Mars square Saturn natal creates difficulty in self-expression. The main areas affected by the limiting influence of Saturn are your passionate desire...
Read MoreSun conjunct Venus natal is the personification of love, peace, and beauty. You are an affectionate and refined person with a rich social life who lov...
Read MoreSun Conjunct Venus Natal and Transit
Mars trine Uranus natal makes you original, resourceful, decisive, adventurous, energetic, analytical and inventive. With a strong desire for independ...
Read MoreMars Trine Uranus Natal and Transit
The New Moon on 14 August 2015 falls just within Leo decan 3. At 21 degrees Leo, this new moon also falls in the Leo Constellation, on a star in...
Read MoreNew Moon August 2015 New Love
Denebola at 21°37′ Virgo has an orb of 2°10′ The Sun joins Denebola on September 14 Fixed star Denebola, Beta Leonis, is a single star in the ta...
Read MoreFixed Star Denebola
Jupiter opposite Neptune natal gives a curious intellect. You question the reality or truth of things most others take for granted. The facts of a mat...
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