Venus Trine Jupiter Natal and Transit

Venus Trine Jupiter Transit

Venus trine Jupiter maximum orb 6°00′.

Venus trine Jupiter natal is one of the best planetary aspects. Without harsh aspects affecting this trine, you can expect a life of ease and comfort earned through previous incarnations of loving service. Even with associated challenging aspects, Venus trine Jupiter will lessen hardships and bring love and joy to your life.

Your ease in showing love and affection shows your self-love and self-respect. Honesty, loyalty, and good morals are more personal characteristics that earn you popularity and a good name. Yet you are not simply a soft and cuddly person.

There is a genuine depth to your charismatic appeal. Your adventurous and creative nature makes you stimulating and fun to be around. You are sincere about helping others and would be very satisfied working in charitable organizations. You would fit in nicely with any group of people and can effectively drive the overall success of common goals. This may not be as obvious as taking a leadership role, but all the little things you do add to the victory.

Creativity is a strong point, and you should have a good sense of rhythm and tone. People with this aspect often have wide-ranging musical or other creative talents. For example, you would most likely have a wide vocal range as a singer.

You enjoy celebrations and partying in general. Showing off and being glamorous is natural and should not harm your reputation. Overindulgence in food, drink, and drugs can sometimes be a problem, but there would usually be other more challenging aspects or fixed stars in your chart to disrupt the harmonious nature of this aspect.

Venus Trine Jupiter Transit

Venus trine Jupiter transit brings good cheer, optimism, and love. This is one of the most looked-forward-to transits, especially for those seeking love. It makes you seem more attractive and allows you to relax and express your personality’s more affectionate and welcoming side.

This is an excellent time for dating and mending stressful relationships. Socializing of all kinds is favored, and you should enjoy increased popularity. You will even find that you get more fun out of amusement parks and love adventurous activities. It is the perfect time for starting a holiday because of your relaxed and stress-free state.

Shopping is favored because your finances should be in good enough order, and you will have a good eye for fashion and value. This is the right time to buy cosmetics, jewelry, art and anything to decorate your home or office. Venus rules money, and Jupiter rules wealth, so investments made now should increase your wealth.

Luck in love can be matched with some fortune elsewhere in your life. Gifts, compliments, and promising offers may be in store. You would be wise to accept any requests during this transit.

Venus Trine Jupiter Celebrities

Giorgio Baglivi 0°00′, David Essex 0°06′, Dorothy Parker 0°06′, Aly Bain 0°07′, Rutger Hauer 0°08′, Starhawk 0°11′, Lorenzo Carcaterra 0°13′, Rami Malek 0°14′, John Wayne Gacy 0°17′, Kristen Stewart 0°21′, Moina Mathers 0°21′, Frank Capra 0°22′, Immanuel Kant 0°26′, Iggy Pop 0°28′, Giorgio Armani 0°30′, Michael Flatley 0°31′, Zane Stein 0°32′, Princess Alexandra of Hanover 0°32′, Gloria Steinem 0°33′, Tobey Maguire 0°43′, Neymar 0°45′, Linda Evans 0°47′, Barbara Hand Clow 0°48′, Dakota Fanning 0°48′, Martin Scorsese 0°50′, Kurt Cobain 0°51′, John Milton 0°54′, Adam Ant 1°02′, Willie Nelson 1°06′, Johnny Cash 1°17′, Buddy Rose 1°30′, Bernardo Provenzano 1°33′, Althea Flynt 1°37′, Naomi Campbell 1°40′, Elizabeth Taylor 1°59′.

Venus Trine Jupiter Dates

August 18, 2022
November 15, 2022
October 20, 2023
January 28, 2024
September 15, 2024
December 19, 2024
November 26, 2025
February 22, 2026
January 28, 2027
May 4, 2027
December 16, 2027

28 thoughts on “Venus Trine Jupiter Natal and Transit

  1. “lick in love”? seriously funny typo. lol!

    thanks for your great work Jamie. glad to see that it’ll be roses + :0)

  2. Gemini, Virgo rising: today was the worst day in a long while. A series of three tough events each harder than the previous. An out of control work conflict, a dream job denied and then a longheld dream (to be the first to do something) snatched away.

    • That’s a bit of bad luck Jinjan. These aspects affect us and the world in general terms but it is your own transits are the strongest indicator of what kind of a day you have.

  3. Wow, you know your stuff! I’m a singer by profession who has this aspect natally and known for my wide range…

  4. Jamie
    I read your excellent article on Jupiter retrograde 2016. Is it too late to rectify something that I should have in March (today is may 10, 2016) in order to work on the karmic aspects to this transit? and if it is too later would I be better off postponing something I am working on doing this summer that is very important to me?

  5. Hey any info on 5th hose jupiter in virgo trine venus in aries 12th house trine north node in 9th house capricorn. birth details are 05/01/1992 5.56 AM philadelphia, pa, us.

    thanks for any info


    • Hi Damon, I don’t use Houses so would be looking to any fixed star conjunction to add to the aspect description. Is your birth date January 5 or May 1?


  7. Hi Jaime, will definitely have this aspect in my Venus Return chart in a Grand Water Trine with Neptune, though it forms a Kite aspect with Moon in Cappy in my VR 10th opposing my naltal Venus in 4th. What is your take on this? 😉

  8. I have sextile between these two planets in my natal chart. And Pluto is conjunct Jupiter and Neptune conjunct Venus …..
    Wish I could sing ???? How can you not use houses??

  9. I have Jupiter trine {Venus/Mercury/Sun} with Jupiter-Venus in Aquarius-Libra. Love art, have dabbled in many aspects all my life, but worry that what I do could be trite (perhaps a pitfall of this aspect). Have a keen sense of color. Have no trouble singing on key or in harmony, but cannot remember melodies exactly. Tend to think the best of people, tend to generosity, and have found that this mostly comes back to me in a natural rhythm that envelops me. Have had numerous love interests and eventually a mutually balanced, happy marriage; never much trouble attracting women though I’m neither an alpha male nor specially good looking. I suspect this aspect favors liberalism.

  10. I have this, but I also have 17 squares (including venus squaring my ascendant, my moon, my descendant and pluto squaring my moon and asc/ ) Also jupiter is squaring sun/moon/mercury in 2nd house and opposing saturn/neptune/uranus 5th house. Not quite that lavish easygoing lifestyle eh? 😂😂😂 Its a relief to know that I have at least one of the best aspects a person could have in life 😂😂 haha I’ll see what I can squeeze out of it and the other few quite boring sextiles/trines I have.

  11. jamie what do you think about venus trine natal jupiter in solar return chart

  12. So much good work on here Jamie
    How might this look with Venus conjunct Pluto? (and Jupiter conjunct Moon?)

    • Hi Es. I would say even better with Venus conjunct Pluto. Any of the difficulties of that aspect would be turned into assets with the trine to Jupiter. Moon-Jupiter trine Venus-Pluto sounds wonderful!

  13. I have Moon trine Jupiter to the exact degree and moon also trines Venus and Mercury but my moon in Capricorn squares Saturn at the same time. Mixed emotions.

  14. Every primary astrology planet is involved in this combined pattern.

    Water Trine: Neptune, Mercury, Moon
    Earth Trine: Jupiter, Venus, Uranus
    Cardinal Grand Cross: Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter

    Chiron conjunct Mid Heaven. The key to the zodiak.

  15. Dear Jamie, love your work. Is Oct 19 for whole planet or just NY? So in Australia it would be Oct 20?

    • This one was for the whole planet Mel. 3:35 am in New York, 6:35 pm in Sydney. I post the times for major cities on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I also put the times for New York on the Weekly and Monthly horoscope pages.

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