Carl Calleman Horoscope

Carl Calleman Horoscope

Carl Calleman

Carl Calleman is a Swedish scientist who studied toxicology and then went into cancer research. These days he is well known for his research into the Mayan Calendar, and particularly for being dismissive of the popular End Time date of 21 December 2012. Carl’s research has led him to believe that 28 October 2011 is the specific date that the Mayan calendar “ends”. It is important to understand that Carl is not predicting the end of life on earth. What he is suggesting is not that far removed from what a lot of us feel, that we are about to undergo, or have already started undergoing, a gradual but intense transformation toward a higher consciousness, sometimes termed Christ Consciousnesses. Carl has obviously done a lot of work on the Mayan Calendar. I’m not going into the details of the calendar here. If you are interested you can read all about it on his website, MAYACAL. It looks impressive, all his research, but I want to look closer at the man before I get carried away with the predictions. .

Carl Calleman’s Astrology Chart

Carl gives us his birth data in the first line of the biography on his website, “I was born in Stockholm, Sweden at noon May 15, 1950”. As an astrologer, I wish it was always this easy! I’m not doing a full reading here as I want to simply determine if the man is genuine or a charlatan. Saturn was rising just below the horizon when he was born, so he got a reasonable dose or pessimism from the start. Finding his way into prediction of the end times is a fine expression of this aspect. This is an extremely important part of his chart, because Saturn was stationary, stopped in its tracks. So very strong Saturn themes imprinted int he soul, fear, restriction, shy when young.

Carl Calleman HoroscopeWhen older, Saturn turns good, it’s a late bloomer. Now the positive Saturn is being expressed, the wise teacher, the mentor. Serious study on serious topics. He feels a great responsibility to share his knowledge. Saturn is on a star called Coxa, on the back of the Lion. Along with it’s neighbor the fixed star Zosma, it was known by the Sumerians as Kakkab Kua, the constellation of the God Kua, the Oracle. Robson says it gives the ability to prophesy.

Moon trine Ascendant is a good sign, intuitive and well balanced emotionally. Moon on the fixed star Hamal gives patience and “slow success through hard work” according to Robson. Well this fits well with Saturn rising. The hard work paying off later in life. The Sun and Mercury both trine Mars is an indicator of a very sharp intellect. Driven to achieve the goals, enthusiastic debater, keen to get the message across, very effective at self promotion, healthy ego. Carl doesn’t mind cashing in on the hard work either. Jupiter rules wealth and it is on a fortunate star for a scientist. Ebertin says that Deneb Adige in the Swan is “favorable for artistic and scientific pursuits which are carried out with the aim of gain.” Robson mentions “an ingenious nature and a clever intellect that is quick at learning” for this star. So with Jupiter here, ruler of higher education, morality and philosophy, Carl appears to be the real deal.

53 thoughts on “Carl Calleman Horoscope

  1. Great!

    Thanks for this timely post, Calleman’s work is very important so everyone here not familiar should read his books or at least read the articles on his website. He is giving us a very positive message and a framework in which to understand everything that is and will take place.

    This astrology is just another confirmation that he is on the right track, but his work stands on its own merit.

    By the way Calleman – Calendar. Interesting name & who discovered Comet Elenin – none other than Leonard Elenin. When does Elenin come closest to earth? 9/11 ELENIN NINE ELEVEN coming from LEO!!!!

    This is a Divine plan playing out and we are only now becoming conscious of it. We are consciousness becoming aware of itself.

    Exciting times!!!!

  2. I’ve been swotting some of Calleman’s work – very interesting indeed.
    I’d like to draw attention in a similar vein to Nick Anthony Fiorenza’s work -/
    in particular his analysis of the end dates.
    If you scroll down this Holy Cross page you’ll find a section subheaded “So when exactly”, a list of dates and a diagram showing the December solstice sun and when it lies exactly on the Gate of God – which is on December 21 2012.
    Further down is another diagram and he says – In addition to the potentially many unknown factors involved that make reducing this event into hours, minutes and seconds, many years pass while this alignment moves just a fraction of a degree as shown in the table above. Thus our experience of this transition is stretched over many years in Earth time. The precessional rate is currently about 1° / 72 years

    Fiorenza’s timeline diagram here, shows a gradual passage towards the erection of the Holy Cross and out of it starting around 1946 – end of WW2 up to 2054.
    Look at how much has changed since the end of WW2 in every respect. Could we have foreseen having this conversation via the internet even in the 60s?? So a gradual graduation for mankind.
    He adds – “Consider also that this event occurs in a spiraling vortex of evolutionary time, and the translation of this event stretches and expresses through a series of interweaving astronomical cycles–cycles that articulate this precessional moment. Thus, we are not waiting for some calendarical event to occur, we are in this evolutionary portal moment-by-moment–NOW. The choices we make moment-to-moment in our daily lives determine the nature of our passage–whether it is one of tragedy or one of harmony.

    Although it seems we are still, physically not moving, (like when we are sitting in a chair for example), we are actually rapidly moving, rotating around Earth’s pole. A location on the surface of the Earth at the Equator is whipping around the Earth at approximately 1000 miles per hour. This speed is a function of the circumference of the circle, thus changing with Earth’s latitude–one of the reasons time seems to be different depending on latitude at which we live.

    So as the Hopis say – this is the time of untime. The Mayan calendar may run out on one day because they recognised a time of no time and the old cycle is over. Whether there is an event on the exact date is another story. I suspect it depends where you are.
    Going back to the Gate of God – as I understand this it is a point between Scorpio and Sagittarius – 5 degrees?? Is this really in Ophiucus? Where the serpents of immortality are being restrained until Zeus decided its TIME to let us have their gift?

    • Thanks Uberqueen

      Nick Anthony Fiorenza’s writings resonate with such clarity for me.. I remember reading this a bit ago and am going back to read again now…

      Thanks for the reminder!


  3. just a quick comment about calleman,have you forgotten he has algol on mc and sun , seems to be capitalising on all available sources of income before ,times up,or the games up.
    have been in touch with highly investigative authors and astrologers on 2012, they have said his book was promoted by barbara hand clow ,who was his publisher,although he discounts astrology ,in favour of his limited egoistic views.fiorenza has deep info ,astrologically ,as does bruce scofield ,but there is a currently fight going on ,im right,your wrong, between calleman and john major jenkins,regarding their interptation end dates,both totally unaware of astrological insights, it seems their info is coming from a place of self agrandisement.

    • Thanks for pointing that out Anna, Sun and Mercury conjunct Capulus, very close to Algol. And close to MC, although I get that as Alcyone. I have just looked at his transit and am impressed. I don’t think he will look a fool in November. Here are some of his transits:

      Pluto sextile Jupiter
      Saturn sextile Part of Fortune
      Jupiter sextile Jupiter

  4. correction ,meant to say ,algol on sun and 9th house cusp.
    also what is actuallg happening, up to the end of pluto in capricorn ,is the dissolution, of time- saturn,and space -material world,to access outside time and space ,in other dimensions ,of uncinditional love, that those of us who have had NDE have experienced ,where there is no ego ,all are cinected,as one, while still appreciating the individual perspective.

  5. pluto cap, what has been corrupt strategic politial imorality ,is becoming self government, of the soul and inner consience,pluto, death-regeneration-rebirth, to higher values.

  6. inner reflects the outer and vice versa,we are becoming co creators.
    please scuse dyslexia.

  7. cap pluto,-negative paternalistic religeons and negative controling male situations are being recalibrated, raising their ugly head from, the riotous ,sacral sexual and solar plexis ego chakra, to the heart chakra.fighting tooth and nail,to keep hold of the staus quo,through synicism,in fear of facing our shadows vulnerability , to accept real power, of all encompassing love/ empathy,replacing judgement and punishment.

  8. last one ,then ill shut up,
    please see anita moorjani nde interview ,lillou mace.
    she nad terminal cancer was in a coma body and organs shut down ,docs said there was no hope she was dying,she did and came back
    numerous tumours the size of lemons dissapeared rapidly,no sign of cancer.
    dark or light,where we put our
    conscoiusnessis what we manifest.
    love heals all

  9. am just getting around to calleman. thanks for other links! found this today after getting some fear porn on forward, it’s also elenin related in a positive way.
    and apropos of hoagland’s comments in that link, just added vesta to my natal chart and find her conjunct my n node at 6 scorpio (within 25 minutes), both conjunct saturn 2 degrees ahead at 4. on antares. i guess that will answer some questions once i get around to figuring it out!???

    • I find Hoagland confusing. When I first watched him on his 19.5 stuff a few years ago he was on record saying there was no conspiracy or shadow gvt.
      rgds comets – they do seem to bring evolutionary templates – e.g look what Venus brought! But at a price. ( floods etc) Anything which interacts with our magnetosphere will have an effect somehow.
      re Sept 11 – its not such an important date if you live in China or Africa or probably INdia. I think he over estimates the event – but then he is an American and it was the equivalent to being invaded.
      He keeps going on about how the world changed – well if you lived inLondon and lived through te years of IRA terrorism, you are used to having your bag searched.
      As for affecting the whole world everytime we travel – well yes, no nail files on board. Is this what was intended?
      Anyway, I wait with baited breath for Sept 11… The tragedy of Hoagland is that he is creating a picture out of MATHS. And this is very dangerous indeed!
      I am not a number!!!

      • uberqueen- yes, it’s part of the problem with americans, brits and french, too, their culturo-centric viewpoints. and yes, none of us is a number, but we are each embodied (embedded?) in some permutation of an equation… 😀 serendipitous- last night on nova they aired a special on fractals- hunting the hidden dimension. nova should be available worldwide- it was a good program!

        • Where is Nova broadcast Gina? I’m sure I’ve seen it on my travels.
          I listened to the Hoagland Red Ice interview about Elenin and the coincidences he makes to link it politically to Sept 11 are mad! its funny how he kept extrapolating and then saying – if you divide/multiply by four then you get… ANd I’m thinking – why four? Why multiply anything except to arrive where you want to by that factor!!!
          One of my science heroes Donald Scott pointed out that the “mathematicisation” of the universe is creating a very false picture.
          Anyway… I guess everyone is clamouring to get the big scoop on his story! And it beng largely analysed by men, there’s a bit of the messiah complex out of control!
          No offence to the chaps but…

          • LOL! doesn’t matter whether you mean offense or not, they’ll take it! whoa, that mars conj moon today in gemini, nasty pluto opp and saturn uranus squares! qaddafi’s last stand? lovely sun venus conj trine jup and pluto. i’m finding it amusing on fb. 😀 nova on pbs in the usa. i’m not sure what satellite networks air it, but they do, i’ve seen it outside usa, too.

  10. gina,thanks for hogland stuff,it does make me laugh though, when every one talks about ,”the real world,” its only a state of consciousness.a dream can seem very real .when i snuffed it at 3 yrs old,sent back,have always seen prana ,which looks very specific ,was told info inwardly ,which i wont bore you with here,but prana ,is dodecahedron/ether/consciousness, fed through the crown chakra ,for those not eating food,living on light,”life from light”, dr micheal werner ,head of cancer institutes book.the tetrahedron hoagland mentions ,is trinal energy that increases and dispels duality/polarity ,of difficult aspects,as one gets nearer source .we should not be scare mongering ,but the opposite.there is so much more and more possibilities,than meets the eye/I.the dark cant exist in the light.

    • A lot of people have to go into the total dark first before they get what the light is.

      Calleman has not only the Sun on Algol but a little stellium to back it up.
      Other heavyweight dogmatic Taureans include Freud and Marx. They love a dogma and are notable for inflexibility.

    • anna- never snuffed it myself but remember clearly being out of body when i had my tonsils out when i was six. an experience like that changes the foundation on which we grow. thanks for the docahedron bit on prana- when i was teaching myself to draw i was once compelled to overlay the whole thing with docahedrons, but never made the prana connection. right in front of our faces yet we don’t see! tsk. (have you happened to get into mandelbrot-fractals in nature?) i am a senior (as opposed to graduate!) sungazer, i have left most acceptedly human needs behind (early menopause helped! ;D). the docahedron connection should help me get past a lot more. namaste!

      • hi gina ,yup the mandelbrot fractals are infinite, there is no beginning or end to a cicle, just another point of reference to start from.
        ther are quite a lot of members of the snuff it club,it sould be more widely understood, to see outside the box, of cube earth,beyond the physical.

  11. hmmmmmmmm ,for some reason my comments go missing.
    as i just wrote, agree we have to see the shadow first,or else we are vampires.
    callemans dogma and inflexibility is reinforced, by mars virgo first ,trine algol,etc,he has the counter nance of chewing a wasp,his aura just doesnt look right.

  12. In Carl’s horoscope, comet Elenin is conjunct Mars, his passion. Close conjunction too, just 7 arc minutes.

    What is this degree of Elinin that you speak of Jamie?
    His Mars is at 22 Virgo and I’m not familiar with placing Elenin in ones horoscope or where Elenin’s sign/degrees originated from.


    • Hi Claudia. I have a Comet Elenin Ephemeris. At the top you will find a link to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory where you can change the setting to when you were born to find the position of comet Elenin in your chart.

      For example, this is what I got for myself, 21 Sep 1968,

      1968-Sep-22 00:00 Cnc 136.8123263 0.2150483
      16 Leo 49

      • This is all I got. But what does it MEAN???

        1966-Jan-22 00:00 Cnc 136.2210351 0.2263572


        • 136 = 16 Leo

          It didn’t change positin much for years as it was coming straight in at us.

          • i’m trying to picture it in my head- first i picture that it would mean everyone would have an elenin return this year, every year, like the sun, since its relative position to the sun stays pretty much the same on that long tight parabolic ‘orbit’… but i’m keeping thinking… even if so, it would aspect other transiting bodies differently, thus… and as it get closer its influence is greater, unlike other regularly transiting celestial bodies. hmm.

  13. This is the first space where those i’ve been tracking for several years have converged. More evidence for evolution of consciousness? I don’t know about Calleman’s pursuit of wealth, but I do know I have yet to pore over every article and document he’s posted on his website:

    I discovered Calleman through Barbara Hand Clow’s book, The Mayan Code ( Which drew me back toward an earlier work, Liquid Light of Sex (, the information that broke open Chiron’s bridging role and unpacking of the “midlife crisis” ’round the Chiron return. Clow’s monthly new-moon forcasts get re-posted here: I find this catalog easier to access than her website.
    Some ride we’re on! . . .appreciating the community here, thanks Jaimie @ Marina.

    • dont know about liqid life of sex,
      all i know is,from ,the big bang,literally,we have been geatating for 13.7 billion years in the metaphysical body,to be born into another dimension,there are billions of subbattomics/attom/cells/people/dimensions/universes/multiverses/states of consciousness.
      who are we inside,queen, or homeless person,sometimes the same thing.
      having seen prana since i snffed it at 3,prana looks like, spermatazoa in a petri dish,was told inwardly ,
      that,every thought is a fertile intention,and the egg,is the sea of consciousness ,it swims in.
      where do we put our attention,what concepts do we hold.
      the spermal spiral of sacred geometory,golden section,makes beautul music indefinitely.
      we are now increasing our vault- age ,without blowing the cicuits.(kundalini has been recorded rising,see hazel courtneys video.) the electromagnetic systems of consciousness,choose what colour, sound,rates of motion,frequency ,vbration,we attend to ,they are interchangeable.
      the formula for a rose ,smells like the real thing.
      outside time and space(our local dialect) all ,sight,sound,scent,taste, touch,and beyond,pales into insignificance,to the miriad possibilities available ,in other parts of the metaphorical body,to beyond this dimensions limited spectrum.
      108, and gold important ,healing heart strings are constantly plucked,gold never tarnishes,doesnt chrystalize during an ecclipse ,as all is in alignment.
      science sugests the dodecahedron is the shape of our univers,ie prana/ether/consgiousness.
      360% /egg/void/0/All, is teeming with electrifying life force .
      there is no void/death, all is recycled energy.
      at so called death,funneled from the event horizon to singularity,we go down a tunnel,blackhole,wormhole, to the ,light/egg/all.dump and ejaculate our load of that incarnations experiance ,to impregnate another” Reality”
      it is never ending.we are realy an orgasmic androgenous sintilating ,intricate sea of consciousness ,that cross fertilizes itself endlessly.
      the experimenter affects the experiment.sparks of the life force ,sparkles , after having been obseverd sink bacrk into the w(a)onderos sea.

      • before birth, we try odifferent outfits and go in and out of the screen of life ,which reflects the,programme/blueprint/channell,the meridains of the body,map of the heavens ,ie pathway of stars,electrical synaptic brain neuro tramsmitters .
        new path ways can always be reconected, even after brain malfunction,all can be healed ,everything is spectacular.

    • Yay Cathy! Roller coaster ride isnt it?
      I havent had a chance to catch up with these comments and I also want to look at Callemans chart Dark Goddess style since Elenin is such a wild lady of a comet.
      I just wanted to say about ” the same ride we” are on comment. I keep finding links between so many people I’m into. Yes Barbara Hand Clow is referenced by Christaine Northrup who wrote a fantastic womens wisdom health book which I am reading now about the Menopause (Yes I’m turning into an old crone early…), who also talks about Bruce Lipton, who as also been interviewed on Red Ice radio where I first heard about Calleman…and it goes on.
      I need to check out Calleman’s Algol Sun what the orb is with precession. Juicy if so.

      • hi marina- me too, early menopause, from age 44-45, september 2001 last regular period, ovaries dumped the following january. very tough time leading up to it– greatly increased my empathy– very troublesome–had to move from the big city– i found it best to be behind a mountain, shielded by rock from people. if you’d like to make comparisons my dob is 23 sep 1956, 2.15 pm ft worth texas. let me know if you figure anything out. 😀

  14. we are all pro-creators and co- creaters ,if we choose to see another reality.

  15. the gestation and what happens in the mothers 9 months/13.7 billion yrs,is tranposed to the coming life of that embryo.
    the life/death force ,depicted through the pluto in scorpio generation,that thinks its invincible ,can shift cancerous thinking ,into possitive cell structure ,beyond death,to a new positive life force eventually.
    what cell are you in the metaphysical body, brain,bowel,blood,heart?
    the dimunition of demoted pluto and dwarf planets ,are at the edge of consciousness ,and are reminding us of their potency.
    the recent supernova explosion,shows the expasion ,and then cotraction ,of the essence of its life force,as it punches a hole in spacetime, through a black hole pathway,to another dimentional consciousness.

  16. Hmm. I am skeptic to Calleman’s development. I used to think of him as a grounded soul, good reasoning and thorough research-kinda guy (Saturn-in Virgo, objective south-node in Libra; Taurus Sun)..

    But he is a special kinda Taurus; being in the 9th house and squaring Pluto in the 12th. Makes me think if he lost himself in the emotions of the 2012-hype..His last blogposts shows signs of this. Besides this makes him very rigid and possibly self-righteous. My bullshit alarms always turns out red when the ability to decipher codes slides over into apophenia.

    • Hi Sol, I’ve read Carl’s last post dated August 16 2011, The Fifth night of the Ninth wave

      “Typically, the Fifth night means a ¨dark age¨ with some kind of destruction and without exception it has meant a sharp economic decline…My own view is that the economic crisis will only deepen as we go throughout the fifth night into the Sixth day and take large proportions onwards until the end of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011.”

      Given what is happening on the stock markets at the moment I would not call that apophenia.

  17. Well, maybe calling it apophenia is a bit harsh, but I reacted to the gloominess of the post and think that he goes too far in his assessment. He sort of sees the whole system collapsing before 28 oct… We have an economical crises that is very pronounced and it hasn’t changed so much since the credit crunch of 2008; so in this sense I think that he reads into the Maya calendar something that isn’t there more now than it was before..The stockmarked is more or less bipolar these days, due to many factors, so we can’t always look to the stock exchange marked to get a sense of reality….IMO If there is gonna be a real economical collapse it will either come when Saturn enters Scorpio (ruling debts) or when there is a conjunction of Saturn to Pluto in 2019-20, which coincidentally (uh?) falls heavily on FED’s chart..That’ll be fun…

    • Ahha..what about Uranus square Pluto? Last time was the great depression. I agree in sorts about reading the stock market signals, but there are other signs, especially from Europe and the US that the actual economic system is failing.

      • Agreed that URanus-Pluto will bring a revolution, however, I do not think it will be a collapse, but a thorough readjustment..

  18. I hope that the destruction that he mentions; and that I tend to see as a Pluto in Cap-thing (cap ruling systems), will be a clean-up of the current condition of the markets which paves the way for too many possibilities for speculation, currency speculation and hedge funds etc. The stock-exchange market has lost so much credibility due to these possibilities.

    • Well you’re astrological apophenia relies more on houses and signs than my aspects and stars, but I think we’re seeing the same future. Thanks for the chat and keep up the good work on your blog, looks good.

        • I believe as a scientist, Carl might say we are apophenic. You and I use different techniques but we both believe we see something real when we join our dots.

          • Ah, hehe, got it…Well, I tend to look at my own astrological practice as empirical…Some might call it apophenic indeed…(and they do)

  19. On October 28th, 2011, Comet Elenin will be at 6 Degrees 16 Minutes Cancer in my 10th House and forms a T-Square with my Pluto conjunct Ascendant in Libra opposite my Sun and Venus Conjunction in my 7th House Aries.

    It also makes an exact Inconjunct to my Jupiter in Aquarius and a close Inconjunct(1 degree orb) to my Neptune in Sagittarius. In other words a Yod.

    All of these alignments take place when the Mayan Calendar ends on October 28th.

  20. ~ Hi Jamie ~ thanks for posting this as I had just been to to look at Jose Arguelles’s chart and was disappointed they did not list Calleman’s also. I was curious and doing some comparison charts ~ both Arguellis born in 1939 and Calleman born in 1950 have jupiter at 5 and 4 degrees pisces where my own mars is at and where neptune is currently hanging out for a while ~ also one had mars 27 virgo and the other 22 virgo ~ ison discovery chart has the sun at 28 virgo ~ it’s been a crazy day today with the sun on my neptune making it all flow 🙂 ~ i have been following both your and marina’s posts on ison and the uranus pluto square ~ i have had a peculiar feeling about ison since discovery and feel it is tied into blue star kachina hopi phophecy ~ i have been channeling obscure messages since 2009 ~ i only just discovered astrology in 2010 and had you and marina do my chart in 2011, also marina has done 3 solar returns since ~ …some how we are all linked beyond the seeding of the 60’s ~ i had ordered some forecasts as you were being challenged in 2012 that you were unabLe to fill so i sent you loVe anD liGht for recoVery ~ should you like to talk you can find me in the sky annmarie662 ~ loVe aNd liGht ~ gratituDe and respeCt ~ aS the serpeNt sheDs it’s skiN we reneW ourseLves ~ ceLLs ~ withiN ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ :

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