Mitt Romney Horoscope

Mitt Romney HoroscopeIt is obvious now that Mitt Romney will be contesting the November 6 2012 US presidential election representing the conservative Republican Party. He will face off against president Barack Obama for this six month hyperactive hooting and hollering flag waving spectacle. In this post I will look at Mitt Romney’s natal horoscope for any presidential potential, then look at his transits for election day. Two other techniques used in predictive astrology will then be examined, the solar return chart and progressed chart. Finally I will stick my neck out and make a prediction based on all the jargon, as all good astrologers are supposed to do to earn their keep.

Mitt Romney Horoscope

Mercury is the spin doctor and is supposed to rule politicians. Romney has Mercury retrograde between Sun and Mars so he has a few tricks up his sleeve and should be very astute with good debating skills. His Mercury is conjunct a star called Achernar which gives “success in public office”. Moon conjunct Jupiter should make him come across as genuine and add to his public appeal, especially with women.

What I find really astounding in his chart is that Venus and the Part of Fortune are conjunct the Midheaven. This suggests a very fortunate career and a charming appeal with the public and the ladies. This area between 6 and 8 degrees Aquarius includes stars in the constellation of Capricorn, which is known as the Mansion of Kings. This fortunate Midheaven, ruling the career, is trine the North Node which is where he is heading. It does appear he was always destined for big things. I have highlighted the grand trine formed with Neptune in his chart below.

2012 Election Day Transits

Mitt Romney HoroscopeThe preceding solar eclipse in May at 00°21′ Gemini is bang on Mitt’s Ascendant, which represents his soul’s purpose and how he projects himself. This is a good omen putting him in the spotlight for the majority of the campaign. It will give him a great energy boost and extreme self confidence which will be noticeable to everyone. He has natal Ascendant sextile Saturn which explains him representing the conservative side of politics. With the solar eclipse then sextile his Saturn, he will come across as safe and secure, authoritative and with leadership qualities as a father figure.

However the June 2012 lunar eclipse at 14°14′ Sagittarius is square his Mercury, and on election day, Jupiter at 14°36′ Gemini is also square his Mercury. This suggests he really will be pushed to the limit to express himself and get his message across. Squares do make things happen and because of the fortunate star on his Mercury it should bring out his best, especially as the rising Sun at the White House on election day at 14°28′ Scorpio is trine his Mercury.

The next most important thing to look at in transits is Pluto at it represents long term and very significant changes. Transiting Pluto on election day at 07°34′ Capricorn in sextile his Mars which will give a staggering increase in energy and magnetic appeal. This transit will be in effect for the entire presidential campaign and also means he will be forceful and determined, but not in a way which is off putting to others. The October 29 full moon at 06°48′ Taurus is also sextile his Mars.

Saturn at 03°48′ Scorpio is square his natal Saturn which indicates a severe test and turning point in his life. It is generally seen as a very challenging transit but we do need things like this to make us take responsibility, to stand up and be counted.

Just after the election, the November 13 solar eclipse at 21°57′ Scorpio is trine his Sun suggesting good fortune with his goals. The November 28 lunar eclipse at 06°47′ Gemini on his North Node activates that fortune grand trine in his natal chart mentioned earlier.

Mitt Romney 2012 Solar Return

The return chart for his birthday is relocated and precession corrected. He was on the road in Alabama on his birthday so we cannot be sure exactly where he was at the moment of his precessed birthday, when the Sun returned to the exact same position against the backdrop of the stars. For this reason I will not look at houses or house cusps. I have highlighted the major aspect pattern, the grand trine between Mars, Jupiter and Pluto. This points to a tremendous drive and determination leading to large scale success.

Mitt Romney Astrology Chart

Mitt Romney Secondary Progression

Mitt Romney Astrology 2012In the progressed chart set for election day, Moon conjunct Midheaven means a high and favorable public profile with the ability to come across as emphatic to the needs of the public and especially women. In tune and intuitive about the public mood. Both progressed Moon and Midheaven are on the brightest star in the constellation Cepheus, The King. The culminating Moon forming a trine to Pluto suggests this  popularity in the public eye will lead to great power and influence.  The progressed Ascendant at 28°02′ Cancer is trine his popular natal Moon Jupiter conjunction, another good omen for positive self projection and good fortune.

2012 Election Prediction

The betting odds at SkyBet as of today, May 8 2012 have Barack Obama paying $1.33 and Mitt Romney paying $3.20 for the win ( Common sense says that Mitt Romney will lose the election, and this is what the vast majority of astrologers are predicting. Barack Obama has some good transits too, and I will post about that later. However I must say that most of what I have looked at in the charts for Mitt Romney suggests that he will win the 2012 presidential election.