Saturn Conjunct Pluto Natal and Transit

Saturn Conjunct Pluto

Saturn conjunct Pluto maximum orb 5°30′.

Saturn conjunct Pluto natal introduces you to hardship at an early age. Your parents may have been poor, or one of them may have been very strict, even mean to you. Even if you come from a wealthy family, you likely experienced some restrictions when you were young that shaped your character.

It is also likely that any hardship suffered was prolonged or intense to such a degree that made you grow up very quickly. A physical, mental or emotional disability may have resulted from your difficulties or have been the restrictive influence that made you suffer more than most.

As a result of early deprivation or loss, you learned patience, self-reliance, and resourcefulness. Such hard lessons taught you perseverance and may have given you a ruthless ambition to make something of your life. When you face hardship like everyone else, you have the force of character to face it head-on and endure it better than most. Your strong survival instinct keeps you going where others might fail.

You can change and adapt to new realities when faced with a setback or restrictive influence. You can also stubbornly resist change, but you will realize that you must evolve to succeed in life. You can fight against some restrictions and obstacles but must go around for others. If continued hard times get you down, it is essential not to be hard on yourself. Depression and self-destructive habits would only worsen matters, and you should seek professional help. Fearing the worst can sometimes make it happen.

If you experience continued loss or failure, it is essential to stay ethical and play by the rules. Otherwise, you may face harsh criticism, scandal or legal problems. You must also resist any temptation to control or manipulate other people. The hardships you may encounter may be karmic repercussions of controlling or ruthless behavior in previous lives.

Self-discipline, good organizing skills, and good time management make you productive and efficient. Your strong work ethic and tenacity can lead to a successful career with recognition and promotion. Significant achievements are likely, and you may hold a position of authority or leadership.

You would work well in a career with a defined structure and hierarchy, like government agencies or large corporations. If self-employed, you could make your business a significant undertaking and employ many people. Others will seek your advice and give you the respect you deserve, and you will likely look back on your life with satisfaction and pride.

Saturn Conjunct Pluto Transit

Saturn conjunct Pluto transit is a time of hard work and serious business. You will need patience and determination as you face extra responsibilities with less time and resources to complete the job. As this transit approaches, events and people will force you to concentrate on one area of life that is no longer working well for you. It could be a relationship, career, or particular belief or behavior. Something in your life has outlived its usefulness and is holding you back, even if you don’t realize it initially.

You may experience loss, hardship or disappointment as you learn what it is that you must let go of or change. You may feel pressured or burdened by someone in a position of authority or a government department or large corporation, which may strain your finances or force you to give up a hobby or family time. Changing circumstances may restrict your ability to enjoy other areas of life until you address the particular issue.

If something is broken, you must fix it or throw it out. You cannot leave things as they are and resist the powerful forces. You must act responsibly, and you may even have to be ruthless in taking out the garbage.

It is best to approach the coming change by accepting the inevitable and doing what must be done. If you ignore what soon becomes obvious or stubbornly refuse to change, you risk complications that will make your life difficult. Even worse would be to take shortcuts or cheat. Immoral or unethical behavior such as lying, manipulation or breaking the law would have serious consequences that would further restrict your options and freedom.

Accept change and go with the flow. Listen to your intuition and listen to the advice of professionals. This is a time for a deliberate, well-considered change. Once you let go of the limiting factors in your life, you can use determination and perseverance to build new structures in their place. This slow, evolutionary process builds new foundations to prosper in the coming years.

Saturn Conjunct Pluto Celebrities

Jack Parsons 0°02′, Ian Anderson 0°04′, Lynndie England 0°04′, Dylan Thomas 0°04′, Alberto Lattuada 0°20′, Cindy Williams 1°10′, Arnold Schwarzenegger 1°10′, Orson Welles 1°13′, Queen Victoria 1°22′, John Maynard Keynes 1°26′, Juan Guaidó 1°29′, George Eliot 1°33′, Walt Whitman 1°47′, Temple Grandin 1°49′, Nicholas Culpeper 1°50′, David Essex 1°51′, Virginia Giuffre 1°55′.

Saturn Conjunct Pluto Dates

August 10, 1947
November 7, 1982
January 12, 2020

June 15, 2053
July 10, 2053
February 2, 2054

April 8, 2086

172 thoughts on “Saturn Conjunct Pluto Natal and Transit

  1. Thank you for a most detailed and interesting article. This conjunction will be sitting conjunct my Descendant just inside the 7th house. My asc/des is 20 47 Cancer/Capricorn… bring it on!

    • You had a taste of what is coming on July 13th 2018.Pluto on your descendant. Pluto, mmm. if your descendant is correct I have seen people being forced to accept defeat in partnerships as it went over their desc. So, Michael, what are you trying to hold onto? Or who.? I wonder though if Saturn with Pluto won’t let it go, as Saturn conjunct Pluto is like sh1t stuck on a blanket. Happy new year.

  2. Any activity China is doing right now in regards to military, is defensive not aggressive. China has 400 U.S military bases surrounding it’s borders in the South China Sea. The U.S has been orchestrating #FullSpectrumDominance for decades, now the noose is closing in.

    • China was more aggressive at the APEC Summit yesterday in Papua New Guinea. From an Australian standpoint, we are trying to juggle our most important strategic alliance with our most important economic alliance. I sure hope there is no conflict but that is exactly what some experts are predicting in the next decade. China is putting a lot of small Pacific nations into massive debt and then taking control of the assets when the debt cannot be serviced. Assets like ports and other strategic infrastructure.

  3. 1982 is when the US stock market began climbing after a slump beginning in 1968. The seventies were the weakest economy since the Great Depression. 1947 is also a low point on the 20th century chart leading to the 1966-68 high. That was the post New Deal, WW2 sustained boom.
    Another is up move is suspect now. I use this to point out the importance of the conjunction. 1982 it was in Scorpio, 1947 Leo.
    Both had beneficial effects. This may the case of two negatives equal a positive.

  4. Will not be looking forward to this. This is the beginning of the conjunction of transiting Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn to my Neptune / Vertex, thus setting off the apex of my T Square. Transiting Neptune will also conjunct my 8th house Jupiter, so fun will not be had.

    @ Ben Gunn

    Hope you are right. Interestingly, transiting Uranus will be entering Taurus then, and since Taurus rules money amongst other things…

    • Forgot to add, this conjunction will kick off a Jupiter (briefly) / Pluto / Saturn square to Uranus cycle as well.

    • Hi Kit Kat. I am planning to write at least the Saturn and Pluto transits to all planets including to Neptune before these conjunctions.

  5. Next year on the 29th of March the UK is set to leave the EU. Saturn is going to be very close to conjunction with Pluto. Generally the horoscope I conjured up 00:00am 29-3-19 looks like a complete disaster in the making. Has anyone else checked it?

    • The conjunction and Brexit must be closely linked. It seems the EU has more troubles than the UK. Perhaps it will be a revolution and a new, better EU will emerge. Immigration and rigid conformity to PC idealistic fantasy are destroying the EU. I suspect when Pluto reaches Aquarius, that will signal the end of the divisive PC era. Pluto will re-model the Age of Aquarius. Each degree in an age is 66 years. The cusp of the Age of Aquarius is roughly 1868 to 2132 (two degrees). The first degree is 2066. Curiously the first degree in the Age of Pisces, 66 AD, was the start of the Jewish War, Rome vs Jerusalem, resulting in the destruction of Jerusalem and the great temple there, a very important date.

  6. I have natal pluto conjunct saturn. During my pluto conjunct saturn transit I had to have emergency surgery that’s when I found out that I had ectopic pregnancy and lost the baby.

    • So sorry Lucy but thank you for sharing. This sure is a serious conjunction. The two planets most associated with loss and mourning.

    • That is my Ascendant too Tamires. I think this alignment is far enough away to not affect us too greatly. You should actually be feeling the final effects of Pluto on your North Node right now.

  7. Have a look at Pollux opposite this 5 planet stellium. The 5 planets are conjunct my natal sun, plus Eris at my Midheaven square, wow. Remarkable configuration. I’m fascinated by what’s coming down the pipe the next few years. Perhaps something is in store with Astrology in general, as Nessus is at the astrologer degree, 9 Pisces, and there is a whole raft of us with Pluto natal at 9 Virgo. Certainly feels like a culmination or major upheavel is baked into our stardust. It’s tempting to speculate on possible outcomes… Jamie, what do you make of Nessus and Mars semi squares to this stellium? “It is best to approach the coming change by accepting the inevitable and do what must be done” eegad, sounds like a time when Ulysses or Odyssey gets a new chapter.

    • I think as this amazing alignment gets closer I will write in more detail. It certainly deserves it. This is the most significant alignment I have seen. I will have to meditate on “accepting the inevitable”. I do believe in fate but I also believe in the power of positive thinking.

  8. In 1982, the conjunction was in my 9th H, right on the cusp of MC. That year I immigrated to a country I didn’t not speak the language. It was hard going but looking back on it, I benefitted tremendously. The upcoming conjucntion will be in my 1st H, not conjunct to any planet but opp. my Jupiter 2 degrees apart. Not really looking forward to it since it’s in the 1st H. 🙁

  9. In 1982, there was a little known crises avoided with Russia. We almost went full out thermo nuclear war. yikes. This time Saturn and Pluto will conjunct within five degrees of the US chart. I’m getting out before then.

  10. This looks so interesting – all those planets in stellium are trine to my Saturn in Taurus, and trine to my Venus-Pluto-midpoint in Virgo. ( Venus 18 and Pluto 25 degrees ). At the same time Mars is trine to my Sun-Mars-conjunction in Leo, and Venus is trine to my Ascendant-Jupiter-conjunction in Libra – both of these within one degree ! Can I expect something good out of this – last years my health and living situation has been extremely hard ( for 7 years now, living has been difficult since 2015 ) and I would finally just wanna have my peace, secure and nice home, and continue – after long pause due to ill health and depression – my arts. Does this chart look promising to finally having good home, and better health with more mobility ?

  11. With Pluto on my ascendant and Saturn and Mars with it in weak first house stellium, guess when all three transiting with Ceres and Mercury conjunct my natal Sun on 12 Jan 2020, will have an interesting time. Glad my affairs are in order.
    Suspect anyone with natal planet(s) or a point between 20-22 Capricorn may expect similar.
    Bearing in mind Mother Shipton’s mediaeval poem about end times, St Malachy’s prophecy about the last pope (current one) as ‘Petrus Romanus’ before end of the world as we know it, and possibility that dire Mayan 2012 prophecy is eight years out, seems around January 2020 will be a massive global hammering.
    A cataclysm far worse than eg Krakatoa? Start of World War III? Wasn’t Saturn-Pluto’s last conjunction a month after start of WWI?

  12. I will have this conjunction opposite my Moon, which is tightly conjunct to Black Moon Lilith (osc), and square natal Neptune.
    Eris will make this a full square. Meanwhile, Neptune will transit exactly on my Sun.
    My take is this: if I was born to meet this during my lifetime, I can handle it, and I can learn a lot from this.

  13. This stellium will be conjunct my ascendant (18 cap) square my mars (21 lib) opposite my mercury (21can) square my BML (20ari). Neptune will be conjunct my moon, jupiter square my saturn, chiron conjunct my IC, BML conjunct my chiron.
    My beloved step daughter has a serious mental illness and the asteroid bearing her name will sit right in the middle of this stellium. Someone tell me something positive. I cannot see it…

  14. a revolt against the green new deal?(“masses protest the changes being forced upon them” :by what’s left of the Illuminati who move to nyc from England and france?

  15. I was born November 9, 1983, and Saturn and Pluto (and sun and mercury in the same sign…) are conjunct. how is that possible if you say they have not conjuncted since Nov 7, 1982, and won’t again until…?
    I’m legit confused.

    • also interesting, the 2020 stellium looks similar to the one in my natal chart. saturn sun pluto mercury conjunct in scorpio in my 11th and 12th houses.
      how is food involved in the 2020 situation?

  16. But can we talk about this Saturn PLuto KETu conj..that will happen first?…its not a tight conj..but I think they create a compelling stellium…and it is within orb..of the USA’s natal Pluto (PLuto return)

    • Ketu is the abondonment of the material world, …and there it is in Capricorn, conjunct Jupiter, Gault, and Alice. Gault an asteroid, now a comet, suggests an electrifying or magnetic life coming into consciousness. Alice is about staying sane in an insane world. But, the problem is that Ketu is here, not Rahu. We have to take this lump of cataclysmic energy in Capricorn and move it to Cancer… we are called upon to do this with tenderness and feeling.

  17. Someone I know has their natal saturn at the exact same degree as this conjunction. This will be their first saturn return as well. I am guessing this may not bode well?

  18. My husband has this in his second house (born Nov 1982) and it falls in my 5th house ughhh

  19. And happening just two days after a lunar eclipse :O ! It will be a very interesting year for me birthday on an eclispse kind of oppose all that stellium … Hope it won t be too bad :P!

  20. My 1st Saturn return conjuncted transiting Pluto in Scorpio and my natal moon.It definatly was a transformative time.I started my job of 30 years , and I retired after my 2nd Saturn return.
    Ethical behavior I agree is important , as well as being ethical anyway in this life.
    In general I’ve had a good life.This stellium in 2020 will be transiting my 10th house , natal Chiron right on my zenith ; My. ‘ astrological ‘ curiosity is looking forward to it !
    My advice : always keep your chin up , use the past for reference , but keep moving forward , and most importantly always have a sense of humor.( it keeps you sane ! )

  21. This conjunction will be transiting my natal moon..scares the hell out of me :(((

    • Don’t be scared 🙂 I had the Pluto Uranus square on my sun a few years ago. Nothing much happened, though I was expecting the worst. A boundary dispute with my neighbour and moving house. My new place is brilliant. Love be with you.

  22. At the exact time of the Saturn Pluto conjunction, I will have Saturn, Pluto, Sun, Mercury and Ceres all conjunct my Natal Sun at exactly 21-22 degrees in my 7th house. In need of reassurance!! Or a bunker…. 😟

    • When I start worrying about scary big transits, I look to my cousin who is ninety one and hale and hearty and well marbled (head wise). And I think what about all the biggies he has survived … with Cancer rising you must be a sensitive soul and prone to worrying – just remember it is your take, not necessarily objective reality. Keep calm keep smiling and you know it won’t last forever. You will probably learn lots about yourself – and that’s what the Bible says: know thyself. Bless.

      • Thank you 🙏🏻 I’m certainly a sensitive Cancer rising /Pisces Moon with Natal Saturn in Cancer too (my 12th House) and this year has felt particularly difficult so far. And all that action in that one part of my life feels very portentous… hoping to make whatever transformations that are triggered positive ones… blessings to you too.

      • I think ” know thyself ” I read some where was attributed to Socrates.
        I may be wrong , but it’s great advice nonetheless whoever is credited for saying it.👍♍

        • Yes, probably both. And a bit simplistic because we change all the time. I’ll tell you a story. Many moons ago I had a boyfriend who was very God orientated – and I was not. We discussed it quite a bit, amicably. One day I decided to see an astrologer for myself. Turns out he knew her and he told me: ask “blank” to tell you how to find God. So I had my session and at the end I posed the question. Her answer was: Be your Chart. But like I said the chart doesn’t stand still, frozen in time – so be your transits and progressions as well!

          • I studied comparative religion , and came to ‘ my ‘ conclusion that there is the ‘ political ‘ corporeal religion , and then there’s ‘ spirituality ‘.How and why and who created this interesting 3rd rock from the Sun remains a mystery , but we have a shared origin with all other ‘ people’s ., so I try to use that as a base for our commonality , and look at religion as more of something that has more of a ‘regional ‘origin bias , which I just could never embrace and feel ‘ right ‘ about .
            I think to ‘know thyself’ or at least make an effort , makes it easier to show empathy for other people . If its done from that premise I don’t see it as being self – centered at all ; again this is just my view , its not meant to be a criticism of someone else’s belief system.🌟

  23. Yes I agree religion is a social construct. I am still trying to define spirituality. I think I can get as far as Neptune in so far as Neptune represents all things not tangible. But that would include bad things too – and Neptune can. The ancient gods had faults … I get that Neptune connects everything with everything, at some level we are all one. Knowing oneself is certainly not selfish – it allows you not to blame other people for your own faults. I think what I like best (and this is maybe what the astrologer meant) is that by being your chart (i.e. no projections) you have the possibility of being whole. I don’t know how many people achieve this … I see someone with integrity, authority, peace and love. Whole is the goal. Great slogan. Way beyond me. Consciousness is what I am working on now. (Where do you get those cute little emojis?)

  24. This’ Dumb’ guy got it with his ‘ Smart ‘ phone..Victoria. ; I believe in intent.We as human beings are tied to the animal world by our bodies and emotions.If we were not here the planetary energies would still exist , but would live in a state of entropy if we were gone.Therefore its important to come to an understanding of this so that we can at least attempt to harness and direct it in a positive way.I think Astrology is one of the tools the universe supplies us with to help us understand this.I think humankind is unique and special.
    I’d rather call myself a ‘seeker ‘ because I believe everything evolves. , even spiritual matters. As far as the future ; from what I have seen .; ‘ these ‘ revelations of ‘enlightenment’ are few and far between in the population. ‘ Hope ‘ to make a difference.Step by step.♍👍
    P.S. there is an adage to the phrase that goes something like this : ” a life without self – examination is a life not worth living. ” ( ditto 11/11.)

    • I give up – what does ditto 11/11 refer to? Thou talkest in riddles. So you have a glyph for Virgo on your Smart phone? Needless to say I don’t have a smart phone. Way too old (bit more than you). You make a distinction between humans and other animals so perhaps not Pisces rising. Aries? I have a ditto: Scorpio Moon. But my Chiron is conjunct my Ascendant. I am not sure if the planets send us energies. Some talk of synchronicity. But maybe we invent what we think of as our world as we go along. I have tried astrology on my animals but it doesn’t work. Your adage – Socrates again. I ignored astrology for about twenty years and didn’t register any transits. Then my daughter got into a black space so I picked it up again and suddenly the transits are hitting (Uranus opposite Moon/Mercury right now, have you had it?). Saturn and Pluto are transiting her 12th house Venus, North Node, Jupiter, Mercury then SunAsc at one of Aquarius. I wonder what you mean by “evolve”? Is this a good thing? Why? Do we need to? Or do we need to be kind to others as we are a social animal and thus interdependent?

  25. I think some people are better equipped to overcome challenges based on the template of what they were born with.( natal chart )
    I try to negotiate the transits … and aspire to their ‘ higher ‘ octives.
    I defer to the positive advice given in Jamies Saturn retro and Pluto Capricorn posts.

  26. Yes, I agree, the whole chart must be analysed in order to get an inkling on how transits will pan out for them. And also their level of consciousness. My daughter has learning difficulties.

  27. In numerology the number 11 symbolizes spirituality. You can find that out by adding the numbers.together of your birthdate and reducing them down to 1 didget or 2 .you can look up numerology on a smart phone or a computer and it will do all the math for u.I use it as an alternate for ‘ Have a good day ‘ sometimes. , and I’m a Virgo that’s why I use that glyph , and a Taurus rising to answer your other question Have a good day Victoria ! 🌟

    • 9 is the number of spirituality. 11 is the number of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

        • Get to nine, consolidate and become whole at 10, then advance to the peak using that extra ingredient. It is a process. Virgo will help you. This year. Advance in time with the Direct phase of Saturn and Pluto. Dont forget to have a little chat with the Galactic Centre in June.

          • These replies are not going under the right name. So Gerald. O.K. what happened to my Kentucky Fried Chicken? Is it coming from the Galactic Centre? Do I pay for it with my nine?

            • I’m sorry my post is over your head. Forget the whole thing. (clap of hands)

        • 11 herbs and spices is of a numerological origin. If you think with your stomach, as many do, it’s a brilliant marketing strategy.

          PS: try and be polite

          • Here is the official Gerald number – planet table. Feast your eyes:
            1, Sun
            2, Moon
            3, Mars
            4, Mercury
            5, Jupiter
            6, Venus and Uranus
            7, Saturn
            8, Pluto
            9, Neptune
            10, my van
            11, vinegar for dessert

            • Ok ; I get it Gerry your thinly veiled sarcasm is meant to be a joke ! I get it now.
              Thanks for straightening me out on that !

    • Taurus – then are you born in northern latitudes – or Southern – are we in Australia? Is that why it says 1st May when here in the UK it is 30th April? My axes are Scorpio Asc. and Virgo Mc. I wonder if my Saturn is conj. your sun. I am a nine with birthdate and a two with birth name and god knows what with house number (nothing, it has none). You might enjoy John Addey’s book on Harmonics. I have a Saturn Sun Mars conjunction in my 9th Harmonic chart. Haven’t a dicky bird what that means, doesn’t sound very comfortable. I think Jamie’s dissertation excellent. With that stellium going to hit your Mc 10th house and Chiron you could use it to help young people find their career path. Have a good day, whenever that is.

      • I’m trying Victoria ! And trying to take the retrograde Saturn to heart.Its very good advice.Sorry it took awhile to get back to you.Virgo on the MC I would think would be good for teaching.Have a good day ! 🌟

  28. My cousin lived in Chicago. Now in Seattle. Yes, I have been a teacher in a small way. Also a groom and a cleaner and a secretary. But ruler Mercury is in my 12th house – why my brains or communications are addled. I am so busy looking at what Pluto and Saturn are doing to my daughter I have only just realised they are hitting my mars chiron ascendant so I will have to learn how to express myself better (especially as mars squares Pluto 9th). Thank you for your patience. 🙂

  29. I do teach impromptu animal venues and educate kids and the general public about reptile husbandry , and also do consultation with zoologists and veterinarians.With Virgo on the MC that would put Pisces in the 4th if I’m correct ; no doubt some self sacrifice in the home. I think your interpretations have sound value.Obviously ; I can tell you’ve studied the subject with some depth ! Good for u ! I wish u the best of luck ! 👍

  30. I know someone whose sun and Pluto are @ 17 degree cap and Uranus conjunction moon in 12th house @ 22 aries. This conjunct is exactly on his MC squaring moon and Uranus. Chart looks so scary..

  31. This is a “deadly serious” aspect, but it doesnt have to be “fatal” unless ones attitude is fatalistic, in other words, it is for the best to not approach nor handle any Saturn or Pluto individual confrontation nor joint stand off, especially not the conjunction of The Lord of Karma and The Lord of the Underworld,or enter into any otherworld/underworld quest for that matter, with fear or hatred, because these 2 will generate the energy from the flow of emotional power whether pure love & pure logic,or poison & toxic binary code logic, besides when they do, even those who dont seem to have one, or dont think think they have one, will not be able to ignore the fact they do, indeed, have a conscience. You dont have to believe me, time will tell…

    • Haiti Earthquake, January 12, 2010, 4:53pm

      Sun 22Cap35
      Venus 22Cap50
      NNode 21Cap07
      Moon 26Sag28
      GC 26Sag59

      Not a little karma and underworld present on this day.

  32. January 12 astronomy/astrology inventory

    2007 Comet McNaught perehelion
    2010 Haiti EQ
    2014 Earth passes thru ISON debris field, noctilucent cloud projection
    2017 Jupiter deep atmospheric intrusion, standing wave engulfs inner solar system.
    2020 Saturn/Pluto

    • More January 12 inventory

      1996, Jan 12, 8:34 am, London UK
      Age of Aquarius natal chart

      Uranus, 0Aqu
      ASC, 0Aqu

      This chart may be rectified by a progressed Full Moon at Brexit, March 29, 2019.

      • The NewAge rectification of this chart could fill a book.

        – Comets, McNaught (2007) and Ison
        – Brexit prog Full Moon
        – Mercury Rx in this and two other charts: Regulus ingress Virgo chart (29/11/2011) that places Mercury Rx, which in turn is rectified by Comet Gault and CI Borisov at 00Virgo; Comets having critical alignments with planets (Borisov discovery) and Direction turns (Gault). Further rectified by Summer solstice Eclipse chart(20/06/2020), Mercury Rx. In domicile Gemini.

        • Correction, It is true Mercury is Rx in the Solstice Eclipse chart, June 21, 2020, but in tropical Cancer sign, and Venus is Rx in tropical Gemini.

          Mercury Rx:
          – Aquarius Sign January 12, 1996
          – Sagittarius Sign November 29, 2011
          – Cancer Sign, June 21, 2020

          Air, Fire, Water
          Fixed, Mutable, Cardinal

          Degrees Rx from Sun, approx
          Aqr, 13
          Sag, 10
          Can, 14

          Total, 29.01

          Where is Mercury Rx in a Sign at 29 degrees?

  33. Hi Jamie

    This Saturn Pluto conjunction is slightly less than a degree from my nodal axis at 21 deg 52 minutes (NN is cancer) and almost exactly square my natal Saturn in Libra at 21 degrees (I have a Mars Saturn Pluto stelllum in Libra).

    I’m pretty scared – I’m trying to extricate myself from decades in a very abusive relationship, but long term chronic health issues have meant I am struggling to find a way to move out and support myself.

    I am wondering if this conjunction will be the end of me, I’m only starting to emerge from a lifetime of being lied abused and manipulated. It’s not too much to say I am hammered by the bleakness of my reality. Still fighting depression as anxiety and I want to triumph somehow.

    How do I interpret this coming conjunction ? I am also smack in the middle of Pluto square Saturn transit and Saturn square mars. My chronic health issues have only worsened as I have tried to extricate myself from my abusive environment. Had a severe nervous breakdown in May this year. Not able to achieve launch velocity to get myself out of the abuse and into my own home. Very disheartening.

    Any help with handling this Saturn Pluto conjunction in 2020 would help a lot. I fear it may be the end of me. Thanks.

    • I also have the Saturn Conjunct Pluto natally and I resonate with what you have written here. My mother and stepfather are psychopaths and their abuse has been unspeakable. I consider it a monumental achievement I am not yet dead by my own hands due to severe depression. Saturn conjunct Pluto also gives me astonishing strength where others might have self-destructed long ago. (Although it has its limits)

      The granddaughter of Holocaust survivors once told me,

      “You think you are damaged and weak. But I tell you this. If there is a World War III today, who do you think will die first? you or those who are physically and mentally healthier compared to you and have easier normal lives?”

      “Of Course it will be me. I am barely hanging onto life physically and mentally. I’m surprised my body is alive at all. ”

      “you are wrong. YOU will outlast everyone. You have lived through hell for decades. You know how to deal with it. They won’t, it will be a shock to them. Most people won’t make it. You will. You have great strength inside you. Remember that.”

      Hope this helps your natal Saturn Pluto conjunct interpretations Jamie. Even today I share my story and ask you for help because I want to have a happy ending someday! Thanks.

    • i can relate to all what you are saying as i i am wanting to remove mysef from an old wornout relationship also..I have cap moon 24o. , mars, 29o cap. libra sat conj neptune & tsquare moon and mars, uranus & jupiter, scorp sn & asc cusp sag.
      goddess help me.,

    • Hi Jan
      Just read your post after noticing this huge stellium coming in January.
      Are you able to find some professional support, a counsellor or therapist to help
      you make some positive changes in your life? I can sense the
      bleakness of your situation and with the support of caring people you can
      improve your situation. Hope things improve soon.
      kind regards, Leah

    • Your illness is more than likely caused by your suffering. Please, just leave! Take that leap of faith. Honestly just take that first step, believe and trust, and don’t look back. Best of luck and strength.

    • A lot of the astrology concerning this is change and letting go of what has outgrown its usefulness. I am responding in July, but Jamie I do hope that you have been able to get out of your abusive situation. I know that in the US there are shelters for people in abusive situations. I urge you to just take what is most important to you, what you need, and get out as soon as you can from the environment that you are in. If you cannot, please call someone to help you get out. Agencies for abused people, there are hotlines in the US that you can call as well, I don’t know where you live, but please even if you have to call the police, just get yourself out of the situation you’re in. Do not wait to have money, just get out, there are social services that can help.

  34. Chandra Symbol
    Capricorn 23
    “An old priest using oil to anoint a carved stone lingam.
    The masculine life-force brought to its highest expression. The wise, wakeful, fully present activation of the masculine aspect as something to be reckoned with. Formidable and directly impressive. Bearing such a pronounced potency of being that one can readily take charge of any situation. A karmically well prepared, magnificently endowed attainment. The ability to become like a God. Such intensive awareness of self that you know very well that you are standing in for God the Father as a pure vessel. Nonetheless, you are called to become the quintessential higher masculine as completely as possible to the deepest roots of your being, in order to make a difference and to bring the shared energy and attention to a focal point of the true central clarity and meaningful direction onward from here.“

    • Recognz. this from “Inside Degrees” by Ellias Lonsdale…so carefully crafted ea. degree description…so accurate. I consult them frequently.

      • Yes, very beautiful, the Great Mother is pleased. But don’t become complacent.

  35. in 2020 we will see fall of many leaders of countries and organizations and will see major changes on the government sectors probably new rules on everything but specially people who work behind the scenes will face hard time

  36. I went to this site hoping to see more on the Mars,Venus,Mercury,Sun cosmic convergence, or more properly, Harmonic Convergence in Leo 1987, because of the activation of the Quintiles, but didn’t find anything. Instead there’s a good excerpt on the upcoming Pluto-Saturn.

    “Given Aquarius’ link with revolution, global reforms will likely result from massive citizen rebellions to all of the lies, deception, and hypocrisy that’s essentially sent modern sovereign nations back to feudalism. Saturn began its once-in-29-year passage of its own sign kingdom on winter solstice (December 21), 2017. It advances towards an ominous merger with Pluto. This authoritarian fusion zone reaches its peak on January 13, 2020. Saturn symbolizes government and authority figures while Pluto represents power, often of the covert sort.

    “As Saturn moves into alliance with Pluto (in Capricorn), precious human rights and liberties will likely be curtailed in keeping with Capricorn’s penchant for strict controls. However, when we look to nature we see that every ocean wave first turns under itself in order to acquire forward momentum. The analogy is that the fierce yoke of repression may prove the force necessary for catapulting humanity forward and beyond the grip of all those authoritarian masters who have ruled the masses as kings, pharaohs, tyrants, dictators, czars, and presidents for centuries. If the Age of Aquarius is to live up to its cosmic identity—and promise—then human beings must collectively rise into a new awareness. It will be one that renders former paternalistic masters obsolete!”

  37. 2020 look very positive for my chart! I’m excited for these conjunctions. They permanetly seal the “homework” that I’ve already done. 🙂

  38. I would really like someone with similar experience to tell me what could happen in my life after having an ascedand at 22 degrees of capricorn . For the past two years I have been feeling strongly about a major change in my life and I have already changed my career focusing on psychology studies. I am now deeply attracted to metaphysics and I have many in-person experiences and question marks about being in the industry. I feel like a lot will change and I am inspired by a lot of people with my ideas and my “weird” thoughts. I’m born December 8, 1995 at 10:10 am in Greece. I also know that the Greek sun is at 22 degrees of capricorn. Thanks in advance and I hope I make the right decision as I have no intention of resisting the change that is coming.

    • 1/4 of the Greek economy is driven by tourism and hospitality. That’s enormous. Visitors to Greece at the time of birth was 4.5 million, and it’s well over 20 million/year now. There would be tremendous opportunity in this industry for practising your craft. Being a sage of mythology, cosmos, and the highest order of psychology, meta-physics and astrology would have a ready audience. Find your niche and away you go. The translation of inner planets over your Ascendant, and the synodic cycles articulated by The Lunar Planner, Nick Anthony Fiorenza would be especially relevant. Saturn transit Ascendant, Pluto conjunct, presents a remarkable new start. Study the effect of your Natal Neptune and Uranus, particularly to your Generation. On the lighter side, careful, because Jupiter impels a tendency to over indulge in these matters. Eat dolmades to keep you trim and healthy, the grape leaf is well suited for Capricorn rising diets.

    • I am also in Greece and feeling much as you do. It may be important for us to communicate. You can email me You can find me as Kalamata Rebecca at comments and journal in the forum and following videos to get a feel for who I am. I hope this reaches you soon. I will be leaving Greece for 3 or 4 months within 30 days. Expect a miracle. my seeing your post is one. I have never been on this site before earlier today. I am only reading your post due to a power failure that brought this site and only this site onto my screen when I got my internet back. It is entirely possible that this is a fork in both of our roads. This is not a joke!

  39. Elizabeth II Rising degree 21Cap24, and Jean Chrétien Sun 20Cap25

    There is an interesting story in Jean Chrétien’s memoirs, published 2006, how he, as Prime Minister of Canada, was in England on some function or other, was summoned by the Queen to express his thoughts on the vexing issue of How to Apologize for various Empire transgressions. Mr Chrétien, who has, as a wife, an immensely talented astrologer, advised the Queen not to apologize. Because it would never end, notwithstanding, this job of apologizing isn’t a Queenly duty. Years later, we have Justin Trudeau as Canadian Prime Minister, who, if you haven’t already noticed, apologizes profusely and to all, the transgressions of Empire. Which would seem a perfect choice, as the leader of a good country that has a talent for being the best producer of marginal utility. In resource commodities especially, marijuana being the latest, but also taking in immigrants, and now, apologizing.

    • Queen Elizabeth’s chart is remarkable. 0 point Taurus birthday.

      The Solar period from human gestation to birth, calculated from her birthday lands on her Ascendant. 21/22 deg Capricorn. So the Queen is linked to the stellium and Cosmogenesis.

  40. This conjunction will be opposite my Moon and will square my Neptune in Libra at 21. Being born Piscean, I know that nothing that happens in your life is beyond your means to tackle it. What happens in your life is of no importance. What is, is how you interpret it because that decides which actions you can undertake.
    Many, if not most, people have a far too passive view on astrology. You are not powerless aginst the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune: you are learning to navigate your own life.

    • Aquarius New Age chart, January 12, 1996, North Node, 21Libra36

      ‘Mystic Destiny’

  41. The January 12, 2020, stellium is conjunct EXACT my prenatal full moon…any insights would be helpful!

  42. Oh man my ex who was born January 13th is about to get his whole life upended according to his 2020-2021 solar return with this potent Saturn-Pluto conjunction.

    • What’s his Age Harmonic chart look like on his birthday? Any major patterns like a yod, t-square, or grand trine etc?

  43. Not sure how to compare my birth chart against this upcoming conjunction. But what I have read according to my sign suggests that my marriage will be put under intense pressure. This year alone has been monumental with changes within and without – including a sense of changes to come. I’ve been feeling it already. For a saturn conjunction with pluto to suggest the same makes me a little weary. Wish I could already know ahead of time without having to wait.

  44. I have the conjunction natal in Libra in 1st H (though not exact), the January conjunction will be square the natal one at 1 degree. Shall I be scared?

  45. Erno Rubik, inventor of the Rubik cube

    Saturn 2Can59
    Sun 20Can51
    Venus 25Can21
    North Node 27Can43
    Mercury 4Leo04
    Pluto 7Leo49

    Dob July 13, 1944

    I don’t know the calculation for the exact midpoint of Erno Rubik’s cube. Between Saturn and Pluto it is 20Can, the position of his Sun, and in resonance to the opposite of the topic stellium. Perhaps skew it to 23Cap to allow for Venus, NN and Mercury.

    My older brother could figure out the Rubik cube, back when we were teenagers, but it was beyond me. Rubik patented his invention January 17, 1974.

    It’s been mentioned, go to the North Node for relief if things get too heavy this season and winter. Rubik took 30 days to invent the thing, but only needed 30 seconds when he became a Master.

    • “It was not easy to sell the idea to toy companies, but Tom Kremer was able to sell the concept to Ideal Toy Company. The name changed to Rubik’s Cube, and it became a worldwide success in the 1980s. It won awards like Toy of the Year in multiple countries. The International Rubik’s Championship was held in 1982 and encouraged the sport of Speedcubing. The Museum of Modern Art in New York put the cube in its permanent collection.”

      Note Speedcubing goes parabolic in 1982, leading up to the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Libra.

  46. this conjunction lands on my North Node in the 1st house. Does anybody know what this means? It also goes trine to my 5 planet stellium in Libra (Merc, Uranus, Sun, Pluto, Mars, Moon) Hope somebody maybe able to shed some light.

    • this can not be possible… The conjunction will be at 22o Capricorn – how come to trine a stellium in Libra?

      • i meant square… mercury 23 degree square libra. which is the end of the stellium.(the rest of stellium Uranus 18 LIb, Sun 12 Lib , Mars, 2 Lib, Pluto 2 Lib, Moon 22 Virgo
        Alot of things have happened to me at 22 degrees Virgo (specifically 22 Virgo moon) This is going to be something else i think.
        Moon is Trine and Mercury is square and NN Conjunct. With the stellium banjo playing its tune!
        Everything changes in my life every 2 years! jobs, girlfriends, home (often) country (often) no stability.

        • Hi Gilly, is your DOB 5th Oct 1972?.. As your chart is almost identical to mine!

          Libra stellium – Pluto 2, Mars 3, Sun 12, Uranus 18, Mercury 24… Moon 25 Virgo… NN 22 Capricorn.

  47. There are sinister, lurking presences due to the capture of means of communication – phone, computer and internet. Fortifying hierarchy to alleviate anxiety (unconscious busywork), oh-so-important male leaders protected from requirement to dialogue. This too shall pass.

  48. See my comments on the lunar eclipse (January 10th 2020) page. You can regard saturn conjunct pluto as “oppression and dangerous” (which puts pluto in control) or regard it as “the powerful control themselves” (which puts saturn in control). Since saturn controls capricorn it should be stronger than pluto. Yesterday Trump controlled himself. Let’s see what happens next. This may be a good time to quit addictions you may have. Ceres will help. Pluto will actually help Saturn and not fight him!!!

  49. I think Saturn/Pluto conjunction is a much more collective transit rather than personal. Personal touches should be the ones of Sun, Mercury, Eclipse and Ceres towards Saturn and Pluto. Personally as a Sag 23 degrees I find myself working a lot mentally these days, demonstrate new skills I learned during 2018/2019 in the realm of financials of a regulated industry connected to the ground and grids, get paid for them for the first time and managing personal financials. Also methodically letting go of personal unuseful dead weight. All this in a surprinsingly unemotional manner. I guess it works out fine for me for January and onward. So much of Sat/Plu for me.

    • This Saturn conjunct Pluto is also opposite Uranus for me and many in my generation. Uranus was in Cancer or Leo through the 50’s. It’s a very hard time for us to make the kind of changes we long for in politics, environment and social spheres. I guess we are learning important lessons about fear based thinking from the opposition to these changes. The optimism of Pluto Jupiter in Leo at our birth has waned.

  50. I am dealing with my second Saturn return, this conjunction and am in the second year of failed foot surgeries, breaks and unexplained foot fractures. Reading the aspects of this event is terrifying as a person who can’t walk or leave the house without assistance.

    • Saturn in Capricorn is supposed to create bones and knees issues… and that one should take advantage of this period to correct bad postures, asymetry, misaligned joints positions, etc… my experience tells me to never impose any change by force, in this domain.

  51. The last Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn was in 1518. African slave trading began. By this example, looking to Africa, we see that China has been working for years to establish control of Africa’s natural assets, if not their governments, in many countries. Perhaps this conjunction leads to an unveiling of their true power in Africa.

  52. I am having a quiet evening with my friend tonight. He is shadow:

    20Cap47 shadow
    20Cap17 light

    shadow: Jan 12
    light: Jan 11

    Sometimes it’s reversed.

    • There is 14 years difference in age. He likes the story about planetary JOY houses. So I draw him a picture of Joy. It is a pyramid. We are enjoying RUM, and draw a picture of rum. It is a reverse pyramid.

      Know your sugars, eh.

  53. This Saturn Pluto conjunction occurs exactly on my 22′ Capricorn Ascendant and yesterday’s full moon exactly conjuncted my natal 20′ Cancer Moon. And I’m feeling at ease: open, energetic and hopeful. I’ve left a period of life behind me where my focus was inwards, on healing and ‘fixing things’, and now the door is wide open for curiosity, action – fitting the 12th house – 1st house crossing of these planets, I think 🙂

    If anyone has more insights for me with my 22′ Cap Asc and 20′ Cancer Moon, I’d love to hear them!

  54. The Sun, Pluto, Saturn conjuncting planets are all within 2 degrees of my natal sun. Mercury is within three degrees, which means they are all very prominent in my solar return chart. Any comments?

  55. Saturn, Pluto conjuction is exact opposite my Sun at 22 53 in Cancer. 5th house Capri versus 11th house Sun. Interesting. When it happened in Nov 82 I was highly unstable but very creative. Learnt Astrology on my own.

  56. The conjunction happened in opposition with my natal Moon in Cancer (orb 1 degree) and square my natal Neptune in Libra (1 degree to the other side). At the same time Jupiter opposes natal Uranus, Mars conjuncts Ascendant and Neptune is exct (no orb) on my natal Sun.

    And I feel extremely well-balanced, quiet in the mind and I have a very strong sense that everything that is happening and that will happen is exactly as it should be and that everything will turn out to be all right.

  57. I have a big capricorn stellium (Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars) on my natal Sun/Mercury/AC 22 deg cap conjunction happening in March this year. It is also a time I am starting a new job (beginning of March) so now I am getting very anxious thinking it might be too much for me considering all of the planets piling up on my natal conjunction in 1st house. Should I reconsider it giving the planets affecting my natal conjunction or will it be more about the way I express myself that will go through the changes?

  58. “The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn on January 12 clearly indicated the danger of serious disruptions of public life. Even astrology could not foresee that these would be caused by a virus infection”

    • There it is, plain as day: January 12, Capricorn, no mention of the year.

      Next line capitulates to the 12th house.


    This is a composite photo of My Progress page. birth announcement (January 12). weight gain stopping at 21lbs 6oz. A height measurement, only one, 21”. The baby book was a favourite of the women I dated, but it’s molding and falling apart now. A barely discernible photo of me sitting on the porcelain with a huge smile, and room for the shadow.

  60. You never know who, or what, may gaze back at you during life’s journey. Climb a mountain like Everest, and face a traffic jam one year, a trail closure the next. Look at the famous mountaineer Nims Purja. (dob July 25/83). His record ascent of 14 in 2019, culminating at the same time (Oct 28) as the Astrologyking Cosmogenisis Project (Oct 31). He called it Project Possible. There’s even a Usage controversy with his viral May 22 photograph. That’s a neat reflection.

    Nims has Saturn- Pluto, and Jupiter- Saturn conjunctions, and Mars in wide orb to Sun.

  61. Correction
    Nims has Saturn- Pluto, and Jupiter- Uranus conjunctions.

    and his Neptune conjuncts Galactic Centre. Which would help explain his photograph revelation, and the difficulty in harnessing that power. Not that we don’t live in strange times as it is…. Standing in line, patiently distancing, don’t bunch up now…

  62. saturn pluto conj took place in 1982 also but it seems that as compared to the 1947 conj and 2020 conj the world went on without much problem. can you pl throw more light on this issue ? thanks

    • CDC acknowledged AIDS for the first time in September, 2 months before the conj. It was also smack dab in the middle of the Cold War, so the thought of impending doom was def in the air.

  63. I was born with a triple conjunction of Saturn, Pluto, and Mars. It made me stronger than most people I’ve ever met throughout my life; able to handle trials, tribulations, tragedy. I have seen a lot of tragedy even if it didn’t affect me. Pluto in the First House also tends to make someone a witness to those who pass on, or it makes us understand death and the other side in a way that others can’t grasp.

    It’s interesting and also stressful to live with it in general as a conjunction, mainly referring to Saturn and Pluto together like this — but it has made me far more resilient than others. It’s almost a blessing to me, but calling it a blessing would also not be appropriate… Rather, it’s something I’ve learned to hone and live with. It does grant presence, staying power, and authority, I will say that. It creates honest people, and Saturn adds integrity.

    Pluto grants intolerance of fakeness and anything that isn’t useful. It sounds ruthless and can be for sure, but it keeps superficial people from your life. And with the way society is today, I am glad for it. I don’t have half the problems people have because I don’t keep superficial people in my life, as they do in theirs.

    This conjunction allows those with it in their natal charts to stare into the abyss and come out stronger for it.

    • Thanks, Xavier.

      Pluto, or Hades as he is known in Greek mythology, is the one who tears off the mask people wear when they arrive in his realm. That mask was called ‘persona’.

      Pluto stands for being who you are, not trying to live up to expectancies, neither of others, nor of yourself.
      Having a strong Pluto placement gives the ability to see through the acting as if, the trying to please in the hope of- of others as well of yourself.

      Saturn adds dignity and ‘thou shalt not pass’ .

      It’s a real pleasure to read that someone has grasped that.

      Both have to do with be who you really are, and not pretend whom you assume you are expected to be.

  64. Jamie, would Pluto conjunct Saturn have a similar effect? I am so over Pluto transits opposing my Sun, Merc,Square Libra Moon and now ascendant and conjunct saturn overlapping each other….I feel like the bionic woman we have the power to rebuild you..well I really hope so because, I really dont feel there is much of the old me left any more plus I have a lot of challenges from saturn in my 4th house at the moment, there is so much going on, like so many different battles happening on a variety of fronts, and with everything we are all having to deal with, I really dont know which way to turn some days, other than within for some peace and quiet.

    • Where all in the same boat Debbie.

      Challenges/suffering of varying degrees,

      and my belief ancient/past lives karma.
      With challenges coming up in this life.

      When we go through the suffering,

      and reach forgiveness,love,kindness and compassion,

      the old self banished and the true authentic self to the surface.

      Hard to bare and daunting going through the mud.

      Feels awful,feels dreadful,feels like at times your dying.

      Just like being born.

      Rebirth and rebirthing to the Age of Aquarius.

      Focus on yourself,

      tap into resources within,

      that have helped you in the past.

      Stop resisting and let go.


      • Ps.It’s time to face life head on and let go,what’s been holding you back.

        Fear,anger and any other negative emotions that are harboring inside.

        They are unfounded,
        and to be replaced with matters of the Heart.

        Again,forgiveness,love,kindness and compassion.

        All people have there own inner battles to face.
        No one can help them,but themselves.

        No more running or avoiding life.

        It’s Lights on!

        • Thank you for your encouragement and yes I do agree to an extent and we all have our own cross to bare as well as the current pandemic, and although you dont know me, I can assure you I have been facing this head on and fighting the good fight so to speak for the past nine years since the 7 cardinal crosses began, peaking with where we are now. But not Every one has had such a full on encounter with Pluto towards their natal chart placements, gone through their chiron return and saturn I still have Pluto conjunct Jupiter & IC when he moves into Aquarius, then all the oppositions to my 10th house stellium in Leo iwhich are currently being opposed by Saturn, If what has been re-inforced to me through this, is that we may most definitely find ourselves in the same boat at times, but we are not the same and we all have individual tools, abilities, even perhaps a few gifts at our disposal to work with personally in effect, to help the whole, whatever life we are given to have, we do indeed have all we need within ourselves to live it, but we dont know all about everyone and everything, we are not God, Im just trying to do my best to make the most of the tiny fragment of the puzzle, that is my personal responsibility? So I acknowledge that my personal destiny has felt like it is crushing me at times, and Pluto on natal Saturn at just under 29 Cap, is doing so, so I need to understand it as best I can, to put it to good use in the affirmative, than allow it to beat me in the negative. I really do appreciate your comment, in fact it has helped fire me up a bit to honour my own truth again, so that is a blessing in disguise, but I really would just like to know if Pluto conjunct natal Saturn, works similarly to Saturn conjunct Pluto.

          • I can relate,though i don’t know much about astrology nor where my star sign is positioned.

            Things started going pear shape for me towards the end of 2013.

            So thanks for the heads up re:7 cardinal signs,explains alot.

            Stress from work from high workload and demands,due to the company would get fined if work was not completed on time,hence i was getting leaned on and pressured.

            By mid 2015,i was burnt out and had enough.

            Took a year off,then a month later,i awoke to what felt like was a lightning bolt to the chest.
            Felt like my lungs collapsed,had xrays done,doctors found nothing wrong.
            In fact the xrays were clear,despite being a long term smoker.

            This is where i changed direction and researched on the heart chakra.

            Had another episode 6mnths later with a blocked throat.
            Had xrays done and again found nothing wrong.

            Anyhow,went back work a year later to a less demanding role.
            But nothing much had changed.

            Stuck it out till mid 2018,left and relocated.

            Upon relocation Jan 2019,it took me 8mnths to fully destress.

            Then the neighbor moves in next door and in a short period of time ‘switched’.

            and am now experiencing the same ‘stress’ systems that lead me to being burnt out in 2015.

            So i’m taking this as a message,to better cope and learn to live with stressful situations better in a healthier way.

            But further thinking and recollecting in hindsight,this energy what i attributed to stress,started rising for me in 2008,a few months before a relationship ended.

            I had trouble containing it and self medicated for years,
            despite trying every healthier alternative,nothing worked.

            Fast forward,this energy started rising up more so for me a few weeks ago.

            What i’m experiencing,we have to be careful with our thoughts and not get stuck in rumination.

            We are manifesting thought/s,at a greater pace now.

            Any stress triggers we get,activate and in turn have to learn to contain this energy,better than we have in previous times.

            And process any negative thoughts in a more positive light.

            I now see stress as a trigger that activates,not only to reintegrate,
            but also align and master the rising energy.

        • ETA Evil only wins when good souls do nothing, and it is my belief that how I handle this Pluto conjunct Saturn, while Saturn is opposing my 10th house stellium, can make all the difference as to whether when Pluto opposes that 10th house stellium aids a powerful expression of my 10th house, or I find myself disempowered in my home life. So I am not willing to rest on my laurels at the moment, I need to do, what must be done (Saturn)

          • I don’t know your situation Debbie,but i can definitely relate to what you wrote.

            My situation is,i have been attacked 3 times in the last 3yrs by the neighbor next door.

            Last attack was more traumatic and i have court case coming up in June.

            I understand they have deep trauma and hence react in a anti-social way,in the way they do,

            But today,i made a firm decision and setting the intention that i have to move.

            I’m done trying to co-exist and existing,with the expectation,when is the next attack?

            Hasn’t been an easy decision to sell up and go back to renting,

            But i have to do it for my health and peace of mind sake and my dog too.

            So finding a suitable rental will be the next challenge.

            Fingers crossed,as i’m looking forward to putting this behind me and starting where i left off.

            Best of Luck,with whatever your facing atm.

  65. OK, I remember 1982 – I remember it very well – and I can assure you there was no “thought of impending doom”, at least not in Europe.
    Also, acknowledging AIDS hardly qualifies as a major problem. For most people, it was unpleasant – even scary – news, but they didn’t exactly dwell on it. It led to safer sex practices.

    (I am not trying to be contentious, let alone unpleasant, so I am sorry if I come across that way. It’s not my intention.)

    • Hi H

      We had a conversation over two years ago that touched on this.. among a lot of other stuff is the Saturn-Pluto

      24 Dec 2019
      “Look at the Heliocentric View of the Movie Event “Day After” 20 Nov 1982

      Pluto 27Lib05
      Saturn 26Lib14

      Sun/Moon 28Tau
      Algol 26Tau
      Chiron 25Tau

      Galactic Centre 26Sag
      Neptune 26Sag

      “This is the heaviest heliocentric yod I’ve Ever seen. The Fulcrum Planets: Jupiter, Mercury, Pallas, Uranus, and Venus.”

      • Heliocentric Saturn-Pluto yod, tv movie premiere, Day After, 20 Nov 1982

        Day After was about a nuclear apocalypse. The movie was oddly introduced by a Newshead. At the post analysis, he promptly has a Meltdown. So the movie is memorable for the newspeak, and the plot is a little hazy. But more interesting than any of it is the astrology. Mars in aspect with higher octave Eris. Higher octave Varuna(Saturn) and Quaoar(Jupiter) also aspected to Mars, which leads me to believe the target market was indeed Jupiter-Saturn conjunction demographic. Mars trine Varuna, Mars square Quaoar, what is the message there?

    • Perhaps HIV and AIDS was the first more subtle warning from nature, to change our ways, attitudes and behaviours, nothing to do with the sexual preference of the minority, it did threaten all of us and the continued procreations thus existence of our species, which we perhaps didn’t learn at all or enough from,as individuals or a species, so now we have been issued a second. which did actually briefly stop our man made world in its tracks Hopefully most of us have been and are continuing to learn as much as is humanly possible from this one, individually affecting our minute contribution to the world at large because nature only issues 2 warnings, the 3rd will most likely be the last and final if we each do no our part in both the learning and exercise in good practice or mal-practice methods? Just a thought and a question I have been asking of myself a lot lately.

  66. I am screwed l have this conjunction in my natal chart + Moon Aries opposition Saturn + moon opposition Mercury and now going thru my Sun opposition Saturn…
    I suffer from PTSD ( l was born with asphyxiated with my own umbilical chord and l was nearly dead) the last year my mental health got deteriorated due the anxiety l go thru… sometimes l wonder if the universe wants me to kill myself or what? What’s the reason behind such a crazy natal chart?
    Anyways l am here battling and surviving

    • Hi Miquel. My daughter asks me the same questions. She has Pluto rising opposite Mercury and Saturn. I think you experience sacrifice and suffereing earlier than others because you learn survival skills and coping mechanisms to teacher others in the future.

  67. Memoirs not available, or not widely available, or appear in unusual form.
    Pluto-Saturn conjunction

    1915-16 – Cancer
    Sir Robert Baird Borden
    PM of Canada, 1911-1920

    1947 – Leo
    William Lyon McKenzie King
    PM of Canada, 1921-26, 1926-30, 1935-48

    1982 – Libra
    Brian Mulroney
    PM of Canada, 1984 – 1993

    2020 – Capricorn
    ‘October 16, 2019. The NewAge rectification of this chart could fill a book.’

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