Venus Opposite Pluto Natal and Transit

Venus Opposite Pluto Transit

Venus opposite Pluto maximum orb 6°00′.

Venus opposite Pluto natal makes for instant attractions and intense relationships. You are very drawn to particular people; others may experience this same compelling attraction to you. There is something mysterious about this karmic attraction that you cannot explain, and sometimes, this involves dark or even dangerous desires.

Sometimes, you and your friends and partners will most likely experience overwhelming feelings of jealousy or possessiveness. This is to be expected because of your intense feelings of love. Suspicions can get out of control, making you feel threatened. It is essential not to react to such out-of-control emotions by manipulating others or using dirty tricks; such behavior will backfire or eventually catch up with you.

You have enough attractive power not to need to coerce someone into loving you. Someone will come along who matches your high level of infatuation. The ideal relationship will be one in which power is shared, and neither of you feels intimidated.

You will learn not to hold on so tight through your close one-to-one relationships. It may take several dramatic and painful experiences before you understand that trying to control others destroys the relationship.

It is just as vital that you don’t let yourself be manipulated. If you are more of the submissive type, then you are at greater risk of being taken advantage of in love and used and abused. In extreme cases, this can result in domestic violence and rape.

You may be attracted to dangerous people as Pluto rules the underworld, crime, hard drugs, and dark magic. Such relationships may teach you much about the darker side of humanity, but you do not have to travel into the underworld to unlock wisdom. You can access such knowledge through meditation, astrology, or honing your psychic ability.

If you find yourself in desperate situations, you can use your powerful recuperative properties and ability to transform your life positively.

Venus Opposite Pluto Transit

Venus opposite Pluto transit adds intense pressure to your closest relationships. You or your partner may feel suspicious, jealous, possessive, or threatened. Then, suddenly, you may be dealing with relationship drama due to manipulation or power plays.

Obsessions and compulsive attractions are other possibilities that could lead to dangerous affairs. Even if single, care should be taken when dating because of dark forces acting at the subconscious level.

It is common under this influence to fall instantly in love with someone who would mistreat you and use and abuse you. They may be violent, have criminal tendencies, or be addicted to hard drugs. It is also possible that your increased powers of attraction may go to your head. Exerting your forces over a weaker person to fulfill your intense desires would not help the evolution of your soul.

Any power imbalances in your love relationships will be highlighted. Whoever feels victimized will most likely lash out with guilt trips or cruelty. Sometimes, this can play out in the bedroom as masochistic behavior or experimenting with pain and domination.

The best way to handle overpowering feelings is to determine their origins. Be open and honest with your partner, and you should be able to address any power and control issues without one of you resorting to subversive tactics.

Venus Opposite Pluto Celebrities

Gilles Villeneuve 0°00′, Chelsea Clinton 0°03′, René Magritte 0°09′, H. G. Wells 0°12′, Edward VII 0°12′, Kevin Federline 0°16′, Steve Irwin 0°24′, Phil Spector 0°28′, Erwin Rommel 0°30′, Piero di Cosimo 0°30′, Robert F. Kennedy 0°33′, Nick Nolte 0°36′, Noor Inayat Khan 0°50′, Julian Lennon 1°00′, Bernardo Provenzano 1°06′, Novak Djokovic 1°24′, Christine Keeler 1°30′, Mohandas Gandhi 1°35′, Hubert Wilkins 1°41′, David Carradine 1°46′.

Venus Opposite Pluto Dates

July 12, 2024
August 27, 2025
June 17, 2026
August 1, 2027
September 11, 2028
July 4, 2029
August 19, 2030