Saturn Square Neptune Natal and Transit

Saturn Square Neptune 2015

Saturn square Neptune maximum orb 3°30′.

Saturn square Neptune natal creates tests and challenges in achieving your hopes and dreams. These tests and challenges can be psychological in the form of guilt, fears, and anxieties. You may also face delays and restrictions from other people or events.

This is a karmic aspect, so you may experience some hardships to raise your consciousness and liberate yourself from negative karma. Time, self-discipline, patience, and persistence will help you overcome any fears and lead to achieving your hopes and dreams. Neptune governs creative and artistic pursuits such as music, dance, and film. I was surprised to find so much creative talent among celebrities with this aspect very tight in their charts. There is real potential in drawing on some life lessons to help creative self-expression.

Fear, paranoia, and addictions are some things to avoid with this aspect. You may have to deal with more disappointment or tragedy than most others. These dark experiences will give you all the life experience and determination you need. Seeking further adventure in the dark through drugs or other forms of self-abuse is unnecessary. You will be more vulnerable than most to getting stuck in the darkness and unable to crawl out. There is no point in beating yourself up about things that happened long ago. Once you forgive yourself, then others will too.

Saturn Square Neptune Transit

Saturn square Neptune transit can bring sadness and disappointment as harsh reality shatters your dreams. The cold hard truth makes you realize you were deceiving yourself or being deceived by others.

Disappointments or setbacks are more likely to extend or deepen periods of grief or depression that we all experience from hardships. Even without hardship being placed upon you, it is likely that psychological fears or paranoia may overwhelm you leading to uncertainty. Either way, you may question whether you can achieve those things you have hoped and dreamed of.

You should avoid some things now so you don’t increase the odds of worry and disappointment. Drugs would certainly escalate any psychological problems right now. You should also avoid conspiracy theories, cults, or schemes that seem too good to be true.

This challenging transit aims to liberate yourself from fear, guilt, and worry. Patience, focusing on the basics, and expressing yourself creatively through dance or music will all help to raise your consciousness. You should take a more practical and defensive approach to life and not expect significant advances now.

The source of your worry may be guilt. It may be difficult to pinpoint why you feel shame, as it could be related to past life experiences. You may experience strange health symptoms that are difficult to diagnose. It is not paranoia if it turns out to be accurate, so this is a good time for a check-up. This will also help a good deal in eliminating worry and fears that can eat away your self-confidence during this transit.

Saturn Square Neptune Celebrities

Ian Shaw 0°03′, Jordan Peterson 0°06′, Ally Sheedy 0°07′, Joan Sutherland 0°07′, Michael Jordan 0°08′, Edwin Hubble 0°09′, Miles Davis 0°10′, Robert Creeley 0°10′, Maggie Bell 0°14′, Paula Abdul 0°16′, Jawaharlal Nehru 0°20′, Venus Williams 0°22′, Patricia Neal 0°23′, Ronaldinho 0°25′, Deborah Houlding 0°28′, Sir Robert Helpmann 0°37′, H.P. Lovecraft 0°42′, Queen Victoria 0°45′, Marilyn Monroe 0°47′, Mark Twain 0°48′, Azaria Chamberlain 0°48′, Allen Ginsberg 0°56′, Walt Whitman 1°26′, Joe Exotic 1°49′.

Saturn Square Neptune Dates

26 November 2015
17 June 2016
10 September 2016

16 September 2033
13 January 2034
25 June 2034

1 April 2052
6 July 2052
13 January 2053

178 thoughts on “Saturn Square Neptune Natal and Transit

  1. Val Ross- Hi Jamie, I’m going through my 2nd Saturn Return and seem to be affected by the Saturn/Neptune Square more than I expected so I wondered how long this square will last for? I’m very grateful for all the good in my life but having a complete nightmare regarding employment and financial security. Can you see this changing for me soon? I went for my dream job recently but wasn’t successful. Born on 5/8/1957 at 1.10pm in Inverness Scotland.
    Thank you ????

  2. Hi Jamie, I just wanted to give you a little FYI regarding my September 10th Saturn/Neptune transit. My birth date is March 4, 1975. I went for a long bike ride even though the weather was terrible. I was certainly deluding myself about it being a good bike riding day. I got bored at an event I was required to go to and left early. I got a little more tipsy than I should have mid-afternoon, took a nap, and ended up having insomnia the day after the transit. I also dwelt on someone who used to be in my life but no longer is for much of the day. This kind of stuff seems par for the course for this transit. Hope this helps. Paul

  3. It feels like this transit won’t ever end. They are squaring each other from my IC and DC. I feel it trying to destroy my spirit through many disguises. This one has hit the core of my being extremely hard. I’m curious to see what will come out of all of this suffering.

    • Yes, by the very nature of these planets it had\s been drawn out ab\nd painful for many of us. It IS easing up now.

  4. Hello Jamie
    I have Saturn transiting my sun (born 20 Dec 1964 at 1:05 in the morning). Since December 2015 I’ve had lung problems (post-flu). I’ve had scans that show my bronchial tubes have narrowed a bit so am on asthma medication. However, I’ve always been very healthy (apart from having horrible chesty flu every December for the last 6 years, and when I was a child!) I also have lots of transiting planets in (or about to enter my 12th house :-/). I have natal sun conjunct mercury opposite north node in 3rd house. Is any of this significant or could this ongoing illness be due to my Saturn transit (and Chiron return)? Thanks for any enlightenment.

    • Hi Kate, when you give time of birth you also need to give place of birth. So without knowing your ASc and exact Moon, I don’t see Saturn square Neptune having affected you. Lungs are rules in medical astrology by the fixed stars from about 15 Gemini to 20 Cancer, so maybe related to natal Moon. Check you chart against the list of fixed stars.

  5. Hello Jamie
    Thank you for this info – I’ll look at my natal moon. Sorry I forgot birth place – it is Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK.
    Many thanks!

    • This is a good transit for you intuition:

      Neptune trine Moon transit
      14 Mar 2017
      06 Dec 2017 Rx
      13 Jan 2018

      Saturn conjunct Sun transit is one pass only 11 Dec 2017

  6. This transit has been the antithesis of freedom for me and all year i’ve been mentally tormented by men and the subject of love, or more like anti-love. I’ve been conflicted between love and anti-love all year long. It has left me asking myself some very ugly questions.

  7. Good morning Jamie, great gratitude for all of your shared work with astrology! Thank you!
    I have Saturn square Neptune in my natal and now a transit of Saturn conjunct my Neptune in the 6th, Saturn transit squaring my natal Saturn and soon Saturn approaching my 7th house cusp. I’d love any nuggets of advice or notes from you as to how to juice the most out of this Saturn saturated time. And perhaps when I might expect a bit of relief.. ; )
    Thank you kindly Jamie!

  8. Oops! here is my birth info: 03/03/1980 denver, colorado 11:34 in the morning.
    Thank you!

  9. I had Saturn transiting my 6th house in opposition to Neptune in the 12th.back in the day. A most difficult year ever for me as I was ill and temporarily separated from my children. I had left an abusive spouse but had to give up all my home, friends, pet and personal belongings and move across country with my children. There is never a clear picture ahead for one when Neptune clouds the present and future picture. It was a year I never wish to repeat but guilt in leaving my pet still haunts me. However, with work and patience one can overcome a messy situation and look back realizing one can overcome. Saturn gives work and responsibility and Neptune gives one faith and the spirit to carry on.

  10. Last June I lost my husband of 30 years..i am still reeling with grief and shock..I’m just treading water, and I was just told I have a Saturn square Neptune from feb 2019 to Nov. 2019. I don’t usually ask such questions..but the thought of any more heaviness feels almost more than I can handle. Could you possibly give me any details that might be positive and helpful about this transit. Thank-you so much Mimi

  11. Mimi, I have it in my natal chart and can suggest, even if you aren’t aware of having artistic ability, try. My first couple pieces were pretty bad but I found latent talent and ability that added to my life greatly. I began painting at a very low point in my own life without any training or even awareness that I could. Artistic expression may come in the form of community theatre or chorus, playing an instrument or producing tangible works by hand, or in cooking. Food is also an art. What you are feeling in your soul can be transmuted. These expressive forms do provide a respite from thoughts and inner dialogue as well as becoming something beautiful or resonant. I wish you all the best.

  12. Is this article talking about transit Saturn square natal Neptune?
    I see from the list below it that they may be talking about Saturn
    square Neptune at a present, specific moment.

  13. During 2020, Have transit Saturn in 4th house Capricorn, square natal Neptune in first in Scorpio. Also, this dances with Transit Neptune in 6th square Sun in 3rd. It’s HELL. I hate Hard Neptune… at worst it dissolves life and purpose.

  14. I have Sun in 12th house opposite Neptune in 6th. A Saturn transit in Aquarius is squaring both those planets from the midheaven. What should I do not to foul up too badly?

  15. Hi Jamie, How come there is a lack of the other way around aspect description. For example i am looking for Neptune square natal Saturn, but this description which is the only one available is the Saturn squaring natal Neptune but there isn’t one that’s the opposite way around?.

    Should I consider Saturn square Neptune the same as the aspect of transit Neptune squaring natal Saturn? Thank You and keep up the great work! This is my main astrology description site that I use. Love it!

    • Hi Harris. I am slowly getting to write all such transits. But it will be somewhat similar to the other way around.

  16. Ugh, Saturn in Aquarius 17 degrees will square my natal Saturn in scorpio in the 4th house a little later this winter, and the same square will square natal Juno tightly conjunct natal Saturn. And will be 150 degrees from natal mars 17 degrees Virgo. My husband died from cancer in August, right when Pluto at 24 capicorn was tightly conjunct my descendent, and neptune was tightly square my Sagittarius 20 degree moonwhich is tighlty conjunct the north node AND Lilith, all in 5th house. I have been grieving very deeply, his death really shattered me. This upcoming square looks like it could trigger more suffering over his death. I am having a hard time in every area of my life already, not sure if I can endure more. Is there any way to transform this energy into something more constructive? I have intensely suffered all my life from my mothers rejection of me…that’s how Saturn seems to have affected me. She was VERY cold, and disinherited 3 of her 4 children when she died at age 94 in 2020. My very toxic younger sister (her favorite who deliberately worked to alienate my mother from us ) got everything, Younger sister sent us a final hate letter from my mother that was embedded in her will via registered mail when she passed. So this could also do involve more persecution from my little sister too (mars is in the 3rd house). Any hope?

    • Hello Helen,

      God Speed

      Resolution #1.

      Practice doing nothing.

      Who is the doer?
      Who is the watcher?

      Do nothing,and just observe nature and watch.
      Let the mind(doer)do it’s thing and let it go.

      Go past the resistance.
      Feel the emotions coming up.

      No judgement,
      just feel and experience,
      it will pass and lose the momentum/unreleased energy.

      No distractions,no attachments,
      do absolutely nothing.

      Blood family here on earth,
      are just that.

      Unless you have and or had a connection,
      i mean here,present or past.

      Disconnect,from those who do not,
      tie in with your ‘being’
      and who you are.

      Know that,
      Past connections,
      the deceased,
      ‘ARE’ assisting you.

      Free your mind,the monkey mind,
      Feel and release emotions.

      Do nothing,
      get comfortable in this space.

      The answers will then come to you.

      Doors open.


  17. Saturn goes retro on 16 -17th June 2023
    It’s squaring my natal Neptune again. Neptune is close to my ASC. Could that be the reason why I have gained weight and it’s not going down no matter what I try? What rules the weight in medical astrology?

    • Hello Jo
      It’s my understanding that Jupiter…the planet of expansion…could be responsible for weight gain…I believe especially if possibly aspects or transiting your first house…maybe other houses too but I’m not positive…
      Medical astrology is quite fascinating and helpful to know…some family members I have are diabetic and Jupiter seems to be the culprit…
      Jupiter is currently in Taurus in my 9th house…(Jupiter rules 9th house)…I weigh more now than I ever have in my life…
      I hope that helps answer your question…
      Wishing you many blessings 🤲

  18. Hi Jaimie, I have this in Natal within .5 orb – GREAT description. This aspect is the choice between the lower or higher expressions of Neptune that one wishes to experience.

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