will be liberating, and you may be pleasantly surprised by how your ego gets a lift from a new and unique personality.

You can enjoy this change and get excited about a new you because the conditions in your life are rapidly changing, new people, new opportunities, new discoveries. You may be offered a new position at work, which leads to a promotion or a welcome change. If looking for work, you may get a breakthrough you were not expecting.

You will also discover new ways of doing old things, like taking advantage of new technologies such as the continual developments on the Internet. The changes in your life give you more stimulation and an exciting outlook for the future. Gaining more freedom is likely, and air travel would be an excellent way to experience more of the world.

Meeting new and unusual people is another theme of this transit, as is more involvement with friends and groups. If you have a partner, the relationship can undergo changes that are not too upsetting. If you are on the market, dating could offer some interesting results. A new lover at this time would be most exciting. Internet dating would suit this transit.

Uranus Sextile Sun Transit Dates

Sign and DecanFromTo
Cancer & Pisces Decan 1May 2018April 2021
Cancer & Pisces Decan 2July 2020March 2022
Cancer & Pisces Decan 3May 2023April 2026
Aries & Leo Decan 1July 2025May 2028
Aries & Leo Decan 2May 2028April 2031
Aries & Leo Decan 3July 2030May 2033
Taurus & Virgo Decan1August 2032June 2035
Taurus & Virgo Decan 2September 2034July 2037
Taurus & Virgo Decan 3July 2037May 2040