Musca Borealis Constellation Stars
2000 | 2050 | Star | Name | Sp. Class | Mag. | Orb |
16♉08 | 16♉51 | 33 | Barani I | A3 | 5.30 | 1°00′ |
16♉56 | 17♉38 | 35 | Barani II | B3 | 4.65 | 1°00′ |
18♉12 | 18♉55 | 41 | Bharani | B8 | 3.60 | 1°40′ |
18♉22 | 19♉05 | 39 | Lilii Borea | K1 | 4.50 | 1°10′ |
Musca Borealis Astrology
MUSCA BOREALIS. The Northern Fly.
History. Added by Bartschius, 1624.
Influence. It gives a practical, pleasure-loving, changeable and industrious nature, together with sarcasm and spitefulness. There is a good deal of vitality and favorable financial prospects. [1]
Musca Borealis, the Northern Fly, the small group of 3½‑to 5th‑magnitude stars over the back of the Ram.
Houzeau attributed its formation to Habrecht, but others to Bartschius, who called it Vespa, the Wasp, although also Apis, the Bee; and, still further changing the figure, wrote that it represented Beel-zebul, the god of flies, the Phoenician Baal-zebub; this insect being the ideograph of that heathen divinity, varied at times by the Scarabaeus. La Lande’s Apes probably is a typographical error. To whom we owe its present title I cannot learn; but it is thus given in the Flamsteed Atlas of 1781.
The constellation has been retained in some popular astronomical works, although not figured by the scientific Argelander, Heis, nor Klein, nor recognized in the British Association Catalogue.
Ptolemy included its stars in the five ἀμόρφωτοι of his Κριός, the Ram.
Its chief components, Fl. 41, 33, 35, and 39 of Aries, were common to the 28th nakshatra, Barani, Bearer, or Apha Barani, — Yama, the ruler of the spirit world, being the presiding divinity; Fl. 35 being the junction star towards the nakshatra Krittikā. They also formed the sieu Oei or Wei, anciently Vij; and the manzil Buṭain. But as these Chinese and Arabic titles, signifying Belly, i.e. of the Ram, do not coincide with the present location of the stars, we may infer a change from the earlier drawings of Aries. Al Tizini’s Nā᾽ir al Buṭain, the Bright One of the Little Belly, probably was 41, a 3.6‑magnitude. These same stars, μ being added, were the Persian lunar station Pish Parvis, the Sogdian Barv, the Khorasmian Farrankhand, the Forerunners, and the Coptic Koleōn, the Belly, or Scabbard. Flamsteed’s 41, 35, and 39 formed another of the Arabs’ Athāfiyy.
Instead of the Fly, Royer figured here, in 1679, the Lily, le Lis or la Fleur de Lis, with the French coat of arms, but this has entirely passed out of the books and maps. [2]
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.52.
- Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard H. Allen, 1889, p.292.