Full Moon October 2015 Dreams Come True

Full Moon October 2015 AstrologyThe Full Moon on Tuesday October 27, 2015 is at 3 degrees Taurus, in Taurus decan 1. The full moon astrology is enhanced by Neptune, adding emotional sensitivity to relationships and spiritual protection. The purity and high ideals of the full moon can be put to good use on the striking feature currently in the sky. A triple conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter promises happiness and success in love and other passionate desires.

Full Moon Meaning

Like all full moons, the major planetary aspect is Sun opposite Moon. Along with the conjunction, this is the most important of all aspects in astrology. A full moon focuses our attention on relationships of all kind. A full moon itself has a relationship to the previous new moon. Projects you started during the previous moon phase two weeks ago can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is harvest time.

As the lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon, you can take an objective and balanced look at your personal relationships. Being in touch with your own needs and intentions, and those of others, you can clearly see any relationships imbalances causing disharmony.  The influence of a full moon last for two weeks up to the next new moon, in this case the new moon on Wednesday 11 November 2015.

Full Moon October 2015 Astrology

The theme of the October 12 new moon was excited anticipation of coming success and happiness. A well placed Neptune in the October 2015 full moon astrology chart represents fulfillment of our dreams over the past two weeks. A triple conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter continues the focus on flourishing love relationships. This sexy conjunction trine Pluto surely suggests that big time success can be achieved in the coming two weeks of this moon phase.

The full moon is within orb two stars in the Horns of the Ram, constellation Aries. At 04°11′ Taurus, Sheratan has a very aggressive and confrontation influence. Fortunately, the closer star at 03°24′ Taurus is the fixed star Mesarthim. This star hows up more of the protective-administrative quality, less of the impulsive aggressive of Sheratan.

For us, this means that although our emotional desires and needs will be very strong, and we will pursue then with vigor,  we will have a level of self-control over these primal instincts, being more considerate of the feelings of others.

The full moon sextile Neptune will further soften our direct approach to having our desires fulfilled. This aspect is known for making people very compassionate and sensitive. It adds empathy and spiritual bonding to relationships, making us feel silky smooth and alluring. There is a feel of purity and innocence about this full moon.

All spiritual pursuits are favored because we are more in touch with other dimensions. This aspect promotes strong and accurate intuition, psychic abilities and lucid, or vivid dreaming. Imagination will also promote any creative endeavors like music, art, poetry or drama.

Of course we also have Sun trine Neptune to balance out the polarity and bring harmony to relationships. This has a similar effect to the above, but also brings a quite confidence in achieving our goals. This full moon offers spiritual protection, and gives us the chance to make our dreams come true.

If we view the Sun and Moon as two sides of our brain, then Neptune hopes, dreams and spirituality bring them together to help us achieve our goals. Seeing the Sun and Moon as a Man and Woman, shared hopes and dreams together with a spiritual connection make for a harmonious and enlightening relationship.

Full Moon October 2015 Astrology

Mercury opposite Uranus presents a small challenge in the October 2015 full moon astrology chart shown above. This aspect does not bode well for critical thinking and there may be some surprising or upsetting news to deal with. Thankfully, the full moon sextile Neptune favors going with our intuition anyway. If anything, keeping an open mind will lead to more discoveries in the spiritual world. Ingenuity and inventiveness can be applied to all creative projects.

Of much stronger influence is the triple conjunction, which includes Venus conjunct Mars, Venus conjunct Jupiter and Mars conjunct Jupiter. This is an omen of happiness and success in achieving our hearts desires. It brings good luck in love, money, in fact anything we care about. This is an ideal alignment for the birth of something truly wonderful.

Venus Mars Jupiter Alignment October 2015

Venus Mars Jupiter Alignment October 2015 [astronomynow.com]

You will notice that Mars is on the September 2015 solar eclipse degree, this activating the theme of that eclipse: the Healing of broken hearts. The effects of the solar eclipse will last until March 2016.

Venus trine Pluto, Mars trine Pluto and Jupiter trine Pluto give a tremendous increase in passion and desire. We will be driven to succeed and get exactly what we want. Being soundly based on good intentions, this configuration increases good fortune and the odds of our dreams becoming reality. It is possible to find true love which will be seen as a major life changing event. Whatever we make of our dreams, of love, or of success, it will have a deep and lasting impact.

Saturn square Neptune on the horizon represents our fears that this is all too good to be true, that we don’t deserve such good fortune and success. This is the major aspect into next year and occurs three times because of Saturn retrograde. The first exact square is not until November 26, 2015, well past this moon phase.

The high ideals and spiritual strength given to us by the October 2015 full moon should be harnessed. Such good vibrations can be used to weaken the influence of the negative energies gathering in the shadows. Soak up the good energies on offer, the love and honesty and charity and more we cannot see but feel.

Previous Moon Phase: New Moon October 2015
Next Moon Phase: New Moon November 2015

Full Moon October 2015 Times and Dates

Los Angeles
New York
October 27 – 5:05 am
October 27 – 8:05 am
October 27 – 12:05 pm
October 27 – 5:35 pm
October 27 – 10:05 pm