Libya Horoscope

Libya Horoscope

Libya Flag

Libya is currently under going a civil war and revolution, with the leader, Muammar al-Gaddafi sending the armed forces out against his people. I have looked at the Gaddafi horoscope and things don’t look good, he should fall. Now to the nations horoscope. Libyan independence was formally declared at a ceremony in Manar Palace, Benghazi on 24 December 1951 *. I could not find the time of the signing so the horoscope is set for noon.

Jupiter in the mundane horoscope represent the prosperity of the nation, and this year Pluto is square the Libyan Jupiter, tests and challenged, major upheaval and transformations. Pluto is destruction, and if the oil wells are sabotaged as Gaddafi has ordered, that will certainly ruin the prosperity of the nation. Jupiter also rules religion and the clergy, and we have seen that the religious leaders distance themselves from Gadaffi.

The Sun in the mundane horoscope represents the leader, Gaddafi. Uranus is square the Libya Sun this year. Uranus rules revolution and change, so the square presents tests and challenges to Gaddafi from the civil unrest. This transit is just starting now, and will continue through 2011. The revolution from the Uranus transit intensified for Gaddafi because the January solar eclipse was directly opposite the Libyan Uranus.

Libya Horoscope

You can see in the chart the Saturn is square Uranus, so the nations does already face a struggle of freedom versus control. Transiting Saturn is now square the Libyan Uranus, exact in early April. On top of all this, Libya is experiencing it’s Saturn return, exact in March.

Jupiter as I mentioned rules prosperity, but also the hopes and wishes for the future. Libya had it’s Jupiter return on February 21, the starting date of the full-scale revolt. It is difficult to see Gaddafi holding on much longer with transiting Jupiter opposite the Libyan Saturn, and square her Uranus in March.

* Libya: the struggle for survival, Geoffrey Leslie Simons, 1993, p.154.