Mundane Astrology / Nations

Libya is currently under going a civil war and revolution, with the leader, Muammar al-Gaddafi sending the armed forces out against his people. I have...

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Libya Horoscope

There are a few options for the mundane horoscope of Palestine. This is a difficult one because the Palestinian state is still more of a plan or ideal...

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Palestine Horoscope

Canadians celebrate their national day on July 1 each year to mark the enactment of the British North America Act in 1867. This used to be called Domi...

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Canada Horoscope

Which USA Horoscope to use has often been a hotly debated topic on astrology forums, and seen a few guys banned around the place. There are many date...

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USA Horoscope

On March 11 2011 a 8.9 earthquake and tsunami struck Sendai, Japan causing the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl. We look now at the astrology and...

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Japan Horoscope

Bahrain has been subject to the unrest and protests sweeping the Arab world since the revolution in Tunisia. The demonstrations in the capital Manam...

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Bahrain Horoscope