Sun sextile Mars natal gives a playful and youthful appearance. You are strong and fit so exercise and competitive sport should appeal to you. You wor...
Read MoreMars opposite Neptune natal creates an internal struggle against insecurities and other worries. You may initially make up for low self-confidence by ...
Read MoreMars Opposite Neptune Natal and Transit
Zosma at 11°19′ Virgo has an orb of 2°00′ The Sun joins Zosma on September 4 Fixed star Zosma, Delta Leonis, is single star on the back of the L...
Read MoreFixed Star Zosma
Venus trine Jupiter natal is one of the best planetary aspects. Without harsh aspects affecting this trine, you can expect a life of ease and comfort ...
Read MoreVenus Trine Jupiter Natal and Transit
The solar eclipse on September 13, 2015 at 20°10′ Virgo falls just within Virgo decan 3. The solar eclipse astrology does bring some pain and c...
Read MoreSolar Eclipse September 2015 Healing Broken Hearts
Mars square Neptune natal brings bravery and glamour but also confusion, intrigue and scandal. You must express your strong desires by fighting for so...
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