Bahrain Horoscope

Bahrain Flag

Bahrain Flag

Bahrain has been subject to the unrest and protests sweeping the Arab world since the revolution in Tunisia. The demonstrations in the capital Manama started on February 14 2011, and escalated on the 17th with a deadly attack by security forces on unarmed civilians at Pearl Roundabout. The horoscope for Bahrain is for the granting of independence from the UK on August 15, 1971 [1]. I cannot find the time of the signing of the treaty so will use the noon chart.

As our colleague Gabriella Mittelman pointed out to me in another post, Israel Spiritual War, the horoscope for Bahrain has Pluto being heavily aspected. With pluto at 28 Vrigo, it is being opposed by rebellious Uranus, and is square to the transiting Lunar Nodes and the December 2010 Lunar Eclipse.  Pluto in the mundane chart rules political power and dictators. The people are demanding a democracy with fair representation. At the moment, Bahrain has a constitutional monarchy, and 80% of its members are from the royal family.

Bahrain HoroscopeUsing the precession correction value of 33′, Uranus was exactly opposite Pluto on February 16. The massacre at Pearl Roundabout occurred the following day with the Sun square the Bahrain Jupiter, and Mercury opposite her Sun. The Bahrani Sun is on a star in the head of the Lion called Ras Elased Bore, “heartless and cruel”  [2].

2. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.32.